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Chapter 2159 Blocking Dou Shengnan

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The disappearance of the simulated blockade barrier in non-game venues means that the props can be used again. Before the Chunlei members realized the disappearance of the blockade barrier, Dou Shengnan had already taken action, as if she had predicted in advance when the barrier would disappear.

Likewise, when the passive defense items were destroyed, the lives of Chun Lei's people were also involved.

But the strange thing is that Dou Shengnan did not leave, or even try to break out of the encirclement, but returned to the hotel.

She openly provoked the Lichuan City Government and the Military Region, and the law enforcement team had a reason to publicly intervene. However, when their personnel rushed to the hotel, several micro-instruments suddenly flew out from inside the hotel.

The image was projected into the air.

This is a short film, probably shot for publicity purposes. The image shows a family, a husband and wife preparing dinner together, five children running around, and laughter echoing over the city.

Judging from the object signs that appeared in the projection, this propaganda represents District 008, which also means that those who can leave the country must be important political figures in District 008. Therefore, when they see people in the air, the law enforcement team immediately stops

The action was taken, and even the members of Chunlei were asked to retreat.

At the same time, the contact person in the military region also left quickly, not sure if he was going to seek confirmation.

What is this? A hostage?

Ordinary people in Icheon City don't have enough weight, so why not replace them with heavyweights?

You don't even need to actually arrest the person, just use a plausible image.

I don’t know what kind of deal the Soil Knights have with the Tian family, but Dou Shengnan refused to leave even though he was in this position.

Xu Huo turned back to meet Nie Xuan and others.

Nie Xuan and the others obviously noticed this. Bai Ying proposed to monitor the player following Dou Shengnan. Although he was only a B-level player, Dou Shengnan was here to divert the attention of Area 008, and the other player disappeared without a trace.

No trace, probably went to Tian's house.

"This matter is not urgent." Xu Huo said: "It is easier for the military region and the Lichuan City Government to investigate than for us. Dou Shengnan has not left, and for this reason he is not willing to be hostile to District 008. As long as the Tian family is still in their right mind, they should not immediately put this matter into practice.

A business was made.”

"If the military region and the city government interfere, the Tian family may break the contract, but regardless of whether the contract is broken or not, it will not be difficult for Dou Shengnan to leave." Nie Xuandao: "The blockade was destroyed just now, and it should be Dou Shengnan's doing."

Xu Huo nodded, "Her spiritual evolution is much stronger than I thought."

However, it has only been half an hour since they arrived in Lichuan City, and there are still more than five hours until nine o'clock in the evening. It may change in a minute and a half, and it is almost impossible to delay it until then.

"It seems that this plan can only be scrapped." Nie Xuandao.

Xu Huo also looked a little solemn. When the strength is not equal, he will have to rely on huge external conditions. It will be difficult to find a better opportunity than today in the short term.

I vaguely felt that the possibility of delaying until nine o'clock in the evening was not very high, but at this time something unexpected happened, that is, the members of Chunlei evacuated the hotel after receiving the order, and the members of the law enforcement team surrounding the hotel also distanced themselves.

Instead, a group of military players entered the city center, and an alarm was also sounded in the city. Citizens who had been unconscious due to the drug woke up again under the stimulation of the drug and quickly moved away from the city center.

Players from outside areas will be evicted by law enforcement teams.

Dou Shengnan had no intention of leaving, so Lichuan City dispersed all the people and reopened the blockade barrier. The reappeared translucent barrier blocked the line of sight inside and outside. Before it was completely closed, Xu Huo saw a woman wearing a red windbreaker.

It flew through the air and headed straight to the hotel.

In addition to the barriers of non-game simulation equipment, several blocking barriers appeared inside, and then a low muffled explosion was heard. It was probably because of the blocking of the barriers. The sound was not loud, but the whole city shook continuously.

I can't imagine what's going on inside.

In order to avoid being affected, the people from the city government have begun to move the entire city's people outward. The teleportation gate outside the blockade is relatively stable. After opening a few fixed passages, ordinary people in the city can line up to leave.

However, there are several places that will not participate in the evacuation for the time being. One is the laboratories and factories directly under the government, the other is the staff and prisoners in the city hall, and the third is the rest area of ​​the law enforcement team responsible for city security. Ordinary people are evacuated first, and governments at all levels

The staff followed, and some other player organizations or player families had their own channels. It was not yet time to force everyone to evacuate, so the city government did not care whether they left or not.

About twenty minutes later, after another black fog tree grew up, the black smoke extended to the edge of the blockade barrier, and drifted farther away as several layers of barriers were destroyed one by one.

It was also at this time that Dou Shengnan's mental power began to spread crazily in all directions. In an instant, all the players still stranded in the city were affected to some extent. Those with weak mental power immediately turned pale and sweatdropped on their foreheads.

Dou Shengnan is running away!

But she didn't run to other areas.

In the flash of lightning, Xu Huo enlarged his spiritual world to a thousand meters, and at the same time called out his childhood personality from the library.

His childhood personality originally existed in his spiritual world as a black shadow. After the last reconciliation at Rose Flower Castle, his childhood personality already took on a new shape, but now he doesn't need his new look. He maintains his shadow appearance.

He just continued to incarnate his mental power, causing a newly generated thin blade-like thin slice to cross a hundred meters in length and cut into the sky, successfully blocking Dou Shengnan for a moment.

Dou Shengnan's figure suddenly appeared at the place where the thin blade had cut, and the next second she turned around and ran towards Xu Huo's position - their eyes met, Xu Huo seemed to be instantly immersed in a vast ocean of spiritual power, and he stared at the other person.

His eyes were hard to distract for a while!

"Mao Mao Lend You Three Lives" started, and his feet stumbled and he fell backwards. However, just like when he faced Zheng Yuci, the opponent's speed was already fast enough to deal with any unexpected situation. When he fell,

At the same time, Dou Shengnan's embodied sharp blade changed its direction and stabbed up from below, while she herself patched up possible defensive props, came to Xu Huo's side in person, and blocked his retreat with no less than ten props.

Then, with the attack props in front of him, he dug out his heart with one hand!

"Exchange hostages!" A female voice came from a distance, and the next second, Xu Huo was moved away, taking his place and looking up in the air in the same posture as a woman in a red trench coat from the military area.

This chapter has been completed!
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