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Chapter 1740 The truth about the mining accident

 The clues in the copy point to the accident that happened in Tiantianle Mine. Except for her father's accident, the others related to Solan are the people she can come into contact with in Dingdinghua Town. Some of these people have had family changes.

It is also related to Tian Tianle, and the "Embel Girl" may have come from the network of these people.

The most important of them is of course Solan's father's accident. The number of people who died in the collapsed mine in that accident may not be as many as Tiantianle announced. Of course, there are few women working in mines, and even younger women are even rarer.

It may appear here, so we can only check it from the relatives of the victims.

There were places and people called "Ember" a hundred years ago, but it may be difficult to find relatives of the victims from these places. First, it is such a long time ago that the relatives of the victims may not still be alive, or even if they are alive, they may not be alive.

If they stay in their hometown, the second reason is that the victims who have not been announced are more or less unclaimed, or they are foreigners with few relatives and friends who were deliberately selected by the group from the beginning, so it will only be more difficult to find them.

Is there a trace to follow, or is it just accidental... Xu Huo's thoughts wandered for a while, and he decided to go find Tian Tianle's people first.

The hypnosis boss asked him to tell him a few exact names, and then Xu Huo left his residence.

Naturally, Tiantianle's uniform and accompanying players did not exist. He walked calmly onto the street and merged into the crowds of people passing by on the street. Like an ordinary tourist, he walked through the bustling streets while sightseeing.

These names given by the boss are the suspects who the Tiantianle Group knows the inside story of the accident within the scope that he can understand. It is really difficult to define, but the person in charge of each accident is still easy to find. If you want to do something, naturally

It's impossible to completely hide it from the person in charge of the mine. If you go to them one by one, you'll always run into one.

After finding a place to rest for a while, Xu Huo waited until dark before going to find Tian Tianle's people.

People who were able to reach leadership positions more than a hundred years ago are now either veterans of the group and are protected by the group, or they have retired and are looking for a place with beautiful scenery to retire. The former is difficult to find and catch, but the latter is easy.

too much.

Within a few hours, Xu Huo visited three houses, and finally got something from the third house.

The other party was an irritable little old man. After knowing his purpose, he couldn't help but roar, "Why me again! Isn't it enough that you killed my family? I have lived a life worse than death for so many years, what else do you want!"


"My relative was buried in a dark place, and my family didn't even dare to look for his body until I grew up and gained some ability..." Xu Huo stood in front of him, turning the gun in his hand.

Dagger, "Do you really think no one knows about the things you do? Don't worry, after you die, there will be more people going underground to accompany you."

The little old man had been drinking alcohol for many years, his eyes were cloudy, and his mental state was also a little bad. After the initial anger, he resigned to his fate and said: "Kill, kill, this is all our fault... Do you want to know about your family?"

It is impossible to bury the body of the deceased. If Tian Tianle did not collect the body for the deceased, it is probably buried underground in the mine... If you look at the gems coming out of the mine, some of the strange ones might be your family members..."

"There are so many people, most of them are wiped out, but occasionally there are a few evolved people who will leave behind strange stones... What's so good about those stones? Isn't it just like human bones? With the addition of being natural, they can actually be sold.

Such a high price…”

As he spoke, he leaned on the recliner and swayed gently, "...We are all sinners, we are all sinners..."

Xu Huo injected veritaserum into the half-asleep man again, and then found out the truth about the accident from his mouth.

It turns out that more than a hundred years ago, Area 019 experienced an unprecedented economic crisis and was in urgent need of a huge amount of wealth to fill the gap. At that time, due to limited technology, gems buried deeper underground could no longer be mined. Without this

Source: Everyone in District 019 will not have an easy time, and it is also a critical period for cultivating players. Without enough money, not only will the government collapse, but the players who have been raised with great difficulty may also leave District 019. In order to avoid this unbearable situation

As a result, Area 019 frantically searched for any possible way to break the situation, until they heard that human bone gems were popular in other areas.

I don’t know which division it is specifically, but for a short period of time at that time, the price of human bone gemstones formed by accident was very high, and the supply exceeded demand, because the conditions for the production of human bone gemstones are relatively harsh, and generally the bones of people who take evolution agents cannot mutate enough to form gemstones.

At a certain level, it was impossible to kill players for gems, so I purchased them from outside the area.

The underground magma that keeps erupting all year round in Area 019 is the best natural condition. After the accident due to technical reasons, the government did find some gemstones similar to parts of the human body, but they were collected by the government as relics.

Once these gems are sold, the government and mining groups are on a point of no return.

Yes, the thing is so incredible and seems like a fantasy. In exchange for a large amount of wealth, the government of District 019 and many mining groups shared this conspiracy and put it into practice.

Of course, they would not be so stupid as to recruit people in their own territory. Instead, they would go to relatively remote places in the name of recruiting workers, preferably people with few relatives and friends, or simply homeless people on the street, who were receiving government benefits at that time.

In name, the prices offered to miners are very high. Some agents responsible for recruiting people also think this is the best thing. Some people from small places, in order to help their hometowns, take the initiative to bring young adults from their hometowns...

The people at the top opened a hole, and the people at the bottom intentionally or unintentionally tore this hole to the whole society.

But if things are done too much, clues will always be seen. Even if not many human bones and gems are fished out, there are still smart people who realize something. Because the accident rate is too high, for a period of time, miners cannot even be recruited, but the lives of those who died

The family's pursuit was fruitless, and they had no choice but to go home with the pension.

These cannot be found on Jixin Terminal. In fact, a small-scale player riot broke out at that time, but it did not become big. The government knew that, and insiders of the mining group knew that this was the revenge of the families of the victims. The mining industry at that time

The leaders of the group were often assassinated. Some people could not bear the pressure and retired early. Some people and their families died, but some survived. Of course, it was all the result of fate. After all, those who know the truth

There are too few people, and those who are in it often don't suspect that the mining group will commit murder after just a few gems like human bones.

Most people think that people who die in mining accidents have bad luck.


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