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Chapter 2232 Big Gifts and Seeing Off Guests

In order to avoid entering the dungeon by mistake like the last time, Xu Huo bought a ticket with clear trigger conditions this time. After getting off the bus, he avoided the trigger point and went directly to Chongmingniao Administrative District.

Even though quite a while has passed, the armed deployment in the Chongmingniao Administrative District is still more than double that of before. Players who randomly check their identity documents can be seen everywhere on the street. Armed robots are also all over the city. People are not allowed except on special occasions.

Get together.

Noticing that some parts of the city had not yet been repaired, Xu Huo casually chatted with people in nearby shops and asked what happened.

The locals were happy to tell stories of resisting foreign enemies, warmly invited him to sit down, and provided some record clips to prove the bravery and resourcefulness of local players.

"Is the wanted criminal dead?" Xu Huo asked.

"Sooner or later, they will all die," the shop owner said firmly: "How long has it been since those wanted criminals entered the dungeon? Once they return to the game, the accumulated number will be enough to kill them seven or eight times. Maybe they are already dead now.

No one knows which high-risk copy you are in."

That super prop was damaged by the goddess, and Xu Huo now doesn't know whether Dou Shengnan is dead or not.

"what a pity."

"It's just a pity," the shop owner answered skillfully, "for such a person who commits so many evil crimes, it's a pity that she didn't see her end..."

After chatting for a while, Xu Huo bought some seasonal fruits and went to Chongmingniao Pharmaceutical.

Dr. Dian went to work as usual. When he walked out of the company and found him, he quickly called him over, "Find a place to sit for a while before going to get something. There are many people in the company now."

"Have you been in the company for so long without being discovered?" Xu Huo carefully observed the person in front of him.

"As long as there is not a large amount of storage, no one will usually go to the empty warehouse." Dr. Dian was also very scared, "You are lucky...have you finished what you want to do?"

Xu Huo nodded, "I was injured a lot before, and I would like to thank you for tearing up the dungeon declaration, which gave me the opportunity to leave this partition."

Dr. Dian paused for a moment, then looked at him seriously, "What declaration?"

Both sides fell silent, and no one said anything more about this matter.

I don’t know if he is pretending too successfully, but the Dr. Dian in front of him should be the same person as the Dr. Dian he met before entrusting him with the props. However, he was able to deceive himself and also grasped the story of Dou Shengnan’s battle, which is far less than what he seems.

It looks so simple.

Let's talk about the "Time Tower", a super prop, even if it only takes effect at a fixed time, since the warehouse cannot restrict its effect, no one discovered it after being stored in Hengxing Pharmaceutical for such a long time. This is not a matter of luck.

"Anyway, thank you very much." Xu Huo was actually mentally prepared that he would not be able to recover the props.

Dr. Dian said displeased: "Take your things and your sister away quickly. She has been staying at my house for twenty days."

"You work in a pharmaceutical company. You helped me so much this time. I have nothing else to offer." Xu Huo took out a P0S perfect potion. "This is the perfect evolution agent developed by Dr. Wu.

Hope you like it."

If it were money or something else, Dr. Dian might not be tempted, but with the perfect potion, a potion developed by the legendary Dr. Wu who is admired by almost everyone involved in drug research, it would be difficult for him to keep a cold face.

His hands touched the potion box first, "This is really..."

Xu Huo nodded. Among the set of potions left by He Pu, he had already used the last few. He had found the initial P0S and P1S elsewhere, so he kept them.

"It should be right. I asked people to look at it and they all said yes."

Dr. Dian's breathing became faster with excitement. He was reluctant to open the box outside and hurriedly wanted to go back.

"Doctor, you should wait until I get the props before leaving," Xu Huo said.

"Yes, yes," Dr. Dian couldn't suppress the smile on his face, and pushed the box back in front of him, "Put it away first to avoid losing it, and then give it to me when you get to my house. I have a special anti-theft room at home.

, no props can be stolen!”

"Are you very knowledgeable about perfect potions?" Xu Huoduo asked.

"That's not true," Dr. Dian said in a very gentle tone, "but as long as someone works in Stellar Medicine, who wouldn't want to get Dr. Wu's potion? With the potion, it is like having an intersection with that legendary senior.

Many people dream of following in his footsteps, and I am no exception."

"One of the purposes of our research on evolutionary agents is to change the game world, but who can really change the world is Dr. Wu."

This is indeed the case. The perfection potion alone is enough to change the evolutionary process of all players in the game. And if all new players who enter the game can take the perfect evolution potion, in one or two generations, the game government and Stellar Corporation may not be able to be as good as they are now.

This gives you absolute control.

"It's almost time, let's go." Dr. Dian stood up, and when he walked to the company, he also arranged for the housekeeping robot at home to go out to buy food. He wanted to cook for Xu Huo himself.

Most of the people in Chongmingniao Pharmaceutical were off work. Dr. Dian gave him a temporary visit pass and took him to the warehouse, where he successfully obtained the "Time Tower".

After leaving the company, the two of them rushed to Dr. Dian's home.

When the two got out of the elevator, the painting girl was already waiting at the door. She swooped out and scared Dr. Dian to hide behind Xu Huo... Of course, the painting girl didn't welcome him, but hugged Xu Huo.

, excitedly and aggrievedly expressed why he ran away alone again even though they had agreed to play together.

"There was a little accident." Xu Huo pulled her away, "Have you caused any trouble to the doctor these days?"

The painting girl immediately took out her communication device and talked about her hard work these days. Not only did she do the housework, but she also offered to pick up Dr. Dian from get off work to prevent him from being entangled by strange people. She thoughtfully played a lullaby for him in the evening and in the morning It acts as an alarm clock.

In addition, she also actively cultivates good relations with her neighbors, giving away cookies, cakes and other items made by robots at any time, and hopes that they will pay more attention to this empty nester.

It can be heard that Dr. Dian is worried.

"Would you like me to give you a shoulder squeeze?" the painter asked Dr. Dian.

Dr. Dian wished he could stay eight feet away from her. Seeing that Xu Huo had just given her a big gift, he said kindly: "Your brother is here to pick you up. After dinner, you can go with him."

Of course, the painting girl still wanted to play with Xu Huo, but as she was already familiar with human society, she appropriately showed her reluctance to leave Dr. Dian.

Dr. Dian didn't want to talk to her at all, and instead looked at Xu Huo, "Let's hurry up and eat."

This chapter has been completed!
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