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Chapter 2132 Kes Creatures

Before dawn, Xu Huo went to Qingshi, a small and medium-sized city far away from the station city.

This is where the ship mentioned on the message terminal appeared. There was more than one witness. The ship appeared here after being damaged. The most likely destination is nearby.

The information on the Jixin terminal spread quickly. When he arrived, there were already many unofficial flying instruments searching around the city. The main direction was outside the city, probably because they suspected that the Tian family's secret industry was nearby.

Most buildings in the city do not allow unofficial flying instruments to approach and explore, and there are many people in the city. If you want to do something that is not allowed by law, it is best to find a place with fewer monitoring instruments, so more people will pay attention.

Efforts were put into some mountainous areas around the city.

In fact, with the technology of District 008, it is not difficult to hollow out the mountain and put a shell on the outside, so it looks like a place with mountains on the outside, but it may be a city inside, although District 008 explicitly prohibits NGOs from doing this.

The mountain can be utilized, but no one can guarantee that there will be none.

Of course, it is also possible inside the city. Because of the existence of container props, it is not difficult to move a large number of people without attracting attention.

Xu Huo went to a maintenance company in Qingshi. According to the Jixin terminal, there was an order from Haiyun Technology to repair some low-tech facilities inside the ship. He controlled the company's technical staff

After investigating the whereabouts of the order, these repaired facilities were finally sent to a branch of the Tian family in Qingshi.

Large-scale installations require transportation. He found the transportation company used by this company from the monitoring equipment of nearby residents. After a little research, he found out that this transportation company was just a thin layer of skin, but it was actually an industry of the Tian family.

In this way, it will be difficult to distinguish the authenticity of the orders placed by the transportation company, but this is also a small gain, because it means that some secret transportation orders within the Tian family may be handled by this company.

Selecting one of the outstanding employees announced by the transportation company, Xu Huo hypnotized the person and asked him about his work content.

The main items this professional driver transports are vegetables, meats and fruits. His daily task is to visit companies and laboratories in five nearby cities, including Qingshi. These companies and laboratories have different names and durations.

Some people say that the one with the largest supply is a company called Kes Biotech, because the main research objects of this company are some evolved animals. Letting evolved animals evolve more practical functions is an eternal topic for scientific researchers, so here

Feeding a large number of mutated animals, the supply is also the largest.

After having a clear goal, Xu Huo went straight to Kesi Biotechnology. From the outside, this company was not much different from an ordinary biological company. However, when he deliberately put the flying instruments in, defensive barriers appeared alternately.

The weapon destroyed the instrument immediately and did not even allow the instrument to leave the company's premises.

And this was not the first instrument to be destroyed. There were also some fragments of flying instruments nearby, which should have been put there by nearby residents.

To this day, he can still hear some people discussing that the defense level of the X creature is too high.

Tonight, many properties belonging to the Tian family have been spied on. Kes Biotech is far away from the station. There have been no changes for the time being, and there is no movement within the company.

Xu Huo stood outside the company for a while and then came to an observation tower not far away. There was a person talking on the phone less than 500 meters away from the observation tower. In order to prevent the conversation from being heard by outsiders, this person's room

Sound shielding was done, but before that, he closed all the doors and windows, and turned on the anti-peeping mode - these behaviors did not mean anything, they just happened to appear in the spiritual world, which made people a little curious.

When Xu Huo was curious, he discovered that the other party happened to be an employee of Kes Biotech. The content of the call was not confidential, but a call from his family asking him if Kes Biotech was really conducting human experiments. The rows of corpses in the photo,

Coupled with the information revealed by Fang Jing, it is difficult not to think of experiments on living people.

The man's family told him to resign from Kes Biotech immediately to avoid inadvertently committing crimes in the future. The technicians in District 008 would not have to worry about finding a high-paying job.

Faced with his family's kindness, the man should have agreed, but he obviously didn't think so. After thinking for a moment, he contacted another company insider and suggested that the company transfer the experimental subjects of Xx Biotech to avoid the pressure of public opinion from the city government.

The company will be inspected next.

The person on the call didn't know what he said. The man's expression relaxed a little. After ending the call, he reopened the window and bedroom door, then walked to the living room and took out a box of pills from the mezzanine of the cabinet. The pills were unwrapped.

Explain, he looked at it steadily for a few seconds, seemed to have made up his mind, raised his head and swallowed one.

After doing this, the man's expression became much more relaxed, and he was still in the mood to lean on the bed and read a book. Seeing that he was still not sleepy, Xu Huo didn't want to wait until dawn, so he put some sleeping potion into the air, and gave him a dose after he lay down.

Acupuncture truth medicine.

"Wake up." After patting the person awake, Xu Huo smiled and said, "Why are you distracted?"

The man came back to his senses and found himself in the company. He was confused for a moment and then said: "I was thinking about what happened on Jixin Terminal... Who are you?"

"Maybe it's because I look too ordinary and I don't have much sense of presence," Xu Huo said, "I usually just play tricks. No wonder you can't remember me. I also read the message on the Jixin terminal. It spread a lot, but

No one with any sense would believe it."

The man forced a smile and said, "Yeah, what kind of human experiments? Who would use their own compatriots for human experiments?"

Xu Huo paused and said, "Someone called me. You are busy."

The men nodded and watched Xu Huo go away before entering their workshop. After locking the door, they entered the underground floor through the lifting device of the workshop.

As if he had bumped into someone head-on, he opened his mouth and asked, "Is Mr. Tian here? I feel unsafe, so I'd better find a way to move the experimental subject away!"

"Many people are staring at the Tian family now. It's better to remain silent than to move." "Tian Lao" said as he walked from a distance.

"Take it away in a transport truck." The man said, "The trucks usually used for delivery will not attract other people's attention."

"Tian Lao" shook his head, "The target is too big. Once discovered, it will only cause unnecessary trouble for us."

The man was a little impatient, "This won't work, and that won't work either, so what should I do?"

"Everything has been dealt with." "Tian Lao" said, "No trace will be left."

The man looked at him in shock, "How can that be done? These experimental subjects have just entered the observation stage and are important data samples!"

"Tian Lao" said that this matter was not decided by him alone and has already been implemented.

The man's face darkened and he hurriedly ran to the other end of the corridor. He first went to the place where the experimental subjects were kept. After finding that there was nothing there, he ran down again. As soon as he got out of the elevator, he shouted: "It can't be melted..."

The man suddenly jumped up from the bed and took a few deep breaths before comforting himself, "It turned out to be a nightmare..."

He looked at the sky outside, washed up as quickly as possible and prepared to go to the company. However, he did not go downstairs. Instead, he took out a transmission device, passed the identity authentication and said: "Personnel No. 221A applied for direct access."

This chapter has been completed!
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