Turn off the lights
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Chapter 1270 Night

"Really?" The principal's squinted eyes widened, as if he felt the same joy, and said: "Xiaohe has a bright future, so don't forget to give back to the park in the future."

Xiaohe smiled reservedly, "Don't worry, I will come back often in the future."

The principal signed their signatures and watched them leave with a smile. After a moment, he said meaningfully: "You will know when you get out. It is better to be outside than in the park."

"When these children reach the age, must they leave the park? Are they adopted?" Xu Huo asked aloud.

"That's not true," the principal turned around, keeping his smiling face, "They are all children with very high genetic test scores. Such children are suitable for evolution and will most likely become players in the future, especially the one named

Xiaohe’s children have the best genetic test results among their peers.”

"Outstanding children like this will slowly be absorbed by others. When they graduate from the park at the age of 16, they can accept their families in advance, learn the knowledge of players, and fly into the sky when they become players in the future."

Xu Huo smiled when he heard this.

The director also laughed.

Don't say you don't know if you will become a player yet. Even if you become a player, it is not as good as soaring into the sky. Entering the game is just the beginning, not to mention that the hardship of survival does not only come from the game.

Judging from what Xu Huo has learned so far, there are probably three destinations for the orphans in Flower City. One is like the children just now, who passed genetic testing and were raised as reserve players.

Divided between different forces.

The second type is like what Chen Chou said, they are kept as slaves or pets, mostly those who are beautiful or cute.

After filtering out the first two types, what remains is the third type. After they leave the welfare park, they will become the most ordinary members of Flower City. Some may be able to find jobs, while more people may have to rely on welfare to survive, and then contribute to the city.

population contributes.

None of these three destinations can be said to be good, because Flower City itself is a twisted city. The seemingly clean surface is actually just an extreme suppression of ordinary people's desires and human nature. Sooner or later, problems will occur. Maybe they have already occurred, but

Under strong government control, there is no disclosure.

As the director said, Flower City is no better than the seemingly unfree garden.

The game world is similar everywhere.

"Sir, are you the gentleman who came to donate just now?" A girl caught up with him panting, with a bright smile on her energetic face, and handed him a bouquet of flowers, "Thank you for your concern for us, we

There is nothing else to thank you for. This is a flower planted by the children in our park, and the director specially asked me to give it to you."

"Thank you." Xu Huo took it.

The girl was not in a hurry to leave. She hesitated and asked, "Are you a player from outside the area? Can I ask you a few questions?"

Xu Huo gestured to her to ask.

"Our teachers often say that many children in other districts died in the chaos, and even those who survived were unable to eat. Is it true?"

"It's better to see it with your own eyes than to listen to what others say." Xu Huo said.

"I don't have the talent to be a player." The girl said a little disappointed, but she quickly smiled again, "But the principal has promised me to stay in the park and become a teacher in the future."

"You must be a very powerful player to be able to come to Flower City. What level of player do you need to be to be able to walk freely in different zones like you?"

"That's a good question," Xu Huo thought for a while and said, "Be careful, maybe a C-level player can do it."

The girl was surprised for a moment, "You are different from what others said. My teacher and the guests who came here said that only A-level players and super players can do it."

Xu Huo laughed, "Don't you believe it too? Otherwise, I wouldn't have asked for confirmation again."

The girl nodded seriously, "I will remember your words and tell my students all this in the future."

"Do you have any wishes for them?" Xu Huo asked.

The girl hesitated for a moment before saying: "You may laugh at me when I say this. I want to tell my students that when they can walk freely in the game, they must rescue the children they can and let them come to Flower City.

Grow up without any worries."

Xu Huo nodded solemnly, "This is a very great wish."

The girl couldn't help but smile and waved to him, "Then I'll go back first. Goodbye, sir."

When he walked out of the welfare park, Xu Huo felt better. When he returned to the hotel, he asked the staff to bring a vase and put the bouquet he brought back.

These are non-threatening cultivated varieties, with rich colors, beautiful shapes, and small plants, which are very suitable for vase viewing.

Xu Huo placed the vase by the window and lay down nearby to rest.

Time soon came to night, and colorful beams of light lit up in the city center, illuminating the entire city and seeming to have a different kind of beauty - like a giant flower blooming over the city.

I don’t know who originally started this as a hobby, but it’s rare for it to be carried out so thoroughly.

The city center is much more lively at night, and most of the outsiders like Xu Huo come to join in the fun. Most people in Flower City stay indoors and do not interact with outsiders.

"Do you think the virtual interior looks like a birdcage?" Some players started to have friction with the locals, ridiculing the light and shadow barriers made by instruments used for simple partitions.

These words made people angry. People from Flower City who could go out to spend money at night had some money or background, and most of them were accompanied by players. As soon as he finished speaking, someone made a move, but just when the player from the outer area and his companions were about to use props.

, several medium-sized aircraft surrounded them, showing their weapons and warning them not to use force, otherwise they would be forcibly expelled.

The people from Flower City who also took action were protected by aircraft.

If you take action at this time, you will definitely suffer a loss, and under the eyes of Flower City as if looking at monkeys, those players left angrily.

"Don't let a few people who have never seen the world disturb our fun. Carol is coming tonight. I don't know if he will go up to the top floor. Just let me take a look. Let me take a look!"

A woman from Flower City held her face in her hands and looked longingly in the direction of the club, "I will definitely have a sweet dream when I go back!"

There are many women who hold the same idea, and even many men come to Carol Field.

The street became lively, and everyone was immersed in having fun. Soon several men and women appeared on the top floor of the club, looking down through the railings.

Someone in the crowd screamed. Those people were all famous people in Flower City, and they were all of the younger generation. They were very popular. One of the long-haired young men blew a kiss downwards, then turned around and said: "Kay."

Luo Er, why don't you come over and take a look?"

This chapter has been completed!
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