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Chapter 1307 Human-shaped Diamond

"Mirror Xu Huo" looks like a person with self-awareness, but in fact he only smiles "anthropomorphically" at Xu Huo every time he passes by him. When he goes to other places, he just repeats it mechanically.

Xu Huo's previous walking posture.

However, changes were still taking place in this mental space, that is, every time he passed in front of Xu Huo, the distance he walked would become longer, and the street scene opposite began to be replicated on a large scale.

The spiritual space that might have been the dungeon venue was definitely not that simple. Xu Huo thought for a while and then chose another underground station to enter.

After a while, "Mirror Xu Huo" also came down. Similarly, mirror spaces appeared everywhere he walked, even occupying the original underground passage and opening up a new space in the metal layer.

Xu Huo then left the underground station through another exit. The moment he stood at the gate, "Mirror Xu Huo" also walked to him and copied a gate next to him.

Their eyes met, "Jingmian Xuhuo" smiled at him again, then took a step past him and walked forward.

The speed of copying the spiritual world has accelerated. In the past, the scenery where "Mirror Xu Huo" walked through would gradually take shape. But now, as long as his body has touched the place, the scenery will be covered immediately, like dye that has been blown out.


This mirror world is not copied in a completely symmetrical style, so the final spiritual world often has conflicts. Streets and buildings are suddenly connected, or there are many places where two buildings are directly integrated. The whole world looks like

It was pieced together haphazardly.

Xu Huo cannot enter the world copied by "Mirror Xu Huo" at will. He must use his mental power to break open it as before.

"Mirror Xu Huo" can disappear at will and appear at any time. A new world will be formed wherever he walks and occupy the space of the original spiritual world. It is estimated that Xu Huo will be trapped in a narrow corridor in less than half a day.


After destroying several mirror worlds in succession, Xu Huo instead tried to limit "Mirror Xu Huo".

However, the library cannot trap him. It seems that because "Mirror Xu Huo" represents him, once he leaves the library, "Mirror Xu Huo" will immediately follow him, and if he stays in the library, "Mirror Xu Huo" will

” will copy his library very slowly.

The concrete objects in the spiritual world can actually materialize the spiritual symbols of another person... Xu Huo was worried that he would continue to copy his library, so he had no choice but to release him.

He was not sure whether this "mirror man" was directly related to him, so Xu Huo did not take action against him. He could only continue to destroy the streets he copied.

So soon the spiritual world turned into spots. The copied street scenes were scattered in the original city center. Some overlapped with the original buildings, and some were blocked in the streets and alleys. There was a layer outside these mirrored parts.

A barrier that is invisible and cannot be directly sensed, and can only be known through touch.

Continuously materializing mental power consumes a lot of energy, not to mention such a battle of attrition. In less than half a day, Xu Huo was exhausted.

This is the most exhausted time he has experienced since his spiritual evolution. After his energy is exhausted, physical fatigue will follow. The cooling time of the "Idealistic Gate" has not yet passed, but he must try to get out.

He tried the three newly purchased props for mental interference one by one. The best one could barely cause fluctuations in the mental space, and the other two had no reaction at all - but they did not affect the mental world at all.

Can't get out.

When he had a slight headache, "Jingmian Xu Huo" appeared in front of him and followed his example and rubbed his temples.

Although he had long known that this was a means of interference in the spiritual world, Xu Huo still felt a little irritated. He felt that the blood vessels in his entire head were beating violently.

Seeing that the world around him was gradually filling up again, he placed the "Idealistic Door" next to the door and simply sat down to rest. But at this time, something unexpected happened, and the library in his spiritual world actually appeared on its own!

He automatically switched to the bottom of the library building. The white floors were spread out one by one, then the surrounding rooms, and then the suspended stairs. Unlike the previous time when he went from top to bottom, this time the library appeared from the bottom and gradually upwards.

Xu Huo stood up immediately, but a new staircase suddenly rose under his feet. When the spiral staircase took him up, he accidentally touched the table that had just been formed next to him, but he heard a crisp sound - this was not a normal collision sound.

When he raised his hand, he found that his palm had turned into an object like a rhombus.

The fingers can still move, but they have become obviously dull. On the contrary, "Mirror Xu Huo" standing three steps away from him and below him has become more flexible and lifelike.

What a super player leaves behind, even if it is just a destroyed dungeon site, cannot be underestimated.

Xu Huo ignored the hand that was gradually turning into a mirror, and looked up at the darkness gradually falling above him. After another white light passed by him, he entered a new space.

In the pure white space, there are diamonds broken into human shapes all over the floor, some of which are still covered with clothes. It looks like a person was petrified and then shattered from the inside, so that the human shape and clothes are generally maintained.

Xu Huo knelt down and picked up two of them, confirming that they were real things. However, he couldn't help but find it unbelievable. It was impossible for people to really turn into stones. This was just a kind of mental interference. Could it be that people could believe that they turned into stones?

Turn into stone without interference from outside objects?

Maybe a player with a super-evolved body can do it, but simple mental interference may not.

Whether he is using spiritual power to interfere with reality and confuse truth and falsehood, or moving in a closed place, the essence is still the influence of the human spirit on matter, just like he can use this spiritual world to pass through people's bodies, but no matter he is still being

The people he met were still the same people, but they had achieved a certain coexistence without interfering with each other, instead of changing from people to another kind of object or existence.

"It can't be a real person." "Mirror Xu Huo" didn't follow, and Xu Huo didn't intend to go out, so he picked up the stone nearby.

Half a meter away from him, a stone trembled.

"Still alive?" Xu Huo raised his eyebrows, and the next second he picked up the stone and put it in the palm of his hand, "Move it."

There was no response from the stone. He thought for a moment, then put the stone back, and piled up the other scattered stones according to the position of his clothes.

The scene of being transformed into a living person did not appear, but the patterns on Xu Huo's palms had faded to his fingers. He covered the face of the diamond man with one of his hats, "People will not turn into stone. Of course, it will not necessarily happen if they are burned."


(End of chapter)

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