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Chapter 1185 Honeycomb

 Perhaps he was irritated, or perhaps he was trapped in the mental portal left by Dr. Zhang and could no longer escape at will. In short, Tang Guangbo did not let go and left. Instead, he waved his hand to expand the space between the two of them, trying to build the previous cage again.


However, the eyes outside the space did not give up. The pressure exerted repeatedly compressed the expanded areas back. And as more eyes gathered, Tang Guangbo's dial was deformed under the load, and it seemed that it could no longer hold up.


Xu Huo was shocked more than once by how powerful Dr. Zhang was. Although he had a premonition before the treatment began that this person might have great attainments in spiritual evolution, it was unexpected that a spiritual portal in his memory could have such strength.

When Tang Guangbo was fighting with his eyes, he once again opened up the spiritual world. This time the library unfolded smoothly and even opened up the space for a time. However, it was soon counterattacked and was crushed instantly.

Tang Guangbo's dial was also crushed this time. When the space was broken, both of them were dispersed by the incoming eyes and were involved in different eyes.

Entering the eye world means that the consciousness will wander. What may seem like a moment from the outside may be very long and painful in this mental space... This is not the first time that Xu Huo has experienced such pain, but he has not experienced it before.

memories, so this time it is a fresh start, and because he has begun spiritual evolution, it is easier to enter these worlds and harder to escape.

However, he knew very well that the portal created by Dr. Zhang was to train him, so there must be a suitable exit.

Wandering in the world of eyes despite the pressure and pain, switching through countless spaces, and even encountered the eye that saved his library twice, and finally found something different from the entire portal space when passing between the two eyes.

——That is a hexagonal pattern.

Xu Huo reached out to grab it, only to find that he had entered a more complex world, a place that was densely packed with hexagonal entrances and exits like a honeycomb, and he was standing on one of the hexagons.

"Hive..." he whispered, "no wonder there are more spaces behind this door than ants."

Generally, the complexity of the spiritual world is related to the evolution level of the evolver. The stronger the control, the more complex the spiritual world created at the beginning. Moreover, once the spiritual world is created, it will generally not change later, so the evolver is super at the beginning.

During evolution, in order to make it easy to control, he would not create an overly complicated spiritual world - compared to his infinitely repetitive library, Bai Kou's mechanical world is simple. Who would imagine his spiritual world as a


The honeycomb holes in front of him seemed to be endless, and one could imagine that the internal structure must be complicated. Xu Huo stood at the door for two seconds and planned to exit, but unexpectedly, a hand suddenly pushed him from behind.

That's a child's hand.

Xu Huo slid into the honeycomb, and the glare passed quickly in front of his eyes. After a while, he reached the end of the honeycomb hole, and when he looked up, he saw his childhood self and Dr. Zhang standing behind him.

Dr. Zhang held the shoulders of childhood Xu Huo and looked at the hive with him. "The human spiritual world is more complex than any object in the real world, even the most advanced mechanical human brain."

"Thirty-six thousand thoughts can flash through a person's mind in a flash. Crisis management, human judgment, and the bottom line of good and evil can all be dealt with in less than a second. The highest control a person has over himself is to control his spirit. Once

The mind can be controlled, the body, other people, and the world can all be controlled."

This dangerous man said in a low and authentic voice: "No external object can be as trustworthy as one's own mind, Xu Huo, you must trust your own judgment under any circumstances. People can die because of their own miscalculation, but they must not stumble because of other people's stupidity."

,Putting anything on others is the behavior of a weak person."

Xiao Xu Huo, who was opposite Xu Huo, raised his head and looked up at the man, "Doctor, do you want to place your hopes on me?"

Dr. Zhang smiled softly, lowered his head and said to him, "To the doctor, you are more like tentacles growing out of the mind. Human lifespan and strength are limited. I hope you can complete something on my behalf. This is your existence."


Xiao Xu Huo was very good at learning and asked again: "For us, are doctors just like tentacles?"

"You can say that." Dr. Zhang didn't seem to be a dictatorial person, "But I hope you can complete the tasks I assigned before treating others as tentacles."

Little Xu Huo stretched out a hand and touched the box, "I am also a tentacle born from my parents. I want to stay with them and my brother."

"You can go back soon." Dr. Zhang looked at him with earnest eyes, "We will meet again when you grow up."

"When was that?" Xiao Xu Huo asked.

Doctor Zhang did not answer this question, but glanced into the spiritual portal. Then the honeycomb hole suddenly moved and the two people disappeared from Xu Huo's eyes.

Xu Huo intuitively said that the goodbye mentioned by Dr. Zhang should be when Xu Zhi died. He rushed forward and tore open the hive, trying to bring back the memory just now. Unfortunately, there was darkness behind the hive, and he was also touched by the hand stretched out from behind.

Pull back!

Tang Guangbo pulled him back to the eye world and warned him expressionlessly: "If you still want to get out alive, don't go any further."

Xu Huo calmed down a little, "I haven't found the exit yet."

He had to at least find the exit before he could complete his third evolution.

"Didn't you find it already?" Tang Guangbo asked him, "You entered through the spiritual portal and exited through the hive exit. This has completed the third evolution, which is enough for you to digest for a while."

Seeing that he hesitated to leave, Tang Guangbo opened the door with a clock and forcibly took him out of the eye world.

The two returned to the treatment room just now, but this time Tang Guangbo did not try to imprison him, because the moment they came out, Xu Huo's library had already appeared.

This library building has only one spiral staircase, no tables, no objects, and hundreds of floors.

Xu Huo stood in front of the stairs and asked calmly, "I want to enter the spiritual portal again."

Even though he had mastered Qi-nurturing skills, Tang Guangbo flatly refused this time, "I won't help you again this time."

Xu Huo understood that he was able to find the Hive World so smoothly, thanks to the checks and balances between him and the Eye World. Although it was a bit regretful, he had to accept it as soon as possible so that he could meet again later.

"I'll go out and take a look at the bridge."

After saying that, he opened the door and returned to the dark space before, and came to the broken bridge again. One of the two bridges in the shadow was already touching each other, but the crack in the middle was not repaired, and the alignment was not so neat.

Looking at another broken bridge, Xu Huo knelt down and patted the bridge deck, "The days ahead are long."

This chapter has been completed!
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