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Chapter 1428 The Relatively Real World

There are obvious differences in appearance between Gem City residents and players, but this does not mean that players cannot change their appearance and disguise themselves as Gem City people. But can they blend in with Gem City residents just by changing their appearance and clothing?

This is not necessarily true. If disguise is really that easy, those players shouldn't be hanged.

"Do you think the people of Gemstone City have a way to distinguish between locals and outsiders?" Yan Jiayu instantly understood what he meant, "I'll go out in disguise and try."

Although he felt it was not necessary, Xu Huo still agreed and said: "You can pay attention to other players."

After Yan Jiayu left, Xu Huo sat in the room for a while before going to the backstage of the performance venue.

There are also some props used by the circus and some old leaflets stored here.

The main items promoted by the flyers are different each time, but they also switch between magic, acrobatics and animal performances. It can be seen that magic is more popular. One-third of the flyers over the years focus on magic, followed by other programs.


Putting the flyer back on the table, he walked around in other places before returning to the stage backdrop and pulling open a movable wooden board underneath.

"Haha!" A child's unique high-pitched laughter came out, and a bald boy crawled out, showing his gaping teeth and said: "You caught me!"

This child was not among the children who received the candy just now. He probably hid in while the adults were busy. Xu Huo wiped the dust from his face and asked, "Why are you hiding here alone?"

The little bald man pushed his hand away and asked instead, "Can you do magic?"

"You know a little bit." Xu Huo nodded, "Do you like magic?"

The little bald man looked up at him, "Then will you become a living person?"

"This is a bit difficult." Xu Huo touched his chin.

The little bald man dug in his pocket and took out two finger-sized gems and handed them to him, "I'll give you the gems. Can you conjure up my parents for a while? I want to talk to them."

But after saying that, he clenched his fists and took the gem back, saying, "I won't give it to you until you become it."

Xu Huo knelt down and looked at the boy, "Where are your parents?"

"They were killed by outside thieves. Those people just wanted to rob my family of gems." At such a young age, he still cannot fully understand the meaning of hatred, and he misses his parents who are no longer around.

"Have those thieves been caught?" Xu Huo asked.

"Executed." The little bald man moved two small performance stools next to him like a little adult. After finishing them, he said: "Uncles and aunts all said that my parents have become stars in the sky, and they will all become stars after death.

A star? If that thief also turned into a star, would he still bully his parents? "

Xu Huo sat down opposite him, "Look at the stars in the sky. Some are very close and some are very far away. If they all turned into stars, the thieves should be far away from them."

The little bald man thought it made sense and said, "It would be great if they really turned into stars."

Obviously the child also had his own thoughts and did not completely believe what the adults said, but he then said: "Then can you change the stars?"

"This is also difficult." Xu Huo thought for a moment and said, "But I recently got a magical mirror that allows you to see the person you miss the most. But after all, this is a treasure and can only be used once, so...


The little bald man jumped down from the chair and put the gem into his hand, "This is the deposit, and I can give you two more."

Xu Huo smiled and put the gem back in his hand, "I have never used this mirror, so I don't know if it can be used... Well, you can bring your parents' photos over tomorrow night and try it.

, if it succeeds, I will collect your gems."

The little bald man smiled and high-fived him, "Then it's settled!"

The child skipped away, and Xu Huo turned around and looked in the direction of the corridor.

Li Kun came out of the darkness and asked tentatively: "These people are all NPCs in the dungeon, and they are also fairy tale dungeons. They are not even real people. You can just deal with them perfunctorily. There is no need to bother."

"They are alive in the dungeon." Xu Huo did not explain much. Li Kun's words were not wrong, but this could not be treated simply as a false world. After all, the players who were hanged were real.

When players enter the fairy tale world, whether they become part of the fairy tale or the fairy tale world becomes the real world, it all shows one problem. Their environment is relatively real, and the residents of Gem City who seem to be inconsistent with ordinary people's understanding are also real.

Yes, they inherited all the emotions in this context.

Judging from the description of the dungeon background alone, this fairy tale world is actually impeccable, and it is almost impossible for players to find a breakthrough.

"Anything gained from the Pudding Tavern?" Xu Huo asked.

"It's a little bit." Li Kun said: "The king of Gem City is indeed offering a reward for the thief, and the arrest team in the tavern was established under the king's order. The expenses and rewards of the arrest team are provided by the king. The first-hand person who steals gems

The information is also public."

"Too little information?" Xu Huo answered.

"This is the first-hand information," Li Kun said. "No one has ever seen the thief's face. He only left a footprint in the garden. He didn't even say what the stolen gems looked like."

"Footprints can reveal a lot of information." Xu Huo said.

"That's true, but before us, someone had inferred the thief's height and shape based on the footprints and caught several people, but none of them turned out to be thieves."

"Since no one has seen the thief, how can we judge whether the person caught is a thief?" Xu Huo's thoughts changed, "The king deliberately concealed the information about the gem?"

"It looks like this," Li Kun said speechlessly: "Almost everyone in Gem City carries gems. Without more detailed information, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack, but it is said that the castle does not use gems to judge the identity of thieves.

But the king once saw the thief’s back.”

"Some players also asked to meet the king to ask about the specific process, and the reply was that the king fell sick and sad because of the stolen gems."

You don't need to look at Xu Huo to guess the expressions of the players who ran to the tavern after learning the news, "Has anyone tried to enter the King's Castle through other means?"

"Sneakly entering the king's castle will be judged as a thief." This is what really troubles Li Kun. In Gem City, as long as it is not a tavern or a semi-open place like a hotel, anyone who enters without the owner's invitation may be judged as a thief.

Thieves, the guards in the city will immediately seize them. If caught, they will be punished by death.

After all, there are not many players entering the Pudding Tavern, so so far, no one has tried to explore the chain reactions that breaking the law will cause.

This chapter has been completed!
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