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Chapter 196 Stellar Medical Research Group

 Brother Tie grabbed Wei Bin and said, "Why didn't you say anything just now!"

"You guys went crazy with joy before I even had a chance to say anything." Wei Bin said innocently: "Besides, you won't eat it after I said it?"

"This can be regarded as a food reserve. If there is no food ten floors below, these mushrooms can withstand it for a while."

"But mushrooms grow by absorbing nutrients from corpses!" Brother Tie said with disgust: "Can it be eaten?!"

Wei Bin opened his hand and said, "I'm not telling you, you decide whether to eat or not."

The whole floor was quiet for a few seconds, then Kang Hong threw the mushroom and said: "I think I can drink water."

Some people gave up the mushrooms in their hands, but others took the initiative to pick up some.

"Let's look around first." Xu Huo said to Jiang Yihua and the others.

Mushrooms, including the white strands, are not aggressive. Although the newly broken white strands are very sticky, they will fall off on their own in about ten minutes. The fallen white strands will slowly blend into the "nutritional jelly" and turn into

Nutrients for other mushrooms.

"Since these mushrooms can't kill people, where did the... below come from?" Jiang Yihua thought of a possibility and couldn't help but retched.

"There's something down there." Dazhi, who was squatting nearby cleaning mushrooms, suddenly turned around and shouted.

Xu Huo walked over in a few steps and saw him cut open the jelly and take out a record book.

The body next to the record book has been dissolved. In addition to the notebook, there is a pen and some white cloth fragments floating next to it.

"Look at what's written on it." Jiang Yihua urged.

Xu Huo opened the notebook. The handwriting on the first few pages was blurred, but there seemed to be a research note in the middle:

"...The underground world of Clown City is a forbidden place for humans, but it is a paradise for fungi. According to statistics from scientific researchers who have rushed here, there are as many as 371 naturally occurring fungi in this underground world.

Well, this is still a statistic supported by data.”

"But so far, no scientific researcher has found the fungus that created this underground world - this underground world must have been created by fungi, because the fungi found in the holes in the rock are more complex than honeycombs and more varied than ant nests.

nutrient transport channels.”

“The evolution of nature is amazing.”

"I speculate that this underground world was first occupied by a mutated fungus. After a long period of transformation, the environment became suitable for fungi to survive, and then different fungi were derived that are difficult to completely count."

"Although most of them are ordinary fungi, their growth cycles are longer than those of the same fungi, and they are more valuable for research. There is also an extremely rare mycelium that can defend against sharp weapons."

"But it is a pity that our research team has entered the underground world many times and failed to find the place where this fungus grows."

"...The current pace of human exploration has only penetrated less than a kilometer into this underground world. I believe there are many more fungi like this that can produce defensive weapon hyphae."

"As long as the Xiaohuahonghong Scientific Research Base receives funding from the Hengxing Pharmaceutical Group, we can purchase enough equipment to enter the underground world, mine new species that have never appeared in any wormhole point, and rewrite the history of evolutionary plants!"

This is not the first time Xu Huo has seen the name of the company Hengxing Pharmaceutical Group. As early as in Decibel Town, Master Nisei’s survey data showed a high rate of appearance of this company. From Master Nisei’s description of this company

Judging from his hostile attitude, he probably suspected that the death of his son and daughter-in-law was related to this company.

Now, the company is back in the record books.

Picking up the pen next to him, he turned it around and saw the word "Hao" engraved on one side.

"Isn't this the Professor Hao mentioned in the game introduction?" Jiang Yihua said: "Didn't he go to attract investment? How could he die here?"

"Maybe it's a competition for interests." The tall woman said, "Maybe they are grabbing business."

Xu Huo glanced at her and continued to flip the notebook back. There was no text at the back, but the last page contained a dried purple petal.

"I just saw this kind of flower on the thirteenth floor." Jiang Yihua said: "In the glass room next to the buzzing flower, a very small one was hidden under other flowers."

"That glass room is full of purple flowers." Xu Huo said.

"I can't mistake it. It's a completely different flower." Jiang Yihua recalled: "The other energy values ​​are about 20, but this one only has one."

Xu Huo silently collected the petals and said nonchalantly: "Maybe it was not cultivated well."

Jiang Yihua nodded.

"What did you find?" Gu Yu came over at this time, pointed to the back and said: "We also found some scientific researchers over there who have not finished transforming. Most of the staff in the Xiaohuahonghong Building may be here.


"I wonder what Professor Hao discovered."

The biggest secret of evolution is too tempting for players.

The biggest secret of evolution... Xu Huo's intuition is related to the perfect evolution potion, but given the murderous behavior of the Stellar Pharmaceutical Group, even if he mastered the production method of the S version of the potion, he probably would not share it with all players in the game.

Judging from the existence of alien species and breeding areas, the game Dimension Rift is deliberately dividing the world and cannot evolve perfectly. Always relying on potions is a player's weakness and an effective means to control players.

He handed the record book to Gu Yu, who took it over and looked at it with Dai Wenqian and others.

After a while, Xu Huo saw that the time was almost up, so he went to the elevator and pulled back his mobile phone that had been hanging deep in the elevator shaft.

Except for a slight noise in one of the elevators, the other three were quiet.

Xu Huo picked the one that Brother Tie had on hand and signaled Jiang Yihua and Dazhi to help him.

"I'll go up there for a moment. You guys close the door after I enter the elevator shaft."

The two looked at him in surprise, but seeing that he opened the door without any hesitation, they had no choice but to step forward to help.

As soon as the elevator door opened, several piranha flowers rushed over. Xu Huo raised his sword to cut them off. He was brought into the elevator shaft by Qin Xian, and he slashed at the piranha flower pot with hanging roots!

The piranha occupying the floor of the elevator shaft shook violently, and more than a dozen piranha flowers instantly spurted out of the broken pot. They were like pinballs with ropes in the narrow elevator shaft, colliding left and right with those rushing upward.


"Come and close the door!" Dazhi blocked a piranha flower and shouted to Kang Hong and others nearby.

However, Kang Hong was so frightened that he stepped back repeatedly. However, the tall woman and Gu Yu who were not far away rushed over immediately. They closed the elevator door towards the middle and said, "Do you care about Xu Huo?"

At this time, Dazhi threw out a card at Jiang Yihua's urging, and a flexible black panther jumped out of it, leading the two of them into the narrow elevator door!

This chapter has been revised. If there is any repetition at the beginning, refresh it. ^_^

This chapter has been completed!
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