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Chapter 2201 Descendants

The woman was confessing, but actually she was telling her bitter past.

She lost her parents at a very young age and was adopted and cared for by other believers under the radiance of the goddess. However, her adoptive parents also died in an attack by players from outside the area. She wandered around in a neighbor's house for two years, and finally entered a welfare home similar to

In an institution dedicated to housing orphans of believers.

Her life here is neither good nor bad. The adults have been baptized and are very patient with the children and do not beat or scold them. However, the children have not yet bathed in the glory of the goddess, so they do not know how to love others, let alone

She knows how to get along well with each other. She is often bullied and often doesn't have enough to eat. She tells the adults that they pity her, but they are also very tolerant of the children who bully her.

Believers just say that when children grow up and are inspired by the goddess, they will naturally change their ways - even evildoers will change their ways, let alone children.

So the woman also began to yearn for the goddess, and in the process of growing up, she also saw many children who bullied her before become good children, and even took the initiative to find her to apologize, compensate her afterwards, and always take care of her.

This made her more convinced of the goddess, and she decided to follow the goddess forever when she grew up.

Believers say that the goddess loves everyone, regardless of whether they are their followers or not, so women treat everyone equally. In order to take care of sick people, the elderly who have lost their support, and the children who have lost their parents, she is often tired and sick.

But she didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Instead, she felt that every illness was a test of her will.

It is not said whether this test is reasonable and approved by the goddess, but the woman thinks she has received positive feedback, because she later gained love with this spirit when she took care of a seriously injured player from an outside area.

The stranded players in the outer zone could not leave this zone, so they combined. Thanks to the help of their lover, the advanced evolution agent also cured some of her injuries. Two years later, they had a child in anxiety, and both of them were worried about the child.

They will be as frail and sick as women or even other more unsound hermaphrodites and even die young, but they are very lucky. The children they give birth to completely inherit their father's "normality". Not only are they not bisex, they are healthier than the people in this zone.

Much more.

People who are different from ordinary people are always easy to be criticized, so they quickly moved to another place to live. Their spouse and children changed their names, and they stopped going to the hospital for check-ups. Even the women made minor changes in their appearance.


Because the child is a normal person, the woman's husband is worried that the child will one day become a gamer, so he begins to train him in a targeted way when he is very young, nourishing his body with good evolution agents, teaching him fighting skills, teaching him dungeon strategies, and even spending a lot of money on him.

Try your best to find a way to super evolve for him.

Such days were very happy. In her free time, the woman gradually began to go to some clinics and welfare institutions to help. She had never been so happy in her hard-working and careful life, but soon, her life changed dramatically.

A saint came to the temple and thought that the woman's child was very talented. She wanted him to test it and then asked the goddess to bless and protect him. Many people came to the house that day. The woman was at a loss and her husband was frowning.

But the child finally left with the saint. In the next six months, the child would contact them every few days, telling them about what he learned in the temple. He also said that the saints were very good to him. Sometimes he would be half asleep and half awake.

He could still hear the goddess speaking to him, but he couldn't remember what she said.

The woman became more and more happy, but her husband became more and more unhappy. One day half a year later, according to the agreed time, the woman waited for the child to come home, but the child did not come back until evening, and the temple could not be contacted, so

The husband hurriedly explained a few words and left.

He left and didn't come back.

Waiting anxiously and worriedly until the next morning, two players came to the temple and told the woman that her husband had betrayed the goddess and killed a saint, and had now fled the partition with his children.

The people in the temple did not make things difficult for her, but the woman's husband and children became traitors to the Goddess Cult, so the woman thought she was guilty and kept atonement. She sold her house and all valuable things, and donated the money in exchange to the Wuliang Temple.

The old man himself works from morning to night, refuses help from others, only eats the minimum amount of food every day, and even fails to treat injuries...

"I hope this can wash away my sins, and I also want to die in repentance, but my body is too good...I haven't been able to die for so many years...Is it because my sins have not been fully atoneed...

Goddess, please forgive me, let me atone for my sins alone, and don’t put sins on my husband and children again..."

The woman cried herself to sleep, the light in the room had long since disappeared, and there was no goddess left.

Xu Huo was just outside this alley. He took a photo of the woman in her arms and left.

The woman deliberately omitted some important points in her narration, such as the reason why the couple changed places, names, and faces after the child was born, why the temple kept a non-binary child in the temple, and since the child received good care.

Take care of, why the child's father would go to the temple to rob people, and as for betraying the temple and even leaving with the child... This is the temple's statement. It is difficult to tell whether it is true or not, but this possibility is very small, because if the player from outside the area really

If you have a way to leave with your children, you won't choose to move and change your name to avoid the temple.

But it can be inferred from this incident that there should be quite a few normal children born from the combination of players from outside areas and people from this area who are stranded here. It is impossible for the temple to be unaware of the decision-making of the Goddess Cult for such a long time.

The top level had also interfered with these normal children. The stranded players in other areas were obviously aware of this, so they avoided the district hospitals in the following years, and were not even willing to expose their children to the eyes of believers.

Therefore, the main personnel structure of this division is not only the angels, saints, and believers, but also the stranded players from other regions, their children, and even grandchildren.

What do they think of the offspring born from the union of people from other areas and people from this area? What do they think of the Goddess Church?

If normal children born from unions with people from outside areas are healthier and more suitable to become players, this will have an impact on the foundation of the Goddess Cult. The Goddess Cult has always preached that androgynous bodies are stronger and more suitable for this world.

, how will the decision-makers of the Goddess Religion react?

Although they knew that there were better ways to avoid giving birth to deformed children and extend the life span of ordinary people, the Goddess Cult remained silent. They grew up under the guidance of players in the outer area, and under the impact of what they saw and heard after becoming players, those here

When a child is born and looks back at this religion, won’t he develop doubts and hatred? ()

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