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Chapter 1723 Silky Capture

 The mine that is still being mined is tightly protected. I don’t know whether it is to prevent prying eyes or theft. Thickened metal doors are set up at the entrances and exits where the robots work. There are also jamming instruments inside. Xu Huo’s mental strength is not enough to penetrate them.

All metal doors, and the mountain wall next to it is too thick and full of metal mines, making it impossible to get around...

He didn't have the good luck to encounter a deserted staff member like before. Xu Huo left after not staying long. When he took out the previous watch terminal again, he found that the terminal entrance had been canceled.

"The response was pretty quick." Xu Huo threw the things into the luggage compartment and prepared to meet Solan's family.

Relatives on Solan's father's side live relatively scattered. The ones closest to him are his father's brother and sister. These two are now nearly 150 years old. Their children are about the same age as Solan.

Before he passed away, he took his children and grandchildren to live elsewhere. Now the two brothers and sisters live together and take care of each other.

Xu Huo arrived at Chuanwan City in the morning. Puanwan City is close to a natural lake. The scenery is very beautiful. It is also a place particularly popular with tourists from outside the district. The city formed around the lake is filled with luxury stores in District 019. The lake is not allowed.

You can fish as you like, but if you can afford the price, there are twenty places available for foreign tourists to fish in the lake every day - early in the morning, there are already twenty boats floating on the lake.

There were a lot of tourists, so there were certainly no shortage of players. Xu Huo randomly found a restaurant to have breakfast and met eight players. When he went out, he happened to encounter a player robbing him—yes, a player robbing him.

Two idiots broke into a rare gem store and were opening the display cabinet with props. Unexpectedly, the next second they were overwhelmed by the equipment installed on it and were surrounded by combat robots with quick reactions.

After creating a barrier with instruments, the robot's anesthetic needles greeted the two of them like rain.

As for why they don’t use one-shot weapons, firstly, because they committed a crime that is not punishable by death, and the robot judged that they only need to go to jail, and secondly, because there are many tourists, even if it is difficult to arrest, the robot will

Choose the latter between "use more lethal weapons" and "try to protect the safety of tourists". After all, they are just two robbers, and it is not worth the risk for them to harm tourists.

These two people were quite capable, and escaped from the gem store after breaking through the confinement barrier, and also robbed two passers-by.

However, waiting for them outside were also robots that were approaching quickly, as well as players from area 019 who were about to arrive. The two men kept doing nothing, reaching out to the roadside to grab people at will. Their initial target was a child playing with toys, but

With the intervention of the robot, the target was finally changed and an old man who was supposed to be out for a walk was caught.

With the hostage in hand, the two men slowed down their escape, holding the old man's throat and threatening all the robots to retreat.

The robot has the obligation to protect the people in Area 019, so it adjusts its position while issuing warnings and persuading them to leave Area 019.

"Haha!" Both players had arrogant faces. The man holding the hostage used the old man to block himself, and said to the robots with a ferocious expression: "Do you think I'm a fool? You don't have money to stay in a hotel and you have to drive me away! Copy

Who will pay for the losses caused by not being able to pass customs?”

"The expulsion of you is definitely not because you have no money for accommodation," a local said hiding behind the robot: "District 019 is very friendly to people from other districts. As long as you don't wander on the streets for a long time, we are not so unkind."

"Either you are deported because you have criminal facts or criminal intent, or you stayed for too long and endangered city management. You can't be given special care just because you are from outside the district, right?"

With strong protection in front, the people in Area 019 were still very courageous. Before the robots evacuated them, many people gathered around to watch the fun.

"The danger value of people who are detected to be committing crimes has risen to 95%," a robot issued a warning to two players, "Please stop the crime immediately, otherwise we will execute the kill order!"

"Please stop the criminal behavior immediately, otherwise we will execute the kill order!"

"Please stop the criminal behavior immediately, otherwise we will execute the kill order!"

The warning was repeated three times, and the robot did not give the two players a chance to resist. After blocking their random attacks, the robots quickly divided into two groups. One group used instruments to form a confinement barrier to isolate them from ordinary people, and the other group released sound waves and

Strong light interferes with the player's vision and hearing.

Sound and light that exceed the endurance limit will make people instinctively protect themselves. At this time, no matter how strong the willpower is, it is useless. Taking advantage of the gap between the two of them, the robot, which retains the appearance of the machine but is no longer as flexible as a living person, immediately steps forward.

He snatched away the hostage and released a set of thin protective armor, wrapping the old man in it first.

The metal jacket opened very quickly, and the protection was completed in less than a second. Player props may not be effective on robots, but they will definitely be effective on living people. At this time, the two players who had come to their senses, one tried to rob someone, and the other

Attack robots that are within easy reach.

Both of them are advanced players. It is not difficult to kill a robot. A long blade falling from the sky directly penetrated the robot from its head to its feet, instantly stopping the robot. However, before that, the robot had already put on the old man in protective armor.

He was thrown out, and several robots that came later caught the old man and quickly turned their backs to protect him with their bodies, and led him out of the confinement barrier.

The closed barrier opened and closed again, and now there were only two players and the robot that captured them.

A warning had been issued in advance, so after the hostages were rescued, the four robots squatted down and pressed their palms on the ground. Four metal buckles were raised from the ground so tightly that they were completely invisible, and the ground where the two players were standing suddenly moved towards them.

The four sides retreated, and other robots that had been suppressed by instruments earlier suppressed the two people who tried to jump up. As they fell, at least half of the surrounding robots jumped down, and then the metal plates on the ground re-closed and the buckles re-closed.


"The crisis has been resolved!"

"The crisis has been resolved!"

"The crisis has been resolved!"

The robots still on the ground returned to the patrol team after issuing a notice, and the old man was also taken away by them to comfort... As for the two players who fell, there was no sound and no one cared about it. They couldn't get out anyway.


"Awesome!" A baby-faced young woman gave a thumbs up: "This is the real big division, catching players is so smooth!"

The person with the woman should be her boyfriend. The man laughed and said, "Don't forget, you are also a player."

"So what?" Baby Face smiled and kissed him, "At worst, I just run away. You have to protect me anyway, right...uncle?"

There were a lot of onlookers, and the man pulled his baby face away in embarrassment. When he passed by Xu Huo, he "accidentally" bumped into him.


This chapter has been completed!
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