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Chapter 1727 Information from a hundred years ago

 Although they did not eat, Xu Huo and the other three took a photo with the person in charge, and before leaving, they were each given a buckle inlaid with a small gemstone.

After leaving Haiyin Company, the three of them got on the flying car and headed towards the company where they "employed".

"Have a look to see if there is any important information!" Shen Fei couldn't wait to open the shared terminal. There were more than twenty folders in total. Each folder had a number in front of it. After just one glance, he was a little disappointed, "The number in front of it is If it is E, it means it is not important information. This is the recognized numbering method in District 019."

Xu Huo divided a screen in front of him and opened the folders one by one to check. "The information with higher numbering levels at that time may not retain the original numbering over time. Maybe some information that is not too important will be regarded as Process files are moved to lower-level directories."

He found two pieces of video information numbered D inside, selected them and clicked on them.

The content was quite confusing, and it happened to record the situation before and after the mine collapsed. It seemed that they were filming a promotional video, and the collapse scene was accidentally filmed. The people filming the promotional video were also affected, and the filming equipment fell to the ground.

In the skewed camera lens, the mine began to collapse from one side, and a large number of stones rolled down the slope. After a while, they were stopped by the sudden subsidence of the mountain. In just a short time, one-third of the mountain sank underground. Someone could vaguely hear shouting "The ground is cracking", but most of the people who were still outside the mine were running out as hard as they could, leaving no room for shouting.

Although the mountain sank and got stuck in the middle, the remaining half of the mountain seemed to have been evacuated from the middle. The entire shell suddenly sank downwards, but there was still no crack on the surface, only the roaring vibrations.

The video was recorded until the collapse ended. Soon, a large number of rescuers rushed over. The person in charge of the mine also took the remaining employees to join them in the rescue. Someone was talking next to the video:

"They must all be buried under the mountain..."

After looking at the time on the video, Xu Huo found the rescue news at that time based on the address.

"Only more than fifty people died in this accident." Shen Fei felt something was wrong at a glance, "In such a large mine, there are more than a hundred people working in it at the same time?"

"Have you concealed the number of people?" Zhu Zhongliang was not surprised, "This is not surprising."

"Will the mining group really find everyone's bodies?" Ke Youming expressed doubts. "The ground is cracked. Someone will definitely sink deep into the cracks. There are mountains above. This is not like digging a hole in the flat ground. It’s simple. More than a hundred years ago, the technology in Area 019 was not in place yet.”

Shen Fei opened the following video again. Judging from the scale of the rescue, it seemed that the mountain was really clearing out.

However, Xu Huo knew that this was unlikely. Since there were video records, the news at the time did not mention whether the underground cracks were new or existing, indicating that this issue was blurred.

As for that mine, it is still being mined. After being closed for two years, a small news item mentioned that a new shallow gem mine had appeared in this mountain due to geological activities, and the Haiers Company dug a well next to it. .

It sounds outrageous.

What's even more outrageous is that the bodies of all the people who died in the accident have been found.

Even though Area 019 had been evolving for a long time at that time, the 100% recovery rate still felt ridiculous.

Of course, it is most likely that the Hayes Group falsely reported the number of people. The more than fifty people were not the real number, but the number of bodies that were finally found. Because these were the only ones found, these were reported.

"No one raised any objection after the incident?" Ke Youming was puzzled. "Without the remains of any of my relatives, they could allow the Haiers Group to disclose false information to the outside world."

"Most of the people who showed up at the memorial ceremony were the ones who recovered the body. These people should know something at least, but it was too long ago and some people didn't survive until now. We also looked for a few, but we didn't find out anything." Shen Feidun After a pause, he looked at Xu Huo, "These information may not be of much significance."

In fact, the three of them didn't quite understand why Xu Huo went to such trouble to fake his identity from the beginning. Instead of looking for these "fake news", it would be better to go directly to the person involved.

People's memory is biased, especially over time. In fact, even the person may not remember many things. Even in short-term memory, as the number of narrations increases, the narrator will occasionally delete or add to it unconsciously. Content.

Publicly reported news is not trustworthy, and the families of the deceased are not fully informed. Only these first-hand information can provide a glimpse into the situation at that time. Even if the Hayes Group has deleted important parts, the details can still reveal something.

For example, after Xu Huo watched these videos, the overall feeling was that the whole Haiers Group was at least very sincere in the rescue. Some company executives even paid their lives for it. After the government recognized the victims as martyrs, the company would also provide financial aid to their families. A large amount of compensation.

The number of people who may have been falsely reported, coupled with the long-standing cracks in the ground, the continued exploitation of mining companies, the actual frequency of earthquakes is not that high at all, the accident rate is too high, too many people died in the accident... this information is combined In fact, it is easy to think that these mining companies are doing the same thing - that is, deliberately causing casualties.

Of course, destroying the mine to achieve this goal is a self-inflicted loss. Under normal circumstances, this would not be considered intentional, but other than this reason, it seems difficult to explain all this.

People who believe in special religions may do some extreme behaviors, but this kind of behavior is not universal. That is to say, one or two mining groups may have this kind of thing happen because the decision-makers are mentally ill. District 019 is such a big place. This situation is simply impossible, not to mention that there was no such a large-scale religion at that time.

"No," Ke Youming said at this time: "I don't understand. Are those people who died without names and names important?"

"Although there may be false reports, we have been to some mines and there was no movement."

"Could it be the manipulation of cannibals at that time?" Zhu Zhongliang raised a possibility, "Maybe for some reason, there were a huge number of cannibals at that time. They used this method to obtain food, and then destroyed the mines to cover up their crimes. , the 019 district government probably felt that this kind of thing was appalling and might affect the image of the district, so it completely deleted this information."

"It's not impossible," Ke Youming looked around, "Does that mean that the 'residence of the dead' refers to those people who were killed by cannibal players? That's even harder to find."

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