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Chapter 2309 Hypnosis and Disappointment

The place specially prepared by the state is of course more regulated than the place Dr. Zhang borrowed. After Xu Huo entered, he had to be questioned twice every morning and afternoon. Although he did not need to take medicine, he was monitored 360 degrees without blind spots.

, and the surveillance of special agents permeate his every day, and they are not allowed to talk to each other. In such an atmosphere, over time, there will be some problems for everyone who goes in.

On the third day of Xu Huo's stay, a man suddenly went crazy while out for a walk. Instead of attacking others, he slammed into the wall, banged his head repeatedly, and shouted: "I said everything.

Lie! I’m not an alien! I don’t know the secret of the wormhole! Everything is false! Let me out! Let me out!”

The special agents quickly took him away, but the people who saw this scene were a little frightened, and some were used to it. Some even sarcastically said, "You want to get out after entering here. Unstable elements like you are the same when you get out."

If you do harm to society, you will be relieved if you die here!"

Xu Huo turned to look at him, "Then why did you come in?"

The other party said with a little pride, "I came back from the world of cultivating immortals. Unfortunately, the spiritual energy here is thin and not suitable for rapid cultivation. I have compiled my cultivation techniques and experiences into a book and handed it over to the country. It will be released soon.

Someone has come to take me out."

"Then how long have you been waiting here?" Xu Huo asked.

"Half a year." The man had no sense of being forgotten at all, "The spiritual energy is thin, and it will take time to verify my practice."

Xu Huo seemed to be very interested, "I have never met a cultivator. Do you have any special skills?"

"Didn't I tell you that the spiritual energy here is thin and not suitable for cultivation. I am also a clever woman who cannot make a meal without rice, but I have felt a little bit of knowledge recently." The other party said: "I feel the shackles that trap our world.

It is about to disappear, and soon there will be a large number of immortal cultivators, and by then, let alone the country, even the structure of the world will change!"

Xu Huo applauded.

"Why did you come in?" the other party asked appreciatively.

Xu Huo told him about the game and evolution again. After listening, the other party was silent for a moment and then said: "There is a loophole in your story."

"What loophole?"

"Since the evolution time difference between different wormhole points is so big, the partitions in all subsequent wormhole points should be the sheep pens of the previous wormhole points. How can it be possible for super players to appear in the later wormhole points? What if I

, kill a group of high-level players when they come out, there is no need for a leader in the sheepfold."

The other party said it with full confidence.

Xu Huo smiled, "Maybe it's not that they don't want to, but that they can't do it."

Tickets are the most powerful space teleportation item in the game. As long as the game is not isolated or enclosed in a copy, tickets are the best escape tool. For example, in Area 017, the players in it were still very weak when it was destroyed, but the players who escaped were also

Many, a partition based on billions of people, except through game channels, it is difficult for any other partition to completely block them. As long as someone escapes, some anti-games and anti-stars may be born among these people in the future.

The powerhouse of the company.

Compared with advanced wormhole points, there are more wormhole points at the bottom.

It would be okay if they killed everyone from the beginning, but they also want the resources developed in the new subdivision, so as this person said, killing one group after another as they grow will only lead to greater resistance.

"So my logic is smooth." Xu Huo sat down face to face with this person, "On the contrary, there is a problem with your story. Since you said that spiritual energy has a process of accumulation, and you have become a strong man in the world of immortal cultivation,

Then you should have accumulated a considerable amount of spiritual energy. Even if the spiritual energy here is thin and you can't accumulate it anymore, or there is a certain chance of it overflowing, you won't be able to turn back into an ordinary person so quickly."

But the other party rolled his eyes, "I told you it was time travel. Of course I traveled from the future to the past, and of course I was an ordinary person in the past. Didn't you come back from the future? What evidence do you have to prove that you

What about evolution?"

"It makes sense." Xu Huo raised his hand and waved it in front of his eyes, and then said, "Did you see the characteristic person behind me on the left?"

The other party said strangely: "I'm not blind, how could I not see it?"

"When he comes to take you back to your room later, kiss him." Xu Huo said.

The man opposite snorted, "Why should I kiss him? He is so ugly, but he is still a man!"

"Very good, remember what you are thinking now," Xu Huo reminded: "Don't you want me to prove my evolutionary power? I happen to be related to the spirit. Let's see if your will can resist mine.


The man laughed, "It's just hypnosis, not spiritual control."

Just as his break time was over, the special agent came over to remind him to go back to his room. The man stood up and looked at Xu Huo with a smile, "You're going to lose."

"Really?" Xu Huo leaned back on his chair after a rest, and waited until he reached the special personnel before saying, "Kiss him."

The man who was still smiling seemed to have suddenly been controlled. He turned around and rushed towards the special personnel. Of course, his speed was no match for the special personnel. He was knocked to the ground and his arms were clipped behind his back. However, what was unexpected was that when he arrived,

At this moment, he even managed to turn his head and kiss the special agent's shoes.

The special personnel raised their heads and looked at Xu Huo with a speechless expression.

Other auxiliary personnel came over, and after confirming that the man on the ground was not aggressive, they asked the special personnel to let him go. However, the man lay on the ground and refused to get up. He covered his face with his hands and begged the staff to give him a balaclava.

Others were quickly taken away.

Xu Huo was also scheduled for a new round of questioning.

This time, a famous psychology professor came. Xu Huo had seen his interview in a well-known magazine, and the other party brought instruments to examine his brain.

"You don't have to resist, it won't put any burden on you."

"No need to go to such trouble." Xu Huo pointed to the chair opposite and ordered: "Sit down."

The psychology professor immediately turned around, sat down, the smile on his face froze, and asked an extremely unwise question, "How did you do that?"

They didn't spend more than three minutes together from the moment they met, and Xu Huo didn't make any suggestive words or actions, but he accepted the instructions extremely obediently.

"The attempt just now." Xu Huo sighed, "Because it was successful."

"What does it mean if it's successful?" asked the psychology professor.

"Successful means that I did not travel through time and space, but fell into a realistic hallucination, so everything in the hallucination will change according to my ideas."

"I just have a question that I can't figure out."

This chapter has been completed!
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