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Chapter 2046 Touching the Threshold

Although he roughly understood what Huahan Werner meant, in Xu Huo's perception, the time power in the yard had been finalized. To him, it was probably in a state of subdivision, and it was difficult to combine it into a holistic state.

Viewed according to status.

I tried many times in the yard without success, and the props finally returned to their original appearance.

Not determined to get a result, Xu Huo stopped to rest after repeated attempts to no avail. In addition to replenishing his physical strength and relieving fatigue, he also found some information about the evolution of time to read.

Of course, it is not all true about time evolution. It is mixed with a lot of specious things, such as the conception of time evolution that some players think they have, or the scenes of time power that some people have witnessed, people who use time power, or suspected

The existence of the power of time, and the place about the evolution of time. In this kind of information, there will often be a certain or a few powerful players' battle history. Most of them are fake, but some people have tracked the real ones they encountered in the past.

, but this kind of place is not very stable. Whether it can be entered or how long it can exist is unknown.

However, there are many illusions about the power of time. Some people even believe that the final state after the super evolution of time is to control the life and death of all things. As long as those who super evolve time do not die, they will eventually become existences that transcend time.

This idea sounds very absurd, but the people who proposed this hypothesis used a reason that many people are unable to refute, that is, the "starting point of time" of native stones.

Because of the rarity and particularity of the "starting point of time", many people firmly believe that this type of raw stone is related to the running foundation of the game. Since the game can control so many wormhole points, isn't this enough to explain the "power of time"


Very well, proposing an illusory hypothesis and then using another illusory hypothesis to prove it makes it impossible to refute it.

The other super evolutions can be easily understood, but only the super evolution of time, even if it is described to others, it is difficult for people to have a specific concept.

Because it is mysterious and difficult to understand, the power of time becomes extremely mysterious and leaves a lot of room for imagination.

Human beings are sensitive and curious about time, so they have the dream of controlling time and traveling through time and space.

Xu Huo really wanted to try to see through the "angel's eyes". The "angel's eyes" are props made from a whole piece of "time starting point". They have the function of releasing the power of time, so they can be used as auxiliary tools. Unfortunately,

What's more, he doesn't know if anyone is paying attention to his every move. The value of "Start of Time" can be exchanged for a partition, and it is very likely to be parts of Field's Battle Angel. Be careful when taking it out anywhere, let alone

The current situation.

With some regret, he threw all the information he had read into the luggage compartment. He barely slept a wink the night before, so he just found a room and went to sleep as soon as night fell.

The barren mountains and ridges are not closed, so many small animals come to visit at night. However, the more powerful the animals are, the higher their awareness of danger. It is not that there are no ferocious beasts in the mountains, but they usually just wander around when they come here.

Come on, if you happened to be hunting and happened to be nearby, even if you gave up the prey, they would not break into the yard. Instead, some small animals would break into the yard without thinking, and because the yard is too big, they would wander around.

Unable to find an exit, some simply use cabinets or beds as nests.

Not only that, but some mutant plants that grew too fast also climbed up the courtyard wall and extended from the courtyard wall into the courtyard, becoming both part of the courtyard scenery and food for the animals that entered the courtyard.

When Xu Huo got up the next morning, there were tinkling sounds everywhere in the yard. There were more birds flying in than yesterday, and many of them came for the plants that were growing rapidly in the yard.

He stood at the door and took a look, and found that there were still some people who didn't dare to come in and were lingering nearby, probably because they were curious about new things.

After breakfast, it started to rain in the mountains. The little animals didn't feel anything about the light rain, and they were still jumping up and down in the yard. Xu Huo looked at the thick fog overflowing from the top of the mountain from a distance, and it was estimated that it would be gone soon.

The yard is completely covered.

He built a small awning in the yard, took a few bags of nut snacks and threw them on the ground to attract nearby small animals to eat.

Gradually, there were more and more small animals in the yard. Some brave ones even dared to jump on his lap, but it was not very cute to grab things. Xu Huo reached out to grab them, but was scoffed at. He saw that they looked like squirrels.

, the mutant with particularly fluffy and beautiful hair opened its mouth with two rows of sharp teeth. He looked at it intently for a second, and then poked it back to the ground with a finger.

Most of them eat now, but there are also some small animals that will jump out of the yard with their mouths stuffed in their hands, and then come back to repeat the process. Xu Huo was distracted and looked over, and found a tree hole where food was stored.

The little animal carefully walked around the colorful mushrooms outside, then jumped in while hanging upside down. When it came out, it even used its tail to sweep the mushrooms next to it, covering its traces with the powdery spores falling out of the mushrooms.

Xu Huo gradually fell into a trance as he watched the spores floating in the rain.

The vibrations of time rays can affect each other. This is a use of time power. It can be regarded as touching the power of time. According to Bai Kou, this kind of dialing can destroy some props that are sensitive to the power of time, resulting in

The prop is invalid.

The power of time cannot be changed by humans, but the vibration of time rays can affect props. Does this mean that the power of time is unstable to a certain extent?

The props will use special time and space ores to some extent, and the conditions for activating the props are not fixed. Some of them may also use special ores, so they are so sensitive to changes in the power of time. The instability of the power of time, from another perspective

It seems that when the time ray vibrates, it may be slightly entangled with the time force in the nearby space. However, this kind of entanglement is difficult for evolvers who have not reached a certain level to capture, but props that require high-precision control can.


Although the partitions all exist independently, it does not mean that the stable space and the stable space are isolated from each other. They may be close together, or they may penetrate and accommodate each other due to the relationship between dimensions. Since space props and instruments can make

The player instantly jumps to another space, so why can't the power of time do it?

Does space evolution and time evolution assist each other?

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