Turn off the lights
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Chapter 1800 The ultimate night

 Everyone's attention was quickly attracted. Everyone put the props that they had given up on in advance on the table. Whoever wins will get it. Pink Hair also followed a few bets, but he was unlucky and his card skills were not good either.

, I lost three C-level props in just a few games, and had to leave the game in frustration.

Xu Huo did not participate, but rested in the room.

The atmosphere in the carriage was pretty good. No one made any trouble until the lights went out. After it got dark outside, the players took their own rest. The quiet time lasted until midnight. There was a ticking sound outside the train, like raindrops.


But this shouldn't be the sound of rain.

The design of the train's carriage is meant to trick players, but it's definitely not so thin that you can definitely hear a few drops of rain. It's more like something has fallen on the carriage.

Xu Huo learned about the precautions for riding the B-class train before getting on the train. The general environment is the same as that of other trains. However, because the B-class dungeon may have to cover a longer distance, the track will make a choice between saving time and weighing safety.

, this is a B-class train, obviously the former has the upper hand.

And the journey after nightfall reached total darkness, as if the whole car was plunged into a weird darkness, without any light, without any light. Naturally, it is impossible for the players to see the situation outside. In order to ensure that they do not

To cause trouble, they had to keep the car completely dark while not making too much noise.

There was no one to talk to, and the players wished they could even breathe at the lowest rate.

The ticking sound continued outside the carriage, sometimes moving forward, sometimes backward, lingering a few times and then gradually going away.

But this was not over yet. After a while, the sound of raindrops reappeared and gradually became denser.

The number increased. When these intertwined sounds moved back and forth again, the train stopped and shook slightly, and then a small crackling sound sounded above everyone's heads.

This tiny movement made the players on the entire car feel excited.

Although the alien dimensions around the B-class train tracks can also be found, the information is not that complete. Firstly, because the game has not been announced, and secondly, even if passing players accidentally see these aliens, they cannot see more details, not to mention

There are many cases of all-black situations like this. Of course, more people want to keep a low profile and survive the crisis, so many players don't know what kind of alien species is coming up in the carriage.

But as time goes by, the subtle cracking sounds seem to be increasing and appearing from all directions.

This is not an illusion, because judging from the changes in space rays, cracks have indeed begun to appear from the top of the carriage, and there is a tendency to sink. It seems to be overwhelmed.

Xu Huo had already walked out of the single room. He stood close to the trunk door, letting the room block him, and at the same time, he wore enough props.

Other players in the same carriage were trying to get closer to both sides, but the space was limited and not everyone could get close, and those in front were not willing to be human shields, so some people moved to the middle of the carriage and used tables and chairs to block them.

However, while the crackling sound increased, the sound of raindrops became smaller and smaller, and gradually could not even be heard, and the train no longer stalled.

Just when everyone thought the danger had passed, no one knew exactly where it was, but there seemed to be loud cracking sounds coming from the front, rear, left and right of the carriage - and at the same time as these rapid and short sounds passed, the train resumed operation.

The tranquility before arriving.

There was no human voice or alien voice, and the danger seemed to have passed just like that.

Although the front and rear doors of the carriage were closed, a small number of players still felt changes in the nearby carriages. The windows were indeed broken, but the break was not big. It was expected that the alien species did not enter.

However, the players inside can clearly feel that there is less breathing sound in the car.

The window of the carriage Xu Huo was in also had a hole. When the window was broken open, a man somehow moved to the window. Then his body trembled and he died within a second.

This is not the weirdest thing. The weirdest thing is that Xu Huo can clearly feel that the other party's body is shrinking!

Yes, the player's body shriveled up in a very short period of time, and then landed lightly along the car window on the soft carpet without even making much sound.

Thanks to the broken car window, he could probably sense the shape of things outside. It was not big, a bit like a wild boar, but very plump - he didn't know if it was suddenly overeating, and the space rays were even transmitted back to its belly.

The feeling of sudden expansion and trembling was only very short-lived, because after successfully hunting, the opponent disappeared from the roof of the car.

There were not many of the same alien species left on the roof of the car at the same time. It was probably the few that broke in through the window.

Even though they felt that someone was dead and the danger was far away, the other players on the train still did not move or speak rashly, and kept their eyes open until dawn.

It wasn't until eight o'clock the next day that this extreme darkness completely disappeared, and the players all fell silent when they looked at the dead people piled up by the car windows.

It was no longer a corpse, it was just a pile of bones covered with a layer of skin and clothes.

Someone went over to check the body and said with emotion: "This time's alien species is so powerful that it can secrete substances that can quickly dissolve the human body. The wound was on the back of the head. I guess this person was poisoned the moment he was bitten, so he didn't

It’s too late to resist.”

"This is wrong, we all used defensive items, why can the alien species just...eat him?" asked a female player.

"I don't know." The man who checked the body casually pulled a piece of cloth to cover the body. "Anyway, I know we have to be more careful at night. This thing seems to have no sensing conditions, and it will attack the train without the stimulation of sound and light.


This man's death was strange and shocking. After discussion, the players decided to seal the car windows. Since that thing can kill someone by breaking a small hole, not only should the car windows not be left with gaps, but also the front and rear door windows had better be sealed.

Block it up.

There are no suitable defensive items, but metal plates are easy to obtain. Just to prevent foreign species from intruding, blocking it with metal plates is probably enough.

In addition, players have also tried the slime remaining in the corpse, but it does not work on metal.

Without the excitement of yesterday, the players took the time to rest after dinner, waiting for the lights to be turned off again.

At eight o'clock in the evening, it got dark on time. It was only half an hour after entering the same darkness as yesterday. The sound of raindrops came quickly and violently, but this time it was not as gentle as yesterday. A few seconds later there was the sound of crackling car windows.

There was an alternating sound with a slightly sticky muffled sound, and in an instant it seemed as if the entire train was under attack!

This chapter has been completed!
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