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Chapter 1721 Father who died young

 "I don't think there is any relationship between these two things." The bald man said: "Even if the old lady's son happened to be employed by that mining company, many people died in aircraft accidents, so it shouldn't be specifically targeting the old lady.

What's more, after this incident, the mining company also suffered a lot of losses."

"To say the least, the two things are related, and it has nothing to do with this copy."

"Master Solan has met countless people in his life. Many of them may have decades of grievances and grudges just to name them. This is not surprising at all. If you check in this direction, let alone forty days,

It may not be possible to complete the investigation in half a year.”

The bald man looks rough on the outside, but in reality he is rough and subtle, and he pays attention to details that many people ignore.

"No, grudges?" The short-haired woman turned to look at him, "Most of the people in District 019 are supported by the government. They have no worries about food and clothing every day, there is no shortage of resources, there is no war, and even the crime rate is low.

Poor, what grudges do they have?"

"This kind of death of two hundred people in one breath is a typical grudge. If I were the family of those two hundred people, I would definitely seek revenge from the mining company. Killing the boss is not enough. Those who participated in aircraft technology research and built aircraft

, kill them all!”

The bald man looked at her speechlessly, "Isn't this a bit too much?"

"Who told them to take money and not do anything about personnel?" said the short-haired woman: "If the technology is not in place, don't force it to be sold. If the construction is not in place, don't drive it to the sky. You know there are risks but still use new technology to put money on your face.

If you don’t kill them, who will you kill?”

"It's not a mining company," Xu Huo interrupted, his hands not stopping, still flipping through the information, "But this mining company has a wide range of business. Without the new aircraft, there are other industries, so the impact will not be big."

The bald man fixed his gaze and said: "It is difficult to connect the old lady's experience with Master Solan."

It had been several years since the old lady moved to Tintin Flower Town before Solan came. She was still a two-year-old baby. He didn't think that the old lady would tell her past experiences as stories to children who were not relatives.

Revealing scars, secondly, is beyond the scope of a child's ability to bear.

"Even if Master Solan later learned about the old lady's experience, it would be difficult to relate her sudden change to this. Without personal experience, this can only be regarded as social news."

"Compared to this, losing her father when she was two years old should have a greater impact on her."

The short-haired girl wanted to say something else, but she couldn't refute it.

"You have checked Solan's family." Xu Huo raised his head, "Is there something wrong with her father's relatives?"

The bald man shook his head, "It's a pity that there's nothing wrong with it."

"Children of people in District 019 can apply to form separate households before they reach adulthood. Parents usually won't stop them. Those who are married rarely live together. The ties between blood relatives are not that close. And because they are highly educated,

Look at problems more rationally, even in matters of life and death. If there is any extreme behavior, not only will robots be dispatched immediately, but the government will also immediately arrange for people to provide psychological counseling."

"So even if Solan's mother took her away, Solan's father's family didn't say anything. The family had a large population. They were probably addicted to childbirth. They used artificial wombs to give birth to more than a dozen children. Solan's father was the age

Relatively young, many of the children of the brothers and sisters in front are already adults."

"It's really fertile." The girl with the short hair couldn't help but said: "Do these people get together every day to have babies when they have nothing to do?"

"There are still a few people who are willing to have children." The bald man paused and brought the topic back, "However, there are several theories about the death of Solan's father. Some say that he encountered an accident, and some say that he died.

In the mines, he either committed suicide or committed suicide."

Solan’s father is one of the characters that the player must investigate. The short-haired woman said: “Solan’s grandparents and mother have passed away. It was these three people who buried her father. The other brothers and sisters did not participate in the whole process. These statements come from

Different relatives of Solan's father, especially after Solan became famous, they said more."

"Solan's father passed away more than a hundred years ago, and the death registration information at that time should have been cleared." The bald man said: "What's more, the place where he died was in a relatively remote mountain forest, and there were not so many electronic eyes.


"Coincidentally, the place where Solan's father died happened to be near a mine. I guess that's how the saying that someone died in a mine came from. However, his eldest sister firmly said that the body was found outside the mine, so it may also be

He happened to be passing by and encountered a landslide. At that time, the accident rate in the mine was relatively high."

"How did love murder and suicide come about?" asked the girl with a short hair.

"Solan's parents were both...literary when they were young," the bald man thought carefully before using this word. "The murder was because Solan's father left with a female friend, and the female friend was not found afterwards.


"He committed suicide because some of the words he usually wrote often revealed the not-so-good meaning of the world."

"No wonder Solan's mother wants to live or die after death. It turns out that they are the kind of people who are too full to eat." The short-haired woman curled her lips and said: "But love murder should be ruled out. If true, Solan's mother will not die in the end."

You will die of illness."

"This has become an unsolved case." Xu Huo reopened the collection terminal and searched while asking: "Has Solan ever visited any place that was close to the death of her father?"

"No." The girl with a short head said firmly: "The nearest place she went to when collecting folk songs was still two hours' drive away from the mine where the accident occurred. None of her friends who were collecting folk songs with her during this period saw her leave."

"Judging from Solan Caifeng's movement, she doesn't care much about that place." The bald man opened a public route map. "She chooses places very randomly. Sometimes she just follows others because it's nearby.

There are no scenic spots, so the frequency of going there is not high. The mining area is still producing, and she has not gone in."

"What a coincidence, the development company of this mining area is also Tiantianle Mining." The short-haired female general turned the projection and presented the content found in front of Xu Huo and his two men.

Tiantianle Mining, its mining area is suspected to be the place where Solan's father died. It is also the company where the blind old lady and her two sons work. It is also the developer of the accidental aircraft that her family was riding in.

"I suddenly had an idea," the short-haired girl patted her head, "Do you think the 'Embel Girl' has been obtained by someone, but it has not been made public?"

"Do you still want to say that the painting may be hidden in the house of Boss Tiantianle, and the reason why Solan wants to reveal the existence of this painting is to guide the player to find trouble with Boss Tiantianle, and by the way, bring a hundred years of trouble to the boss of Tiantianle."

What happened before will be made public?”

Xu Huo answered her words slowly.

This chapter has been completed!
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