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Chapter 1553 Seek help from players in the outer zone

 "I don't want to die..." someone sobbed.

These words seemed to expose everyone's pretense of strength, and even the Jin family could no longer maintain their previous calmness.

"Mr. Yu, please take a step to speak." Jin Zi's grandfather said to Xu Huo.

Xu Huo went to the next room with him.

After coming out, Grandfather Jin Zi revealed his dilemma.

It's not that they don't want to arrange for so many people to go, but they really have no way to take so many people away.

It sounds like there are a lot of players in a country, but most of them are unable to take people away. Firstly, the number of container props is far from enough. Secondly, there are too many E-level players. Even if they bring people with them, they can only enter the dungeon directly and cannot

Send people to other zones.

In addition, the container props also have restrictions. First, there are not enough people that can be accommodated. Second, the time is not long enough. Even if all D-level players travel back and forth between Area 017 and other areas, there are very few people who can carry them. What's more,

Return tickets are also in short supply.

Therefore, the government has dispatched limited resources to ensure the survival of elite players and talents. As for government personnel, some people with gamers at home may be able to leave, but most of the rest have no chance to leave. However, high-level government officials

It's just not stated explicitly.

And those who leave do not mean that they are safe. Ordinary people are at the bottom of society in any district. It is okay if the number is small. Once there are more, the district government will definitely intervene. Proper resettlement is almost impossible without killing them all or draining them dry.

In the end, the utilization value is good.

There are not even a few high-level players in Area 017 right now, and a large group of inexperienced D-level players are nothing more than prey for others even if they get together.

Therefore, for the people in Area 017, whether they were high-ranking officials or wealthy businessmen, old people or children, staying here is hell, and leaving may not be heaven.

"We cannot abandon the country." Grandfather Jin Zi looked firm, but then he relaxed a little. He looked at the living room across the door and said: "But they are still young. It is too pitiful to let them die with old men like us.


The old man bent his knees as he spoke, and Xu Huo held his arm, "No need."

Grandfather Jin Zi had tears in his eyes, "We haven't done a good enough job, and Area 017 is not strong enough. If it had been a little later, a little later, maybe more people would have survived... so many people, so many

Children…5,673 children were born in the Capital Safety Zone alone last month…”

In the face of disaster, any number is frightening.

"Have you ever had contact with people from the Holy Sword Club?" Xu Huo said: "It's not the one who is killing people everywhere in Area 017 now, it's the one from the Holy Sword Club before the split, the one with the dial in the sword pattern, and he has a bottom line in doing things.

, they are also training players and should be happy to accept children from District 017."

Grandfather Jin Zi thought for a moment and said, "During this period, there have been a high incidence of disappearances. The school is the hardest hit area. I don't know if there is any action from the Holy Sword Club. If what you say is true, it would be a good thing for those children to be taken away by the Holy Sword Club."


After a pause, he continued: "I can send a notice to the whole country and ask them to contact the Holy Sword Club to save as many as they can!"

As he said this, he planned to return to the command room. However, the system in the command room had been blown up, and there was not much point in informing him now. People in area 017 could no longer avoid risks, so what he wanted to inform was not

People from District 017, but players from outside districts.

"Send a public video and implore conscientious players from outside areas to take people away." Xu Huo said: "Don't be too sensational. Leave the initiative to the players from outside areas. Not all of the people who come are heinous. Small things will happen.

Someone is willing to do it.”

"Will anyone really be willing to listen to our prayers?" Jin Zi's father couldn't help but ask.

Giving up immediate benefits to do good deeds with little reward? Not to mention players who survive in a cruel game environment, even ordinary people may not be swayed.

"Besides, some players arrest people for other reasons..."

"The kind of person you are talking about will rob a living person no matter what you do," Xu Huo interrupted him calmly, "Think clearly, District 017 has no choice."

"You can earn money by talking to anyone."

This is the fact. All they can do is hope for one or two survival circles before the big ship in Area 017 sinks completely. There is no other way.

So next, Grandpa Jin Zi made arrangements for the personnel remaining at the combat base. Except for him and a few elderly people who were unwilling to leave, Xu Huo took them all away.

At the same time, a video asking for help recorded by Jin Zi's grandfather alone was also sent through the network channel that had not completely collapsed.

"I am Jin He from country L. I am now in the capital security zone asking for help from players in other areas on behalf of people across the country..."

Xu Huo leaned against the window, listening to the help messages looping in the video, looking at the gradually dimming sky, and waited quietly.


"...No matter what your purpose is, the world will repay your kindness..."

The mobile phone thrown on the ground rang Jin He's voice intermittently. One meter away, Xue Lang, who was sitting on the edge of the high-rise building of the unfinished building, was looking at the messages sent by others on the communication device:

"The super props have been obtained by a player dressed in black who appears to be a woman. He is between 25 and 35 years old. He is a super evolver. He makes good use of the power of space and can heal himself quickly..."

Before he finished reading, he burst into laughter, turned around and said to the woman in black trench coat who was sitting on the wooden box bandaging the wound: "Isn't this about you? Did you grab the super prop?"

The woman in the black trench coat had already wrapped her entire chest and moved her newly connected shoulders. She didn't even raise her eyelids. "You don't know if it's me?"

"That's right," Xue Lang said sarcastically: "If you can deal with a bad old man and get yourself like this, do you still have a share in the super props?"

Only then did the woman in black trench coat look up at him, "Don't forget that I'm here to help you, Xue Liang."

Hearing him call his real name, Xue Lang's face darkened, "Don't forget that your butt is not clean. If you don't want to be discovered by the doctor, just work for me honestly. Chang Bei."

Chang Bei looked at him coldly, "You and I both hold each other's levers, so there's no need to bring them out all the time."

Xue Lang raised the communication device in his hand and said, "Looking at the damage, you know it was Xu Huo, that bitch. You haven't finished what the doctor told you, so you can deal with the aftermath yourself."

Sensing the subtle avoidance in his words, Chang Bei stared at him, "You don't think he is looking for me, do you?"

Xu Huo's stated target was Chang Bei, but in reality he wanted to find Xue Lang through her.

"You were scared when you were injured by him last time." She deliberately poked Xue Lang's trachea.

Xue Lang raised his hand and waved, and the space ray cut across this floor horizontally, and just passed by Chang Bei's tilted head.

This chapter has been completed!
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