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Chapter 1600 Good Sleep

 Chi Xian waved his hand, "Everyone who sees the 'Midsummer Night Starry River' in the dungeon and is about to die has only one wish: to ride a donkey and hang a carrot, and that's the only carrot."

"It makes sense." Xu Huo smiled.

The two of them didn't plan to sleep, so it was best to move around, so they turned around and walked back, taking a look at the sleeping people.

The only people who can find a place to sleep are ordinary people in Area 013. They are of little value to players and don't worry about being killed. They can just find a place to lie down on the street and have a good sleep. If you see them during the day,

I'm still sleeping now.

"Someone died here." Chi Xian found a man who had climbed into the second floor of a residential building and went to sleep in someone else's bedroom. He was still covered with a quilt and was already very cold.

"Poor, it seems he didn't find 'Midsummer Night's Starry River'."

Standing in the bedroom, looking at the bed, Chi Xian had the urge to lie down on it. He quickly shook his head and turned to watch Xu Huo's figure walking through the building opposite gradually go away.

The remaining silence seemed to have fallen into sleep, and there was a vagueness like being isolated from the world.

"Are you okay?" Chi Xian suddenly woke up after being tapped on the back shoulder. He reflexively took a few steps back before looking at the person. "I'm okay. I was a little distracted."

Xu Hue looked at him steadily for a second, "Be careful, don't fall asleep."

Chi Xian cheered up and said, "Let's find something to do."

He took out a handful of thumbtacks and said, "Both matters of falling asleep and missing must be clarified. We split up and found the player marked with a green thumbtack."

As he spoke, he stuck a thumbtack on his map. Similarly, a green mark appeared on Xu Huo's map.

"Red means someone is missing."

"Black means finding some new clues."

After Xu Huo confirmed that the map was available, he took out two paper mobile phones and said, "Contact me if I have any questions."

Xu Huo accepted his kindness and said, "Pay attention to the time and whether there is a special place where you want people to sleep."

Chi Xian nodded and left the building first.

Xu Huo looked at the corpse on the bed. Even though he had just died, the fungi living on his body had already multiplied crazily before the corpse completely lost its nutrients. Maybe within two days, the corpse would be completely eaten.

This is how some of the places in the city that are particularly dense with fungi were formed.

However, no matter where you look in the city, this is a lifeless place. Not only that, the fog that covers the sky makes this place become a sponge soaked in water. Anyone who comes in can't help but feel a sense of humidity.

A heavy feeling, this feeling can make people extremely tired.

"Cough!" With his back to the window, Xu Huo coughed up a mouthful of blood - he thought it was blood, but it was actually dead hyphae.

After a brief process, he left the residential building and walked not far in the other direction when he saw two players pulling out a prop coffin from the ground. As soon as the lid of the coffin opened, a strange smile appeared on the coffin.

He dragged out the sleeping female player hiding inside.

"It's not bad looking." One person grabbed a handful of the woman and laughed, "It's genuine."

Another tall guy pushed him and said, "Don't let the fucking sperm get on you."

He would pinch the female player's throat as he spoke.

"Wait!" The player who was pushed away stopped him, "She's asleep and won't wake up anyway. It doesn't matter if it's earlier or later, you might as well let me enjoy it!"

The tall man sneered, "Do you dare to take off your pants in this damn place?"

The short man looked like "you don't understand", then took out a box of tools and said, "It's not just about going into battle in person."

Xu Huo had seen enough and swung three rounds of space ray blades from the air. The first two rounds were blocked by their defensive items. Although the third round did not seriously injure the two of them, it cut open their protective suits.

"Hide your head and show your tail!" The tall man waved his hand in the air, and the water vapor in the fog instantly condensed into tiny ice icicles that attacked the surroundings at 360 degrees without blind spots.

The surrounding area was relatively empty, they saw no one, and they were attacked again, so they thought Xu Huo had used concealment tools and judged that others were nearby.

But I didn't expect that the ice ice that flew out didn't hit any obstacles halfway, and finally stopped when it hit a building or the ground.

Xu Huo had no intention of hiding. He moved over from a thousand meters away in the next second. He glanced at the female player on the ground who was not awake at all. He moved the fingers of his right hand, and the tangent line flying across the air flew out, slicing the two of them straight.

defense props and then cut off their heads.

The falling head adds a subtle sound to this quiet city.

Xu Huo walked over and was cleaning the props on the two of them when he saw the female player who had fallen on the ground struggling to get up. Before she fully woke up from her sleep, she said: "I'll give you all the props... don't kill me...


Then without waiting for anyone to answer, he threw the props on the ground one by one.

It was hard to refuse such hospitality, but Xu Huo did not refuse.

He had already collected the props from the two people who had just died, and just watched the female player throw the props away. It wasn't until she stopped that he asked: "Are they gone?"

The female player paused and took out two more items.

Xu Li put away the props neatly and pointed at the two people next to him, "There happens to be a hole, let's bury them."

The female player recovered her hands and feet and immediately got up and did as he said. However, as soon as the two of them threw it in, they turned around and found that Xu Huo had disappeared and her coffin was still nearby. After looking around, she put away the coffin and escaped into the fog.


It was a good time to sleep, but there were also people like Xu Huo who went out to search at night, and occasionally encountered people who were killed while sleeping, but neither he nor Chi Xian witnessed the disappearance.

Until midnight, there was not much gain, so Xu Huo chose a few players to follow them.

Due to the particularity of this dungeon, in order to reduce the risk while sleeping, many players choose not to go together. For example, Bian Lu and his party also go together during the day, and separate at night, each finding a place to hide. Those who really dare to go together must be skilled in the art.

You are brave, or you have just come in and have not experienced the power of "dozing off".

Before experiencing it, probably no player thought that they would be so lethargic that they would not respond to the outside world.

Xu Huo followed these people and watched them go from intense discussions on how to clear the level to exhaustion and silence, to lack of energy and drowsiness.

"Find a place to rest for a while." One of the burly men said in a low voice, "I'm afraid I won't have enough energy during the day if I keep going like this."

Another player who uniquely wore a bright red protective suit said: "I guess he was infected by a bacterial poison. I didn't expect that even the protective suit couldn't protect me from it. I don't know what kind of bacteria it is, but the hypnotic effect is so strong."

What they worry about is that the sleepiness will not subside until the daytime, and other players will be even more dangerous when they get up and move around.

The burly man said: "Anyway, the protective clothing won't have much effect. I don't think there are many poisonous bacteria here. Let's use some antidotes and take turns to keep vigil."

That's what he said, but half an hour later, those who were resting and those who were keeping watch all fell asleep without exception.

Pushing aside the trap props they arranged, Xu Huo appeared in the middle of the house. After looking around for a week, he sat down on the spot, released the coverage of the "cube space", superimposed his mental strength, took out the metal ball, and moved his fingers.

Then press gently according to the lines on it.

Accompanied by the sound of "click" and "click" metal friction, the fog outside the window seemed to become thicker.


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