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Chapter 2029 Black Key

The member of the Werner family gently raised his hand and waved it in the air, and five old-style keys of different colors appeared in front of him.

"These five keys are placed in different places in the manor. If you get the keys, you can get the boxes of the corresponding colors."

As he spoke, he raised his hand again, and five boxes appeared in the air.

"Everyone who attends the banquet has a chance of getting a key. Please move freely next."

As soon as he finished speaking, transparent diamond-shaped light pillars appeared in the space of the banquet hall. These light pillars spread around like space, passing through the furniture and furnishings, passing through the standing people, and covering the manor layer by layer. These spaces

Overlapping and scattered, on the surface it has no impact on the site, but in fact the manor is placed in different spaces. If you are careful, you can feel the subtle spatial differences.

The older generation of the Werner family and other nobles consciously did not participate in this activity and gave the opportunity to the young people of the family. The younger generation, whether they really want to get the box or to cheer, must actively work hard to find the key.


"Will you go somewhere you shouldn't go?" a noble woman asked in a low voice, and the companion next to her told her, "If you can't go, you won't be able to go in."

The purpose of dividing the space just now is not only to increase the area of ​​the manor, but also to shield some places that are not suitable for outsiders to enter.

"Has there been this program before?" Xu Huocai asked Roy after walking through the corridors on both sides of the venue and entering the living area of ​​the main building.

"Sometimes, such activities are not fixed. It depends on the harvest of the Werner family that year." Roy said: "Happy things will naturally be shared with everyone."

Before coming here, Xu Huo suspected that a super player wanted to settle the scores. However, judging from the entire banquet, the Werner family was quite powerful. The selected noble members all represented the backbone of the present and future. The purpose of the party was to win over,

He just happened to make it onto this list.

It is expected that area 011 will not only have one player who has time to evolve to the super level, but the number will definitely not be large. The super player in this area is a player who makes good use of the power of time, so this should not only win over the nobles, but also select talented people.

of players.

If this is the case, then the Werner family has no ill intentions towards him for the time being, and the noble members of District 011 can also be from outside. As long as the interests and blood ties are properly continued, anyone can be from District 011.

The five keys are made of five kinds of gemstones: black, white, blue, red and purple. They clearly have the aura of the power of time, but the manor is also filled with the power of time, so it is not easy to find the keys based on this.

No matter whether someone discovers that he broke into the time courtyard, he is safe now, so whether he can get the key or not, his situation will not change, even if this is a test.

The aristocratic children who were looking for the key maintained their demeanor. Everyone searched from room to room, and they were polite without fighting or talking. Even members of the Werner family would take the initiative to say hello when they met a fringe noble like Xu Huo.

As soon as they reached the second floor, Roy was pulled away by a young woman. He smiled apologetically at Xu Huo and motioned for him to leave first.

Xu Huo walked to the next room and, like everyone else, reached out and turned the doorknob.

Because of the space barrier, he didn't know what was behind the door, so when he saw three women sitting inside, he bowed and prepared to exit.

However, the woman near the door quickly walked up to him and grabbed him, "Everyone is busy looking for the keys. My feet are sore after walking for so long. Why don't you sit down and have some tea first?"

Xu Huo was pulled in, and soon tea was placed in front of him. After the three introduced themselves, they asked his name. One of them, Thea from the Werner family, smiled lightly and said, "Rose Flower Knight?"

Xu Huo also smiled, "A knight title that is somewhat different from my image."

"No, you look like a very gentleman." Siya took a sip of tea, "The key-finding program won't end so soon. We can go back after a break...will it delay you?"

"It's just a matter of luck. Maybe arriving a little late will just happen to me." Xu Huo said relaxedly.

Siya observed his expression and saw that he was not pretending, so she started talking to him.

Men are embellishments in topics between noble women, and women are embellishments in topics between men, so Thea Werner compromised by choosing some local customs and experiences in other districts to talk about to avoid a dull moment.

After drinking a cup of tea, they were ready to continue looking for the key.

The other two ladies went to the bathroom together within a few minutes of leaving. Xiya took Xu Huo and continued walking forward, playfully telling him that she knew some of the little traps in the manor, and maybe the key was hidden inside.

Xu Huo followed behind and cooperated, lending a little help from time to time, and was responsible for rummaging through boxes and cabinets.

Don't tell me, this actually made them touch a key.

The key was not in the room they were looking for, but when they came out, the person looking for the key on the opposite side had just left without closing the door, and the special time power that had not appeared a second ago inadvertently flashed as they passed by.

There are so many guests today, and no one has found the keys for so long. It seems that these keys are not only disguised with special powers, but also moved.

It was impossible to pretend not to see what was in front of him. Xu Huo raised his hand and clicked it gently in the air. The time rays around him trembled at the same time, and the key hidden in the power of time flashed under the staggered and jumping time fragments.

He stood up and used the space ray to gently move towards the area in front of him, and a black gemstone key fell into his palm.

"You found it!" Thea cheered in surprise, "We can go get the box!"

Xu Huo returned to the hall. He was the second person to find the key. The first one was a member of the Werner family. He got the sapphire key. When he saw the black sapphire key in his hand, the other person's expression changed slightly.

But then he returned to normal and congratulated him with a smile.

In the next half hour, Assis Werner and Kag Herta came out with purple and red keys, but no one found the white key. However, at this time, the Werner family announced "Looking for the key"

"When the event is over, the person who got the key can take away the corresponding box.

As the only winner from a fringe noble and an outside area player, Xu Huo has attracted much attention, especially when he stands with Area 011 hopefuls like Asis.

Obviously, the black key has different meanings from the keys of other colors. Even Assis's eyes fell on Xu Huo's hand for a long time, and he took the initiative to ask Xu Huo to get his box first.

After giving in, Xu Huo took the lead in getting the black box. Elder Werner, who hosted the event, kindly announced the end of the banquet and asked Siya to see him off.

The aircraft set off from the villa. Thea Werner, who was standing at the door, said to the housekeeper in disappointment: "He doesn't like me. I have no chance." ()

This chapter has been completed!
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