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Chapter 1425 Eliminate Evil Education

"But the first one should be a copy composed entirely of fairy tales." Duan Chengdao: "The specific content is not clear, but I guess the mode of the copy may be to participate in fairy tales."

"I have never made such a copy before," Li Kun continued: "Even if there is a fairy tale copy, it only borrows a background, and the rest is similar to a normal copy."

"Since it is a fairy tale copy and it was born in District 002, it should be based on the fairy tales in District 002." Xu Huo said: "Have you bought the fairy tale book?"

"No," Li Kun was stunned for a moment, "At least there are more than 10,000 fairy tale books. How long have you finished reading them all?"

"You don't need to read them all," Yan Jiayu said: "We can buy copies and bring them in for comparison. Just read which story, and the stories in the copies cannot be exactly the same as the fairy tales. Bringing the fairy tale book is just for comparison.

It’s just a reference.”

Moreover, fairy tales are generally not long and easy to read.

"I was wrong." Li Kun waved his hand, "For the fairy tale copy, what other preparations do you think need to be made?"

"If the entire copy is a complete fairy tale world, you can consider dressing up." Xu Huo said: "Or bring something that children like."

Li Kun and Duan Cheng looked at each other, and the latter said: "It shouldn't be necessary. Although it is a fairy tale world, it is legal for players to enter. Even if an identity is required, the game will be rationalized."

"Be prepared." Xu Huo paused, "What do you think?"

"I customized a prop and need to pick it up. It will take about half a day." Duan Cheng hesitated and said, "It's not that urgent."

"Then let's set out at night." Li Kun said, "You should also prepare daily necessities."

After a brief communication between a few people, the time was set at seven o'clock in the evening.

The things Xu Huo wanted to buy were on Two-Fifths Avenue. He and Yan Jiayu could change streets after they came out, but Duan Cheng and Li Kun took a car and headed out.

"That Duan Cheng is dishonest." Yan Jiayu watched the car disappear at the end of the street and said, "He should know something about the copy."

Xu Huo also noticed it, but it was normal, "Just be careful."

Yan Jiayu nodded, and the two entered the children's mall.

Yan Jiayu is quite experienced in choosing toys that children like. He can find all kinds of weird things. Xu Huo just bought some candies and dolls that children like.

Seeing that he didn't buy much, Yan Jiayu said: "You can buy more of whatever you want. My luggage compartment is big, you can put it here."

Xu Huo was not polite. When preparing water and food later, he bought three times the usual amount. He also bought a set of sunflower-shaped protective clothing on her strong recommendation, and she had her eye on a Tyrannosaurus rex suit.

In addition, Yan Jiayu also bought a lot of gadgets, such as stimulation spray, super glue and electric shock device.

"As long as you can touch people, these gadgets are sometimes better than props," she said.

Xu Huo agreed that when strength and speed are dominant, most tools become cumbersome.

After preparing the fairy tale book, the two went to the comprehensive mail terminal near Fifth Avenue to check out copies of the fairy tale.

Platinum Eye is different from other cities. The dungeon guides purchased by the government can be sold in different levels. For example, the first level is basic content, which introduces the background of the dungeon and the basic layout of the dungeon. The second level is low-rated customs clearance guides.

, the third level is the high-rated clearance guide, the first and second levels are relatively cheap, and are very friendly to players.

After paying for the right to use the terminal machine, Xu Huo retrieved a copy of the fairy tale and divided it into two screens to read with Yan Jiayu.

Because there were a lot of them, the two chose five D-level, three C-level, and three B-level fairy tale dungeons to look at. After half an hour, they had a basic idea of ​​the fairy tale dungeons in Area 002.

To put it simply, the fairy tales in the dungeon in Area 002 are different from those that Xu Huo and Xu Huo are familiar with.

In Area 014, whether they are positive fairy tales or dark fairy tales praising truth, goodness and beauty, they all have a common core, that is, they have some kind of warning and educational significance. Even if they are relatively obscure, fairy tales can be adapted from folk tales or written by writers.

Everything created is the result of the collision of human thought and culture, and naturally abides by human moral concepts, that is, the distinction between good and evil.

Evil deeds will receive retribution and punishment, while kindness will receive good feedback or rewards - this is also more in line with human nature.

But the fairy tales in Area 002 have abandoned one aspect, causing the balance of good and evil to become unbalanced. Whether it is the fairy tales mentioned in the background of the copy or the fairy tale books they purchased, all evil deeds are not allowed.

For example, ship fare evasion or petty theft, things that are tolerated by the Platinum Eye and are not even considered crimes, are punishable by death in fairy tales - no matter what evil deeds are, as long as they happen in fairy tales,

All shall be put to death.

In District 002, this is called "elimination of crime" education. Children are told before their three views are formed that the ultimate cause of crime is death, and it is a cruel death. Only in this way can the "no crime" be planted in their minds.

thoughts, and as they grow older and deepen their understanding of society, they will gradually understand that their behavior can be relaxed.

The highly developed civilization and the popularity of robots can prevent some bad sprouts and minimize instability before they fully understand the world. It is worth mentioning that, including the Platinum Eye,

In many cities in Zone 002, citizens must study law and take exams.

"Isn't this treating a newborn child as an adult?" Yan Jiayu said, "It's really pitiful to have no childhood."

Xu Huo just checked the crime rate of Platinum Eyes. It is obvious that most citizens accept this kind of children's education and have benefited a lot.

"If the new copy is the same as the fairy tale, it may not be easy to pass." Yan Jiayu said.

There is truth, goodness and beauty in the fairy tale world, but since all criminals can be executed unreasonably, it means that the dungeon has a way to achieve this result. Either the players who enter it are restrained, or the force responsible for law enforcement is extremely powerful, let alone destroying the dungeon.

Sometimes even players who fight each other may be sentenced to death.

"Look on the bright side, at least it's relatively safe in the dungeon." Xu Huo closed the letter gathering terminal and saw that it was still early, so he left the city.

There are random dungeons in Area 002, but in a city like Platinum Eye, any random dungeon that appears will be immediately monitored, so he had to go outside the city. He didn't see Little Pink Riding Hood last time, so he took advantage of the fact that he hadn't entered the dungeon yet.

Try your luck.

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