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Chapter 1844 Back to the starting point

 I’m talking about pink hair.

The pink-haired man had already killed the B-level player, but it was a bit ugly. There was blood all over his body, and it was obvious that the method of killing was very violent.

"No, brother, is it necessary to do this?" Dabei raised his chin, "If you don't know, you'd think you killed a pig."

The pink-haired girl smiled nonchalantly, opened two bottles of detergent and poured them in her pocket. While doing so, she said, "Why don't Lao Xu keep the hotel?"

"It's a pretty idea," said the underworld man under the lamp.

Looking back at what happened yesterday, it was probably to get those in Black Coat to take action. The desert is a particularly suitable place. The sandstorm created by Black Coat and others in order to interfere with the line of sight can not only make the scene more dangerous, but also conducive to fooling people.


Of course, Deng Xiahei didn’t know what Chang Shoujie said specifically, but Xu Huo’s goal was Dr. Joyce. Since he had made it clear to Chang Shoujie, he must have achieved his goal. He was not taken advantage of, so why waste the resources in the hotel.

"Are you really a 'last wish before death'?" The gangster said under the lamp: "All the players in the same dungeon as you have been killed. If you want to pass the level, you have to find someone else."

The pink-haired man didn't seem to hear the offensive meaning in his words. He sat down in the tent and took a bottle of water from his hand. He drank half of the bottle before wiping his mouth and saying, "I was talking nonsense."

After saying that, he smiled and didn't care what copy the other people were.

Under the lamp, Hei Bai realized that he couldn't continue talking about this topic. He was about to sit a little further away when he suddenly saw the pink hair taking out a notebook to write and draw.

"You still keep a diary?" He couldn't believe it.

"Love letter." Pink Hair winked at him, "I've been out for a few days and I miss her a little."

Everyone present guessed that his girlfriend was probably dead, but seeing how he was always overly excited, they couldn't help but sympathize. Deng Xiahei then asked: "Is your girlfriend a gamer?"

The expression of the pink-haired man paused, and the smile was wiped away along with the bold temperament on his body, replaced by a heavy sense of solemnity. After a moment, he said: "Yes, she is also a player."

This was not a good topic, so Hei Hei shut up under the lamp, but Chang Shoujie next to him glanced at him and his expression became serious.

Not long after, Xu Huo came back and got the instrument that Dr. Joyce left for Chang Shoujie.

Although it has been buried underground for several years, the instrument is well preserved and looks brand new when opened. However, the instrument is an old model from a few years ago. It looks like a watch and the hands represent the direction.

"The direction pointed by the instrument has not changed. It should be a fixed place." The black probe under the lamp glanced at the pointer that had been shaking weakly. "But there is only one direction. This place has gone to the sea. How can we find it?"

Xu Huo looked at Chang Shoujie and said, "Let's talk alone."

The "Snowflake Hotel" still appeared in the desert. Xu Huo brought Chang Shoujie to the suite, asked him to sit down, and then got straight to the point, "How much do you know about Dr. Joyce?"

Chang Shoujie smiled and said, "You are a smart person, can't you trust yourself?"

He was referring to the fact that he deliberately set up a situation for Gao Dawei and used Gao Dawei to lure him into a trap.

"Acting on expediency," Xu Huo said without any apology, "I believe what you said when you entrusted Gao Dawei to do so was true, but this does not prevent me from thinking that you have reservations."

"What else do you want to know about?" Chang Shoujie said: "Except for the matters in Area 010, I can't help with anything else."

Even though he was degenerated and sick, Chang Shoujie's mind was still flexible. Once he met him, he guessed that Xu Huo's search for Dr. Joyce was definitely not just a commission or to complete the copy, he had other purposes.

Xu Huo did not let him take the initiative, but talked about another thing.

"Why do you think Dr. Joyce is obsessed with saving Area 010?"

Chang Shoujie's expression changed slightly, but he was heard to continue: "Dr. Joyce once worked for Hengxing Pharmaceutical Group. When the great changes occurred in Area 010, he followed the company to this land."

“What can Stellar Medicine do?”

"Did they participate in the destruction of Area 010? Are the large number of mutants related to them? Did they create the black thorn disease?"

"The almost completely destroyed Area 010 is not even qualified for human experimentation. Why should Dr. Joyce stay? Is it out of professional ethics or guilt?"

Xu Huo slowed down the pace of his speech, and paid more attention to Chang Shoujie's expression when he spoke. The former player who had devoted himself to Area 010 concealed his emotions in a very short period of time, and replied: "No matter what

Whatever the reason, Dr. Joyce is helping Area 010."

"He has been staying in Area 010?" Xu Huo asked again.

"Area 010 does not have enough resources." Chang Shoujie answered this question vaguely. In fact, anyone with any brain could think of how the conditions in Area 010 could support Joyce to complete the experiment. He might even need to buy the equipment himself.

"He must have told you where he was before he left for the last time." Xu Huo said, "The instrument can only point to a general direction. I have no intention of going back, so why don't you just tell me the location."

"You should also want to know the last movements of Dr. Joyce... Even if you can't find his body, you may be able to find the last clue he left for you."

Chang Shoujie's expression became a little sad, "That safe zone disappeared two years ago."

Xu Huo knew that Bazheng was the CK12 safe zone, and that CK12 disappeared two years ago, and Chang Shoujie had already left the game at that time. Perhaps Dr. Joyce came back to find him.

"So I don't have a clearer clue. Maybe Dr. Joyce went to a certain safe area. If the positioning instrument can't find the person, then maybe he really can't be found." Chang Shoujie said.

What a coincidence. The direction pointed by the positioning instrument happened to be near CK12. Xu Huo came from there, so he knew the specific location. And Dr. Deng said with certainty that the person was dead, so Dr. Joyce might have found it two years ago.

He died in the CK12 safe zone, so it makes sense that the tool he used to locate him fell in the safe zone.

After coming around in such a big circle, it seems like we are back to where we started.

However, with a locating device, you can at least find the whereabouts of Dr. Joyce, which is better than searching blindly in an entire buried safe zone city.

"I hope Dr. Joyce will really achieve results." Compared with the next generation of human and heterogeneous reproduction, Xu Huo sincerely hopes that Dr. Joyce will develop a genetic drug to treat black thorn disease.

The conversation ended here, and he asked Gao Dawei to come up and pick him up.

"Is that pink-haired man someone you know?" Chang Shoujie suddenly asked.

"What's the problem?" Xu Huo paused.

"Normal players who clear the level will care more about the clues in the dungeon. He is a bit abnormal." Keep the node until now. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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