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Chapter 2295 Confusion

Thinking of this, Xu Huo suddenly paused. The forces of space and time have always existed. They can still change, but they cannot be directly seen by the human eye. Especially the forces of space, this does not affect its existence.

For example, Lawrence Lee's space ray seems to be about to break through this barrier.

It is not ruled out that he used some special auxiliary method, so this room and this hanging rope should be the shell that a third of the game puts on the space-time power.

But what's the point of these duplicate rooms?

If it is just to increase the difficulty or trap players, there is no need for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of rooms.

Realizing that he could not make any more progress by continuing to move forward, Xu Huo turned around and walked back before the room was refreshed.

It took him half a day to meet Shi Sanjiu and the two lying players in front of him again. These three people stayed in the 1000th room. Besides them, there were two other unfamiliar faces.

"You came back very quickly." Shi Sanjiu seemed to be in good spirits. He waved to Xu Huo, "I found two more people to help."

"This is Mai He, and that is Ren Wenxu. Mai He is a time evolver, and Ren Wenxu is a space evolver."

"These two said that I have met you before, so I don't need to introduce them."

The two people who had met Xu Huo in this room before smiled and introduced themselves. The long-haired player called himself Brother Nan, and the other one was called Qiu Guangyang.

"Space-time evolvers are rarely seen, but I didn't expect to see three of them in one go in this little game." Qiu Guangyang had heard Shi Sanjiu talk about Xu Huo, so he knew that he was also a time-to-super evolver.

Indeed, even though Xu Huo has been a B-level player for such a long time, he has not seen as many space-time super evolvers in this dungeon, especially time space super evolvers.

Mai He waved his hand, "I can just barely feel the power of time, and I can't do anything further. I hope I won't hinder everyone."

"You're humble." Shi Sanjiu was obviously very familiar with them. He patted Mai He on the shoulder and said, "No one who has evolved through time and space is weak. Let's work harder and leave here first."

So several people came to the bottom of the hanging rope, and the body had been put aside. Shi Sanjiu took the lead and said: "I guess this is not a simple power of time, it should be processed like props and instruments, and it must be difficult to control.

The best way is to activate the time force in the same place and then assist the space force to destroy it."

"This is the solution I can think of so far. Do you have any other ideas?"

Xu Huo and others had no objection, so according to his arrangement, three people tried to activate the time power at the top of the hanging rope, and the other three destroyed the surrounding space.

The effect was not good. Even Mai He, who had just started the time evolution, knew that they had not touched the power of time at all, and the space destruction was not much better. Even the skin of the ceiling was not removed.

"Let's try the props." Qiu Guangyang pulled out a dagger and struck the ceiling a few times. It had some effect, barely leaving a few marks, but nothing else was gained.

Subsequently, they changed the position more than ten times and tried, but still found nothing.

"How about we try it when the room is refreshed." Xu Huo suggested, "At that time, the power of time will fluctuate, which may be much better than what we do now."

Those who tried to no avail could only wait, but because they no longer knew the specific time, they had to stay under the hanging rope in advance and stay highly focused to avoid missing the opportunity.




The doors at the front and back of the room were slammed shut, and when they felt the power of time passing through their bodies, several people present acted at the same time, and this move seemed to be effective, because the hanging rope moved, accompanied by the movement of the power of time.

Vibrant resonance!

"It's done..." Shi Sanjiu couldn't finish his words, and the smile on his face froze because several streams of water gushed out from the hanging rope!

"It's the Water Cube!" Xu Huo immediately backed away, turned around and ran towards the door. However, before he could get closer, the walls of the room were already covered with water, and even the door was covered!

This is not an ordinary water flow, but a real force of time. Not to mention a drop, even a trace, may kill a person, so he can only give up this plan, use a space barrier to protect himself, and then turn around

Go and see Qiu Guangyang forcefully open the door in front of him!

What is behind the door is not a safe passage, but a space that is also sealed by the flow of time and cannot be crossed at all!

However, this is not the worst. The worst thing is that the force of space forces the door to open the door, causing the water of time to splash. This turns the few streams of water that originally separated from the hanging rope into water droplets splashing everywhere in an instant!

At this moment, the power of time is like real water, splashing rapidly in the room!

The first person to bear the brunt was Qiu Guangyang. He was almost immediately penetrated by the force of time. However, these sudden time currents were not as slow as other fixed time forces. In an instant, this person was turned into powder!

Xu Huo, Shi Sanjiu and others were crowded in the middle of the room, interfering with the flow of time and using space barriers to block it. However, without props and without reaching the peak of their super evolutionary power, it was impossible for them to block so much time flow.

So in the next half minute, Mai He and Ren Wenxu died one after another!

Brother Nan is the one who uses the power of space evolution most effectively among them. He can create a special multi-layered space barrier. Although it cannot completely block the power of time, the water flow will change direction when passing through the barrier part of the time, so although he

I don’t understand the power of time, but I still manage to protect myself.

"Brother, if you have any other tricks, use them quickly!" Shi Sanjiu broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, "I saw it just now. You have evolved in both time and space. If you don't have time, you can use some barrier to block it!"

"My spatial evolution is biased toward destruction," Xu Huo's expression didn't look much better, "If you want the water in the room to break even more, I can satisfy you!"

In fact, the water droplets in the room have gradually become smaller due to their obstruction. The three of them can no longer lean together and can only walk towards different corners of the room - as long as these water flows do not move quickly, there will still be one or two gaps.


After barely taking a breath, Shi Sanjiu looked at the room that had been wrapped in the power of time, as well as the six streams of water coming out of the hanging rope hovering in the center of the room. Shi Sanjiu wiped his sweat and asked, "Is this game so difficult?"

"It's not that the game is difficult, it's that we have no intention of letting us out alive." After Xu Huo finished speaking, he was suddenly teleported out, and the memory of the repeated rooms gradually disappeared. The moment he set foot on the land of Buliu City

Framed into one sentence:

"Congratulations on winning a third of this game and saving your precious life. You are welcome to invite more people to participate in the upcoming third game."


This chapter has been completed!
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