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Chapter 1909 The inside story of the engagement

"Isn't this the biggest news about Platinum Eyes recently?" Xu Huo glanced at him, "Is there anything you can say?"

Xin Rong still had the same winking look, "When the news of the engagement first came out, we thought we were going to apply the Lang family's bullshit ointment, but we didn't expect it to take a turn."

Xu Huo waved and bought a few fruit plates, handed one to him, and continued walking forward, "I guess the conditions have not been negotiated."

Xin Rong raised a finger, shook it, and said mysteriously: "It's not that simple."

"What's wrong with strong alliances? If the terms can't be negotiated, let's sit down and talk about it. It's just about who gets more and who gets less."

"With everyone breaking up like this, wouldn't all the preparation and momentum in the early stage have been in vain?"

"Besides, although Miss Peppa is the one who is engaged, if the conditions are right, it is not impossible to change to Miss Koko. After all, Miss Peppa is still young and needs to work more closely. It is more logical for the adult Miss Koko to complete the engagement.


Xu Huo understood, "You mean they were not prepared to fulfill the engagement from the beginning?"

Xin Rong snapped his fingers, "That's right!"

"After the engagement broke up, I received some news one after another, and I realized that the matter was not that simple."

Having said this, he also placed three props around the two of them to prevent prying eyes, and used instruments to modify his appearance before continuing: "Do you know what the latest weapon is now developed by Platinum Eyes?


"A new energy weapon that uses special ores as energy?" Xu Huo said.

Xin Rong nodded, "You know that ordinary thermal weapons cannot be put in the luggage compartment. This is not only to ensure the game experience, but also to reduce unnecessary trouble. After all, if the weapons can keep up with the coming and going of the train, the game world will definitely

It’s much more chaotic.”

"But new energy weapons can be put in the luggage compartment. You have seen the power of new energy cannons. Recently, new energy cannons have been developed quite comprehensively. They have all kinds of effects. The greater the output, the more sold. This kind of

Sooner or later, weapons will be banned from the luggage compartment in the game."

Xu Huo paused while eating the fruit. This is normal. The purpose of not allowing hot weapons to enter the luggage compartment is to limit large-scale wars, and the combat effectiveness of a few players is limited, even if it is Carmen Field and

The impulsive defensive battle of several super players only ended in the loss of the game partition, which was not painful to the vast game world.

And for the game, players who hold props can be on guard. Closing the personal panel can immediately cut off the player's left and right hands. Even ordinary people can use the weapons in their hands.

"Is the marriage contract between the two cities due to the development of new weapons?" he asked.

Xin Rong said with a "You guessed it right" expression, "It will be too late to develop new weapons after new energy weapons are banned. Of course, Platinum Eyes cannot go behind others."

"It is said that someone in other wormhole points has invented a low-energy energy conversion system. As long as it is passed through a special system chip, ordinary ore can also achieve advanced power."

"To use this chip requires the development of new supporting equipment, which will be a major change in the weapons industry."

"Not to mention anything else, the low energy consumption and high output alone are enough to make many people excited. Moreover, I heard that the supporting equipment used by those who developed the conversion chip is very 'crude'."

“You know what ‘shabby’ means?”

"It means that the weapon itself is easy to obtain, and the game may not be able to ban it." Xu Huo understood immediately.

The hot weapons in the game world all demonstrate advanced technology. The more powerful they are, the more so. Therefore, it is very easy for the game to filter them out. However, if the materials that make up the weapons are very simple, then the game cannot expand the filtering content because they may be related to the weapons.

Many of the everyday items that go into the luggage compartment are similar.

"That's it!" Xin Rong's voice was full of excitement, "Not only are Platinum Eyes and the Lang family looking for this kind of chip, but many other people from Wormhole Point are also looking for it!"

"It's a coincidence that the Platinum Eyes and the Lang Family both suspect that the other party has obtained this kind of chip."

"So this engagement is not for negotiation or exchange of interests at all, but for swallowing the other party!"

Xu Huo was a little surprised, "Is this what Platinum Eyes had in mind?"

Xin Rong coughed lightly, "This is some rumor, but I think the truth should be like this. Think about it, no one who gets the chip will give it to others for nothing. Technology is equal to life. No matter how much money and resources are, what use is it?"

?Besides, neither we nor the Lang family are willing to cut our flesh for chips."

"I guess the Lang family thought the same way, which is why the engagement came about."

"Why did it end in nothing in the end?" Xu Huo asked, if it was a battle to destroy the city, the Platinum Eye wouldn't be so calm now.

"I don't know the specific situation..." Xin Rong said regretfully, "You have a good relationship with Miss Kou Kou. I thought I could learn something from you."

"You think highly of me." Xu Huo smiled, "Friends won't tell all the secrets."

Xin Rong smiled and patted his shoulder, "I told you before that you are too humble. Miss Koko's platinum badge will not be lent to outsiders easily."

Xu Huo didn't explain much, but casually changed the subject, "Did Platinum Eyes suffer heavy losses?"

"There should be no injuries." Xin Rong said: "Otherwise, the city should have activated emergency mode long ago."

"But I'm really curious about what kind of chip it is. If there is such a useful thing, the gaming world may change."

"If there really is such a chip, shouldn't it eventually fall into the hands of the gaming government?" Xu Huo asked rhetorically.

"That makes sense." Xin Rong didn't think there was anything unreasonable about it at all. Seeing the rubber doll floating in front of him, he took two quick steps and picked up Xiao Yuan and put it on, "Uncle, I'll teach you how to play."

The rubber doll is floating and can carry lighter people. Xiao Yuan was panicked at first, but after he got used to it, he let Tan Qi sit on it together.

Xin Rong cooperated and pulled a doll and put Tan Qi on it.

After a few people ran around for a while, Xin Rong turned back to Xu Huo and said, "You can contact Miss Kou Kou directly. If the city government outsources any new business, you must remember me."

Xu Huo was amused, "Okay, I will definitely remember it."

Xin Rong is a local and knows where the most fun places are, so after shopping, the group went to the Sky Amusement Park to jump in line and play hidden events with the platinum badge Xu Huo got.

"What kind of hidden project requires jumping in line..." Xu Huo sat on a wide platform wrapped in a transparent film. Before he finished speaking, he was sent high into the sky by a gentle force. The protective layer made of special materials had a kind of

It feels as if you are floating in mid-air, as if you are sitting in a bubble and flying high into the sky without any pressure.

"Look at the castle in the sky!" Xin Rong pointed to the heights.

This chapter has been completed!
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