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Chapter 1490 Convincing

 The female player smiled, "Isn't it obvious? He can't fight with us."

"Can you please stop being so pretentious and just say it's OK?" the person from the Moshi Water Store said impatiently.

"As far as I know, mental interference is very expensive for players, not to mention that he is targeting so many of us. Excessive mental consumption will cause weakness or even fainting. This is not a small risk for him, but he still has to take risks.

Doing this means that it is not convenient for him to fight with us, and he is unwilling to leave after contacting us. I am afraid that he has to stay because he was injured."

"I'm probably going all out tonight to scare us away, so that we won't have trouble with him again in the future."

It sounded like that, but the person from the Moshi Water Shop said again, "How can you guarantee that that person was injured?"

"It's very simple, just try it and you will know." The female player said: "I grabbed a few small things in advance."

As she spoke, she took out a glass bottle and poured it on the ground, and several young children rolled out. She lifted one of them, put the blade of the knife at the child's throat and shouted to the hotel: "Friends, we have come so many

It doesn’t make sense that you don’t even show your face. I think you seem to like children very much. Whether he is dead or alive..."

Halfway through her words, there was the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground behind her. The female player turned around in shock, only to see that the people she had brought with her were all headless corpses, and there seemed to be two thin blood lines in the air.

And pass!

"Retreat!" The players in the Moshi Water Shop immediately retreated, and Jin Yu did the same. After the female player and the remaining player in the Chichi Water Shop distanced themselves, the two sides looked at each other in silence. No one moved or dared to move.


The female player froze for a few seconds before letting go of the child in her hand, but at this time a half-sitting figure seemed to appear on the second floor of the hotel. Her eyes lit up instantly, and she rushed up after the shadow, only to log in to the next door of the hotel.

Within seconds, she and another player from the Qingquan Water Shop who ran over at some point stabbed each other, and both fell to the ground.

In fact, other people present also saw the shadow on the second floor. Judging from the condition of the figure, it seemed that he was exhausted... But the death of the female player proved that this was just a trap, or even an illusion.

No one is willing to step forward without fear of death. As for avenging his dead companions at any cost? That is not necessary.

There was only one person, the player who was still looking at his cousin's body and rushed up to the second floor with hatred. The next second he rushed down blindly and pointed his weapon at the remaining players.

I understand that this may be because they want them to kill each other, but at this point, the people in Jinyu Shui Store and Moshi Shui Store have no choice but to take action.

Many to one, the result is no surprise.

When the two groups of people dealt with the crazy people and were hesitating whether to leave, a figure appeared again on the second floor.

"I've said it before, I won't offend anyone unless they offend me. Don't come again, otherwise no one will leave alive next time."

After the words fell, the aura that oppressed people from all directions seemed to suddenly disappear. Although the street was quiet, there was no sound like before. There were children hiding next to the hotel, and adults hiding in the houses in the distance to peek.

, the cool feeling of acid rain, the dim lights faintly visible in the distance - everything has returned to that normal slum.

Except for the bodies on the ground.

The remaining people from the two water shops did not dare to peep on the second floor of the hotel and took the body away silently. After walking out of their preset ambush circle, they counted the number of people. A total of thirty-three people came from the four water shops.

There were only six players left, and both the Chichi Water Store and Qingquan Water Store were wiped out.

The most frightening thing is that it is not the Chichi and Qingquan families, but the millstones and gold jade of a few people. The reason why they are still alive is entirely because Xu Huo wants to let the survivors go out to explain the situation in the hotel. He has seen with his own eyes how powerful the super evolutionaries are.

They had no intention of resisting at all and just wanted to send the person away peacefully.

This killing seemed to have killed a lot of people, but in fact it didn't last long. Each family lost several players, which was equivalent to being beaten to a disability. For a while, everyone was in danger, and some even thought of running away.


After all, you are a player, so even if you are shameless and go to other places to make a living, it is not impossible, it is just not as free as in the slums.

"Let's take a look again." Even if it is a slum, they have managed it with care, not to mention that this is a place that even those who have some strength are too lazy to look at it. It is safer to stay here than outside.

A storm came quickly and dissipated like foam in the water, leaving no trace behind. Even the buildings around the hotel remained the same. If it weren't for the bloodstains on the streets that couldn't be washed away, anyone would have thought it was a storm.


The next day, Xu Huo went out for a walk as usual, but this time he no longer walked into the slums, but outside.

There were many children following him who were unwilling to leave. They had experienced all the suffering in the world at a young age and did not even dare to blink for fear that he would disappear in the blink of an eye.

The slum is roughly divided into two parts: the inner and outer parts. The inner part is controlled by several water shops. They are of equal strength and there are many people who join together.

There are two forces outside, a casino and a dance hall.

These two places are players' territory and also places for other players to have fun.

That young man ran out from the underground palace of the ballroom.

Originally, the underground palace and the casino had people watching, so what happened last night could not be hidden from them. Naturally, they also knew how many players were lost in the water shop during the half hour of the quick battle, and Xu Huo's figure was still there.

Without even seeing it.

These two groups of people are much more honest and don't dare to follow them like they did yesterday.

Xu Huo walked all the way to the exit of the mountain.

Because he did not drive away the children behind him, the team grew larger and larger. Because the adults who were worried about the children following him saw him stepping out of the slum entrance, they pushed the children to stop in place, looking at them hopefully and uneasily.


They were worried that Xu Huo would leave like this, but also hoped that he would leave like this.

Few children in the slums come out, and the players who used to guard the door are also gone. They hold up broken pieces of wood or rags to block the rain falling from the sky. They look at the looming city outline in the distance through the turbid air and exclaim.

A low exclamation.

"It looks so beautiful there," a child said.

Xu Huo stopped for a moment and then turned back. As he passed the door, a young man dragging his right leg came over with a smile, "Sir, it's lunch time, what do you want to eat? We don't have anything good to entertain you here. You must not be used to it."

, my cooking skills are very good, how about you change the taste?"

Under his nervous gaze, Xu Huo nodded slightly, "Are there any fresh fruits for sale?"

This chapter has been completed!
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