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Chapter 2086 City Resurrection

"This space is just in line with the time in Area 011 outside, so we didn't notice anything wrong when we came in, and the timing tool was normal..." Wang Lington paused, and then added: "But our personal panel

There is a high probability that we have lost contact with the game, so whether it is the time on the personal panel or the time on the timing tool we hold, it may not be accurate."

"But we are in this abandoned city and can only act according to the currently known time rules."

"And I feel that this is probably not an unformed copy."

Meng Wenguang and others couldn't even see the Time Tower a few days ago, but he and Xu Huo, who had time props, found the Time Tower easily. This explains the problem very much, plus what happened last night...

Wang Ling looked at Xu Huo. He was holding an A-level time prop in his hand. If his prop did not take effect, there were only three possibilities. One was whether the time prop was suitable for the venue, and the other was that Xu Huo had already

Time has evolved to the super level and has mastered the power that he has not mastered. Thirdly, he may have a time-type super prop in his hand.

When this thought flashed across his mind, his breathing slowed down for a beat.

Xu Huo's eyes fell on Wang Ling's face, and he slowly answered his words, "I'm afraid the copy in this venue is not only complete, but also carefully designed, and has escaped the control of the game."

"A dungeon is a dungeon, how can it be possible to break away from the game?" Feng Hui was shocked. This was beyond his understanding. "Can a dungeon be separated from the game?"

It's hard to say.

There is an "innocent heart" that exists like a "back door" in the game, as well as a "mysterious man" suit gifted from all the game production staff, and there are also high-risk random loopholes that allow you to become a hacker by jumping out of the wormhole, and appear.

A copy without a game introduction is not surprising.

What's more, this place appeared by chance. Dr. Wu worked in Cockscomb City. There is no cutting-edge technology and medical skills here, so what is he doing here?

Of course, these cannot be discussed with others, but, "Since we have determined that this is a dungeon, we must proceed as we would treat a dungeon."

Xu Huo continued: "Since the time after 9:17 exists and will not affect the abandoned city where we are now, then searching in the city will probably be fruitless."

"You mean to find a way to enter the space after 9:17 in advance?" Wang Ling said, turning to the time tower next to him, "Do you want to start from here?"

After a pause, he looked back, "What if there is not another space, but the time flow rate after 9:17 has been changed, or both? I don't understand the real power of time."

"It depends on our luck." Xu Huo looked at the Time Tower. He knew nothing about anything after 9:17. The current exploration here is just speculation. Since it is speculation, it may be correct.

It may be wrong, and I can only hope that this is really a copy.

"Try my props first." Wang Ling stepped forward and took out a blue multi-faceted gem.

"Aren't you waiting for Miss Lu?" Yue Rui asked at this time.

"It doesn't matter if we wait." Wang Ling said: "She said she came in from near the Time Tower. No one knows the truth or lies. Besides, if we successfully enter another space, maybe the entire city will change. She can directly

You might as well go in."

As he placed the gem in front of the door, a thread of light flowed out from the middle of the gem and then illuminated the door.

The light of this silk thread can be seen by everyone. It seems like the water surface reflecting the light. This thread looks sparkling. After it meanders, it connects to the corner of the door - "Click!"

The sound came from the clock above. Everyone looked up, only to see that the second hand that had been pointing at "12" moved backwards. The old machinery made a heavy and hoarse sound, and then fully opened, along with the minute and hour hands, backwards, and finally stopped at 11.

At 33:00, from this point on, the second hand begins to move normally.

And when the clock started moving, starting from the Tower of Time, the vast fog was dispersed by the sun, like a drop of rain falling on the water, and the whole city began to become bright and active, and those things that should exist in the city but could not be seen

Things reappeared, travelers walking on the street, the owner weighing in front of the stall, the chef lighting the fire in the open kitchen, the waiter preparing to serve... the birds flying in the sky, the children playing around the Tower of Time——

The city suddenly came alive.

Two uniformed patrolmen came not far away. They walked to the newsstand, opened the sealed glass window, and pasted a new notice inside. A nearby resident came up to ask what was going on.

"Recently, home invasions and robberies have occurred frequently. The city government asked people to issue a notice. Whether they are doing business or hanging out, they should go home early and lock the door." Among them, the young patrolman readily answered other people's questions.

"I don't know what's going on," an elderly lady held her child in hand and stopped to comment. "Bad things are always happening recently, such as robberies, thefts, and even more terrible murders. I am so old.

Now that I'm old, I don't know if I can die."

The young patrolman gave her a hand and said, "You always keep the doors and windows tightly closed. It won't be a problem to live to be two hundred years old!"

The old lady laughed and touched her face, "My face is so old and full of wrinkles. What are you doing living at such an old age? I don't know how ugly it will be when you die..."

The young patrolman agreed while sending her away from the road. He turned around and saw Xu Huo and the others, and said, "You are tourists from out of town. It's not very safe recently. Find a place to stay early at night."

"Break-in and robbery...wouldn't it be unsafe if we stayed in a hotel?" Yue Rui asked softly.

The young patrolman waved his hand and said, "Be careful and you won't get into serious trouble. Besides, there are several men in your group. Even if criminals want to pick people, they have to choose old, weak, women and children."

"Don't talk nonsense!" The older patrolman scolded him, looked at Xu Huo and others, and then gave them a map and asked them to stay in a nearby high-end hotel. The security measures in high-end hotels were also better.

"It is said that all high-end hotels have recently replaced the Xiaoxing brand intelligent security robots. I haven't seen the new ones on the market." The young patrolman wanted to say a few more words, but was pulled away by his companions.

However, these words aroused the desire to talk to other people nearby. A middle-aged man said: "My son works at Little Star Company and has applied for one through the employee channel. However, I heard that mass production has been achieved. Very soon.

Everyone will be able to buy it soon, and it’s actually not that strange, it’s just more flexible than the clumsy robots of the past.”


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