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Chapter 1955 The Value of the Inspector’s Identity

It was inconvenient to talk outside, so the middle-aged woman didn't say much. When the city bus passed through a relatively dense residential area, the two got off the bus.

This area should be a stronghold of the rebels. When Xu Huo got out of the car with the woman, three eyes from different directions fell on him. Two of them quickly moved away, and only the one closest to them was in a building facing the street.

His attention is always on him.

This is different from the curious stares of residents who live nearby when they see someone passing by.

This residential area is located in the southeast of the East District, a long way from the city center. The style of the building is similar to the one I saw just after exiting Gate 3. The main body of the building is mainly composed of special glass, and the layers are

There are metal partitions between the floors. It is daytime and many people have chosen to turn off the shading effect of the walls, so you can see home life everywhere.

"Don't you have to go to work?" Xu Huo asked.

"Of course I have to work." The middle-aged woman smiled and said, "But the East District implements a half-day work system, so you can choose either morning or afternoon."

Although the technological development in the East District is good, it has not yet reached the level where the entire society is completely mechanized. Unlike the high welfare and stress-free living environment in the previous district where the Ember Girl copy was located, people living here still need to work, and the welfare can only

The most basic food is guaranteed, and other high consumption cannot be supported, but fortunately the salary is not low.

Xu Huo saw some recruitment information as he passed by the street.

There are many chefs, designers, teachers and emotional counselors, and there are also some home repairers, craftsmen, or cleaning workers.

The lower floors were full of shops. The middle-aged woman also met two neighbors on the way and chatted with them enthusiastically. After knowing what fresh vegetables were on sale in the market, she brought Xu Huo, a freshly baked "distant relative" with her.

Go buy ingredients for lunch.

The market in the East District is actually a large supermarket. The staff inside are all robots. The food is complete and fresh. Although the price is high, it is still affordable for the people in the East District. Because the working hours are relaxed, no one in the market at this time can


The middle-aged woman bought two days' worth of ingredients after asking Xu Huo if he knew how to cook.

Her house was in the middle of a residential building. After closing the door, she first turned on the shading effect to block the line of sight inside and outside. Then she took out a testing instrument from the cabinet, easily pulled off the cover, removed a chip inside and replaced it.

After checking the house and confirming that there were no dangerous items, her expression became serious and she solemnly said to Xu Huo: "First of all, thank you for your support to the Resistance Army. The Resistance Army will remember this kindness."


"Also, if you want to stay in the East District, we can find a way to arrange a job for you until you can live a stable life."

"I no longer have an identity in the Western District." Xu Huo said: "Your man went to the training base on my behalf. No matter what he does, my identity will definitely be invalidated in the end. I can't go back to the Western District, so I can only stay here.


"I don't have an identity in the East District either."

The middle-aged woman said: "The East District is not as good as you think, and staying here does not mean it is safe."

"But if I tell you now, you won't believe it. You will understand after you live there for a few days."

Xu Huo sat down at the dining table and said anxiously: "I can't go back to the West District anyway. No matter how bad the East District is, I won't be without food, and someone won't just pop up from the alley and stab me...


The middle-aged woman observed him carefully and comforted him after a moment: "Don't worry, you have facilitated the resistance. We will definitely find a way to settle you. If you decide to stay in the East District, we will get you a place no matter what."

Proof of legal identity.”

Xu Huo reluctantly nodded, paused and then asked: "Can I ask where they went? Those inspectors?"

"Sorry, I don't know about this either." The middle-aged woman took a bottle of drink from the ingredients and pushed it in front of him. "This is an energy drink. Drinking it can make you calmer."

Xu Huo grabbed the drink bottle but did not open it, and asked again: "If I am discovered, will the Supervision Department find me?"

"Don't worry, they will only think that you were replaced by us midway. Even if our people are exposed, they will only get the news that you have been killed. Just call me Sister Yan." The middle-aged woman seemed not to want to be with her.

He talked more, turned on the projection screen in the room to let him watch the program to relax, and then went into the kitchen on the pretext of cooking.

Public programs are a channel to learn about life in the East District. Xu Huo clicked on all the different signal channels as if he had never watched a TV program before. When he was done browsing, he chose one in a nearby street.

Programs are used to understand the surrounding situation.

It didn't take long for Sister Yan to put the food on the table, and asked him two things while eating.

First, she had to go to work in the afternoon, so she had to leave him alone. It was best for him not to go out, lest he reveal his unfamiliarity with the living environment in the East District.

Second, there will be automatic aircraft passing by on the street every once in a while. If the house is suddenly scanned, let him not panic. This is the city government randomly checking the player's identity. The mask he is currently using has a legal identity in the East District and is just a prop.

Masks have a time limit and cannot be used forever.

Xu Huo said that he remembered it, and after asking about the operation methods of various instruments in the room, he finally felt a little more at ease, his demeanor became calmer, and he even took the initiative to ask about the cleanup plan.

"If the East Enders want to clean up all the West Enders, will the West Enders living in the East End be affected?"

"It's hard to say." Sister Yan said a few more words after hearing this, "The city government and Agor Company are selfish and everything is for profit. If one day machines can replace all labor, maybe this city will not

will allow us to exist."

"I can't tell you more details." She said pointedly.

Xu Huo understood that he was not one of his own after all.

After the meal, Sister Yan cleared away the dishes and left.

Xu Huo stayed alone in the house. After watching TV programs for a while, he became bored. He tried out some interesting gadgets in the house, and then went to sleep in the room arranged for him by Sister Yan.

There are people nearby who have been monitoring him. This is not surprising. He is not from the rebels and has met members of the rebels. Even if the rebels can really fulfill their promise to arrange an identity and job for him, they must make sure that he is not someone who will betray them anytime and anywhere.

Otherwise, it would be better to just kill him.

Of course, a trained inspector's physical ability and reaction are better than those of ordinary people, and this is where his value lies. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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