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Chapter 2387 Prey and Hunter

The commander-in-chief turned around and lowered his voice and said, "Why are you so loud? It's scary!"

"What are you doing?" Xu Huo couldn't stay in one place for a long time, so he simply ran towards him, "The fish is coming!"

The commander-in-chief was originally squatting on the ground and watching. When he saw half of the fish head suddenly exposed from his back, he immediately reached out and grabbed the feather. Then the man disappeared from the place, and the feather began to fly again!

"Go in!" Xu Huo first threw the painting girl over, and he blocked a tentacle attack with a water magic cube barrier, and then flew upside down. After touching the feather, his vision blurred, and then he found himself standing on

In a banquet hall.

The decoration inside the banquet hall was more luxurious than outside, and there were many people like him who suddenly appeared, so no one paid much attention to him.

The painting girl was not far away. She grabbed the commander who was about to run away and came towards him. Xu Huo also unexpectedly saw an acquaintance, the one he had met in the restaurant before with weird dining habits.

The player in formal attire is surrounded by three or five players and is chatting enthusiastically.

"It's broken, it's broken, this is not a good place." After being pulled into a corner, the commander-in-chief said: "Look at this, I was thinking about whether to come in just now... It's fine now, no one can leave.


"What's going on?" Xu Huo asked.

"What else could it be like? It's just a gathering of players." Shi Shuai said: "But it's different from the gatherings held by lot draws outside. This kind of secretive and private gathering will probably not do anything good..."

Before he finished speaking, two players came over holding wine glasses. They looked at the mask on Xu Huo's face and raised their hands as a greeting. Then they started talking naturally and asked about Xu Huo's and his expectations.

Obviously everyone who came here came with a clear purpose, so they all chatted after coming in and didn't say much about the banquet.

"What about you?" Before Xu Huo could say anything, the painting girl turned on the communication device first and turned directly to the guests.

Although the two people were a little unhappy, they did not argue with her. Instead, they teased Xu Huo, "Your hobbies are quite special. You can't speak... Do you have other strengths?"

The smile on Xu Huo's face disappeared and he said lightly: "What advantages do you think it will have?"

Seeing that he couldn't take the joke, the two men walked away with cold expressions.

Xu Huo is not eye-catching. Even if someone wants to talk to him because of the mask on his head, they will turn to other targets due to his attitude of refusing people thousands of miles away.

The masks worn by the people in this venue are at least the giant-eyed fish. After the giant-eyed fish, there is the cave fish, then the green stinger, the teeth and the whale. The whale is the highest-level mask among the guests that Xu Huo knows so far.

It can host some lottery banquets on behalf of the fish feast, and it is said that it is also a carrot pit.

Today's banquet is prepared for guests with higher masks.

Don't know what will happen next, but every guest is very excited.

Xu Huo and the others had already touched the door at the corner of the banquet. They tried, but the door could not be opened and the space outside the door could not be sensed.

"How to get out?" He turned around slightly and asked the commander-in-chief.

The commander-in-chief concealed his hand on the door handle and said, "I only know the way in."

Just when the painting girl was eager to help, several nearby players suddenly turned to them and asked, "What are you doing?"

The sound, which was neither loud nor quiet, attracted many people. They were like terrifying beings in horror movies. They turned their heads one after another and stared at them with extremely oppressive eyes.

"I don't think they look like normal people." The commander said in a low voice.

"I think they want to eat people." Xu Huo corrected.

Just when the atmosphere was getting stiffer and stiffer, a ringing sound came from the other end of the banquet, and the player in a dress said loudly: "So far, the ratio of players entering the banquet hall has reached 7 to 3, and the banquet hall has been closed.

It will not be reopened until the banquet is over... Next, please enjoy it!"

After saying that, he teleported behind a player a few meters away, grabbed his head and shoulders with both hands, and bit his neck with his mouth!

The splattered blood dyed the mask of the player in uniform red, and also dyed his face red. The player who was attacked twitched twice, but had no strength to break free. The wine glass in his hand fell to the ground, and he breathed out: "Wine


It was guessed that what he wanted to say was that there was something wrong with the wine, so many guests were on guard. They stared at the player in the dress, watching him raise his head, showing intoxication and madness that was completely opposite to the gentleness and elegance before.

The dress player licked his index finger, like an owner standing in his back garden, taking a deep breath and announcing: "Let's begin!"

This is a signal. Players one after another have taken off their disguises, become ferocious and bloodthirsty, and constantly attack the people around them. However, those who are attacked can hardly recover for a while, and it is even difficult to distinguish who is the enemy.

The number 7 to 3 is definitely no joke. This banquet hall is a hunting ground for cannibals.

The three of Xu Huo and Xu Huo who were supposed to attack others but did not show any aggression also became targets of attack. It just happened that when several players openly tore off their shirts to reveal the numbers on their backs, they seemed to be completely released here.

When his repressive nature was suppressed, the prop fish appeared again, and this time he became extremely large. His head alone was more than ten meters tall. When he thrust his mouth into the banquet hall, he naturally swallowed up two players.

Not to mention the tentacles spurting out of its mouth...

The identity transformation between hunter and prey is so smooth. The banquet of those cannibal players has just begun, and they themselves have become the meal, and as long as two-thirds of those who are caught have no room to resist!

But these people who are experienced in killing will never sit still. Realizing that those tentacles are difficult to injure, they quickly change their targets and try to seal the prop fish in its own space to prevent it from entering the banquet hall - there is no way

, for the prop fish that can freely enter and exit the space, their space props are not enough to block or resist, and they can only interfere again and again, trying to make it turn back.

The effect is still there, at least after being attacked repeatedly, the prop fish is reluctant to come in. Sometimes it just pops up and shrinks back when it sees someone.

But this was a temporary solution rather than a permanent solution, so someone called the dress players to open the space where the banquet hall was and let them leave.

The dress player had already informed Yu Yan Lou that he wanted to control the situation before the people from Yu Yan Lou came, so he put aside the others and nailed several large nets in the air to block his front, back, left and right.

This chapter has been completed!
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