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Chapter 1587 The price of symbiosis

 The location where they got off the bus was in a dense forest. Overly dense vegetation and fungi that could be seen everywhere occupied most of the field of view. From any angle, it was impossible to tell whether anyone had been active here. There were traces left by some ferocious beasts.

Looking from the ground to the sky, there are many trees with a height of more than 100 meters. In addition to the lush branches and leaves and hanging vines, there are also some floating things like flying insect eggs floating in the air. It can be seen that they should be

Some kind of fungus, but it's hard to say which one.

Just for a moment, when Xu Huo lowered his head again, he found that there was a layer of green stuff attached to his protective clothing. At first glance, it looked like burrs, but if you look closely, you will find that those "burrs" are alive, like

It was squirming like a bug, but only one end was attached to the clothes.

"This is a bacterial infection, don't worry about it," Chi Xian reminded him while fanning away the green burrs on his mask, "Just clean it after a while, otherwise it will affect your vision if it grows too much."

The other seven people had already left first, and the woods were quiet. Xu Huo asked Chi Xian: "What do you think?"

"My goal is to find fungi, and of course I have to go to the place where the fungi are most abundant." Chi Xian took out his tool, a transparent glass box with a jellyfish-like thing floating in it, "This is a kind of fungus-eating

Biology can detect the concentration of living fungi, and I just follow it."

As he spoke, he pointed the glass box forward, and the floating jellyfish moved gently inside.

"Would you like to go together?" He invited Xu Huo, "Anyway, I think there are probably no dungeons in this place. Why don't you help me and we can share the good things we find half and half."

Xu Huo did not refuse. As he walked in the direction of the jellyfish, he said, "What other good things can be found here? They are all fungi, and half of them are poisonous."

"You are an amateur," Chi Xian said, "We rarely use poisons on a daily basis, but there are people in many districts who specialize in collecting these things. The prices are not low. The more bizarre the things, the higher the value."

"Doesn't it mean that these fungi are difficult to reproduce in other zones?" Xu Huo pushed aside the leaves in front of him.

"Poison doesn't necessarily have to be taken in large quantities. Some people just want poison with no solution. One pill is enough." Chi Xian wiped another handful on the mask, "Like specially evolved fungi.

It is very troublesome because they can multiply in the human body and are difficult to eradicate at one time."

"Many famous assassinations have involved mutated bacteria."

"So, there is almost no solution to the highly toxic mutated bacteria." Xu Huo continued following his words.

"Try your luck." Chi Xian stood still for a moment, confirmed the direction and then continued: "But as long as it is not an environment like Area 013, even if someone brings the mutated bacteria outside, it will not be difficult to deal with it. It is nothing more than

Just sacrifice a few people and cut off the source of infection."

Faced with hundreds of thousands of species of fungi, it is impossible for anyone to make corresponding medicines based on their characteristics. The most economical way is to trap them in their original places and prevent them from spreading to other zones.

"All things are mutually reinforcing and interfering with each other. Maybe we can find useful bacteria or other species around the highly toxic bacteria." Xu Huo said.

"Many people have tried the method you mentioned." Chi Xian stopped in front of a tree covered with yellow hairs, reached out and broke off a branch from the side, waved the fungi that shook out from the branch, and then

A small hole was poked in the tree trunk, "Look what's inside."

"Another kind of fungus." Xu Huo took a look and saw that the bark of this tree had been completely corroded, and there was a layer of blue silt under the yellow hairs.

"The yellow one is poisonous, and the blue one is not poisonous. Logically speaking, the two can coexist, and the cyanobacteria will definitely be able to restrain the yellow bacteria. However, after this kind of cyanobacteria grows in the human body, it will block the airway and esophagus, and they will not be able to completely cover the yellow bacteria.

If you kill the bacteria, you will die." Chi Xian looked back at him, "The premise of using fungi to treat the poison is that people can withstand the bacteria, because many mutated bacteria can multiply in the human body.

No amount of antidote extracted from human beings will be enough.”

"Even if a symptomatic antidote works, no one knows where the critical point is."

"As far as I know, there is no detoxifying bacteria in the game that can multiply in the human body without causing harm to people."

"For example, people in Area 013 may evolve the ability to live in symbiosis with fungi, but the sequelae are obvious. Neither ordinary people nor players will live long."

"How long is the lifespan of an evolver who becomes a player? If nothing unexpected happens, he can live for more than a hundred years."

What Chi Xian said was consistent with the information Xu Huo consulted, but Xu Huo's information channels were at E-level and D-level wormhole sites. He was not sure whether there were fungi like king fungi at B-level or A-level wormhole sites.

It exists, and even if it exists, it is not expected to be made public.

"Buying and selling fungi...the risks are not directly proportional to the rewards." Xu Huo concluded.

Chi Xian smiled, "I said it's a hobby. It can't be like a player doing nothing but upgrading. It's good to relieve stress."

Xu Huo agreed.

After walking for about three minutes, the two found a body.

It was a man who had been dead for a little while. His body was covered with all kinds of fungi, and he couldn't even see his face clearly.

Xu Huo took out a dagger and cut open the corpse's chest. The fungi on the body surface had just penetrated the skin and had not completely penetrated into the internal organs. However, the internal organs of the corpse were themselves parasitized by fungi. After death, these fungi

Also died gradually.

After the fungi floating like dust dispersed, he said: "This should be a local."

"It didn't last long," Chi Xian looked around, "Do ordinary people still live in a place like this?"

The two of them also climbed up to observe the situation. The range they could see was really not that far away, but at least the area within their field of vision was the same humid rainforest. There was no residential area. It was hard to imagine that ordinary people would go in and out here with only simple protection.


"Speed ​​up a little bit," Xu Huo stood up and said.

The two then used props to move in the direction of the jellyfish. After half an hour's journey, they discovered a small village built along the water in the forest.

It's an understatement to call it a village, it only has six scattered wooden houses that haven't been inhabited for a long time.

Surprisingly, the seven people who left just now are also here, and they also caught a poisonous man whose body was covered with various fungi.

The person was imprisoned by props, separated by a barrier, and Scar Glasses was asking questions.

"Where are the others? Tell me and I'll give you pleasure."

The poisonous man kneeling on the ground pointed to his mouth, which had completely lost his tongue, and waved his hands and shook his head to express that he could not speak.

Scar Glasses slapped him across the barrier, "No tongue, no hands, no fingers!"


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