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Chapter 271: The Labyrinth Abyss Connecting Different Spaces

 The giant Rubik's Cube was a completely different space. As soon as he entered, his vision was filled with pure blackness, making him unable to see at all. Xu Huo took two steps forward, but unexpectedly stepped in the wrong direction and almost fell down.

"Be careful, the front is empty." He turned around to remind Yan Jiayu.

"The ground is moving." Yan Jiayu spoke in the darkness, but his voice suddenly grew distant behind him.

The two of them were surprised at what was happening when two beams of light came down from above and shined directly on their faces.

Narrowing his eyes, Xu Huo quickly adapted to the bright light in front of him. He tilted his head slightly, only to find that Yan Jiayu was at least twenty meters away from him, and there was no longer flat land under her feet, but

A round straight column is just big enough for a person to stand on, but as the bright light shines on it, the column begins to shrink.

The situation was the same under Xu Huo's feet. The cylinder that could fit two feet shrank to the size of a fist in the blink of an eye, and he could barely hang on to it with one foot!

Seeing that the column was still shrinking, another light suddenly lit up in front of it, and a suspended metal Rubik's Cube appeared in the beam. A large flat surface was cut out of the tilted upward corner of the Rubik's Cube, and he jumped up.

As soon as the person got up, the Rubik's Cube swayed from side to side due to interference, but soon regained its balance. At this time, a puppet clown appeared in front of him with a "bang" sound. He waved his magic wand and said with a smile: "Welcome to the Rubik's Cube Maze.

I am your question officer 'Smiley'."

"I know you have a lot of questions, but I don't like answering other people's questions, so I only allow you to ask three questions including the quiz game. You can ask questions now."

"What is the way to play the Rubik's Cube Maze?" Xu Huo asked.

"It's very simple." He waved his smile in the air, and a rag doll Rubik's Cube with the same missing corners appeared next to him. The magic wand was placed a little on the Rubik's Cube, and he said: "The effect of each Rubik's Cube column can only last three minutes. Three minutes.

In the past, the Rubik's Cube would return to its original shape within ten seconds, that is, the flat surface would disappear and turn back into sharp corners."

"But you don't have to worry too much. Every thirty seconds, at least six Rubik's Cubes will appear where the light shines. It's up to you whether you can grab them."

"Every ten minutes, I will ask a question, and the guests on the illuminated Rubik's Cube can answer it. If you answer correctly, you will successfully pass the quiz game, but if you fail, you will stay in this dark space forever."

"Of course, you cannot leave the Rubik's Cube for more than thirty seconds at a time, otherwise you will lose the qualification to answer the question."

After smiling, he closed his mouth, apparently not planning to say more.

Xu Huo looked at Yan Jiayu, and Yan Jiayu said: "There are two more questions, you ask them first."

Xu Huofu looked at the clown again, "How many people can the Rubik's Cube Maze accommodate at one time for a question-answering game?"

"Fifteen people." Smiley Face kept smiling, "By the way, the number of people is now twelve."

"Are all the Rubik's cubes always suspended and not falling during the game?" Yan Jiayu then asked.

"Of course, otherwise why would it be called a Rubik's Cube Maze?" After saying this, the smiling face spun on the spot, exploded into fireworks and disappeared into the darkness.

After a moment, five more beams of light shone down. As if the light had not yet hit the Rubik's Cube, seven figures rushed out of the darkness and rushed towards the five Rubik's Cube pillars.

Two of the Rubik's Cube pillars were targeted by two people respectively. One of the pairs was obviously a partner. The two tacitly chose to put one foot on it, while the other pair was not so lucky. They were already familiar with the rules and operations in advance, so they met each other.

In an instant, one of them had his neck cut off, and the corpse fell into the darkness after being separated. The other person successfully occupied the Rubik's Cube pillar.

One player died and two players shared a Rubik's Cube. The remaining three points should be enough to divide the other three Rubik's Cube pillars. But what I didn't expect was that although one of the Rubik's Cube pillars was illuminated by light, the sharp corners were not.

The player who jumped up confidently could not stand on the sharp corner and slid down the slope of the Rubik's Cube smoothly. He tried to hang the Rubik's Cube with his blade, but the sides and edges of the Rubik's Cube seemed to be unable to exert force.

Not a single trace was left.

"Ah!" The player fell down from the Rubik's Cube in horror, but his voice stopped abruptly after his body was swallowed by the darkness below.

"Isn't there an abyss down here?" Yan Jiayu looked down.

The player who killed and occupied the Rubik's Cube touched the stubble on his chin and said with a smile: "Innocent, this is a different space, not a cliff at all. The abyss can be explained. If you fall off the cliff or the abyss, you may still be able to climb up and fall into a different space.

, God knows what will happen.”

"But if you have time to worry about what's happening below, you might as well care about your companions in the darkness."

Yan Jiayu immediately looked around, "Is there anyone else around us?"

"Of course," the bearded player said: "The number of players in the Rubik's Cube maze is not fixed. If someone dies, someone will enter. I don't know how many people have entered now, so be careful."

Xu Huo withdrew his gaze and turned to pay attention to the movements around him.

The clown said that there are currently twelve players, which means that in addition to the seven currently standing in the beam and the two dead, if no new people come in, at least three players will still be in the dark.

A person in the light can see and hear, but he cannot sense the breath of any living person in the darkness. It is obvious that the darkness of the Rubik's Cube Maze has the ability to block sight and hearing.

There will be at least six Rubik's Cube pillars where the light beam illuminates, but not every illuminated Rubik's Cube will have a flat surface. To answer the clown's question, you must stand on the Rubik's Cube pillars. This means that if you pick a sharp-cornered Rubik's Cube, you will not be able to answer the question.

It is also accompanied by high risks, because answering the question also requires a Rubik's Cube illuminated by light.

Although the maintenance time of each Rubik's Cube is three minutes, you must stand on the illuminated Rubik's Cube to answer the question, so even if the time limit for the Rubik's Cube to be restored has not expired, others may still snatch a new Rubik's Cube.

It is impossible to tell whether players in the dark can see people in the light, but at least they can verify whether the props are effective.

Xu Huo took out his bright red sword and slashed at random into the darkness. To his surprise, the sword energy light curtain disappeared when it hit the edge of light - the properties of the prop did not work in the dark.

After confirming this, he felt relieved and nodded to Yan Jiayu.

The first thirty seconds have passed, and the seven lights that were originally on were all extinguished. At the same time, six more lights appeared in different places.

The players on the Rubik's Cube Pillar took action one after another. Xu Huo also turned to the nearest Rubik's Cube Pillar. When he rushed over, two other players also appeared in the light. Avoiding the heavy hammer from one of them, he raised his sword and slashed to the left.

The player on his side, but the opponent blocked the attack with an arm guard, opened his mouth and spat out a hidden weapon at him!

This chapter has been completed!
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