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Chapter 2194 Change of God’s Birthday

Of course this is just a speculation.

In addition to the believers killing the saint and escaping, there is also a speculation that no one was killed at all, but that a saint escaped. The temple unilaterally announced the death of a saint, which actually erased her identity.

As for the person who was chased and fled to the satellite city, it is not difficult to screen, but it will take some time.

It is inconvenient for players in other areas to go to government agencies to get bus lists, so they adopt a simpler and more crude method, which is to publicly declare that they can provide help to "persecuted" believers.

Players in the outer area cannot say that they provided help to the person who killed the saint, and believers are not willing to believe their words, so he unified his tone and did not mention the murder case, but only said that he provided help to believers.

Regardless of whether the people who fled to the satellite city are saints or believers, they are now enemies of the temple. Ordinary people cannot protect them. The best way out is to seek help from players in other areas.

For a time, there were ears and eyes everywhere outside the temple.

Xu Huo and three others were also among them.

"I don't think anyone will ask for help." Huang Mao stirred the noodles he just ordered. "That person can escape from the temple. He must have help. He may have come to the satellite city to join a friend. If you don't trust your friends, how can you trust those who are not your relatives?"

An outsider for no reason?"

"Besides, they are all believers. Unless their faith completely collapses, they will not bring in outsiders even if they are stupid."

"The truth is correct." Xu Huo said: "But it's hard to say. Even if it's not true, it may be false."

Huang Mao stopped moving his hand, "Are you saying that the players who cleared the level deliberately created momentum?"

Not only that, the player who clears the level may set up a fake "help seeker" to attract the believer, the temple can also find a fake help seeker to fish for, and even the escaped believer himself may find a fake person to pretend to be himself to attract the believer.

Firepower - if there is really more than one person on the other side.

"What's wrong? It's not to your liking?" Huang Mao stuffed some noodles into his mouth and saw the silent Ah Hai again.

Ah Hai didn't make a sound and ate his meal in silence.

"Will your faith collapse?" Huang Mao stared at his face.

"Believers believe in the goddess, not the temple, unless the person is killed by the goddess." Xu Huo continued, "I guess there won't be any results here for a while, so why not hurry up and get stamped and go to the holy land to see it.


"If things have a big impact, the Holy Land will not be peaceful."

Ah Hai was a little moved, but Huang Mao was embarrassed, "I haven't stamped the seal here yet, and I can't leave until the temple opens."

"Take your time." Xu Huo said.

The lack of a stamp from the Satellite City Temple only prevents them from entering the Holy Land Temple, but does not prevent them from entering the Holy Land City.

"Let's go to the Holy Land first." Ahai whispered: "I'm worried about something happening to the Holy Land Temple."

Huang Mao rolled his eyes, "There's no need for you to worry, I'm afraid something might happen and you have to run faster..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Ah Hai staring at him angrily. He couldn't help but swallow the second half of his words and changed his words: "I guess I was wrong. No matter how small a favor is, it is still a help. Come on!"

Then he changed his direction with his face raised, and continued talking to Xu Huo, "When you get to the front station, don't forget to help me find out how to clear the level. There must be many stranded players in the Holy Land."

Xu Huo said there was no problem.

After lunch, Xu Huo took Ah Hai to the remaining two satellite cities. He only stamped at the government building, while Ah Hai went to the temple again. They arrived at the holy land before dark.

There is a defensive barrier that has been open for a long time outside the Holy Land City. Everyone who comes here has to line up for inspection before entering the city. Xu Huo saw the eye pattern on the gate from a distance, which means that the Holy Land can't even enter the city.

To accept the gaze of a goddess.

Not long after queuing, a player was forced to leave the team. It didn't even require the players in this area to take action. The hanging eye pattern could make the player retreat in agony.

Even people in this area don't know how far the eye pattern can work. However, some players who retreated from the front tried to sneak into the back of the team to do something, but they were quickly locked by the eyes again, giving them another splitting headache.

With a few examples in front of me, subsequent players have become much more honest.

Cars and people were mixed in the queue, and most of the cars were from the local area. People on both large and small cars had to come down for inspection.

"It seems that the inspection is particularly strict today." A frequent driver and his companions commented, "In addition to identification, you also need to register your address, family members, and whereabouts. I guess there are urban restrictions in the city, so you are not allowed to wander around."

The murder of the saint did not affect every satellite city. There was no movement in the two satellite cities that Xu Huo went to later, and the temple was opened as usual.

Ah Hai couldn't help but chat with the people next to him. He was from this district and was more easily accepted by others.

However, none of the believers here in the Holy Land had ever heard of anything happening to the Saint. Some people mentioned that the ceremony was held normally yesterday, and there was no shortage of people in the Saint's team.

As for why the investigation was so strict, it was entirely because players who failed to clear the level came out to cause trouble. The temple had no choice but to restrict access to areas within the city to separate these players.

"Have you ever done this before?" Xu Huo interjected.

The believer who spoke looked at him and said, "It's not usually like this, but it's the birthday of God that comes every three years, so of course you have to be careful."

Ah Hai was a little surprised, "Isn't God's birthday still two months away?"

"Don't you know?" The believer was very surprised. "The birthday of God was changed last year. The previous Birthday of God was actually the time when our ancestors communicated with the goddess for the first time. However, after the angel received the oracle, the goddess

In fact, they came to us very early and had contact with our ancestors earlier, but at that time, no one knew what was going on."

"Haven't we found the previous records now? Of course we have to change them... The goddess has actually been trying to save us a long time ago, but she just hasn't had time yet."

"Who was the first person the goddess came into contact with?" Ahai asked quickly.

"Of course they are the ancestors of the divine messengers." The believer said with a smile: "Otherwise, why are they the only ones who can hear the goddess's call?"

Ahai's world view was impacted, "Didn't our ancestors become bisexual with the help of the goddess?"

"It's true that the original God's birthday was like this, but now everyone knows that the ancestors of the God's angels are actually bisexual, and they were the first ones chosen by the Goddess. Unfortunately, their status was not high at that time and they were unable to turn the tide. Fortunately, God had no choice.

The path of no one." The believer said, stroking his chest.

"Did the goddess say this too?" Xu Huo asked abruptly, and continued in the suspicious eyes of the other party: "I mean, have all the believers heard the goddess say this?"

"Can the envoys still make mistakes?" The believer said coldly: "It is precisely because of the envoys who listen to the oracles that our country will become stronger with each generation!" ()

This chapter has been completed!
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