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Chapter 297 Into the abyss

 Sima Xiaoer perked up and said, "Find the trigger point of the dungeon."

"Since we can't escape, we have no choice but to fight against the dungeon. I don't believe there are so many of us who can defeat a dungeon!"

Xu Huo nodded, "This is a good idea. Tell your companions to stop thinking blindly and search around the hospital. Maybe the entry point to the dungeon is right in front of you."

Sima Xiaoer laughed and said, "Brother Xu, you are so awesome. I was almost dumbfounded when I first came in. I have never heard of a case where I couldn't start the game after entering a dungeon."

Xu Huo patted him on the shoulder, got up and went back to the hospital building to chat with Tang Guangbo.

After the two sat down, Tang Guangbo adjusted his glasses first, then drank water, and then smoothed the corners of the medical record and said, "You are in a good mood today."

"The sun is nice today, I feel like I haven't been in the sun like this for a long time," Xu Huo said.

"It is a good thing to notice the beauty in life." Tang Guangbo said: "The main reason why people are miserable is that they focus on the things that make them miserable and turn a blind eye to the beauty in front of them."

"If life is a progress bar, the longer the pain is, the happier it will naturally be. On the contrary, if the happiness is longer, the pain will be reduced."

"I don't agree with this view." Xu Huo said: "Pain and happiness are not length, but depth. Whoever has the deeper depth will last longer."

Tang Guangbo looked gentle, "It depends on the individual's thoughts. It might be a good idea to be gentle about the pain."

"Most people don't analyze and think deeply about happiness, so happiness appears on the surface, while pain is a passive experience from which people can learn lessons and think more."

"But I think that for most people, there is no need to think so much. People are like a bucket. As long as one board is decisive, no matter how high the other boards are, they can only watch the water in the bucket flowing out in vain."

"Those who can notice this waste and fill up the bucket can control both their minds and their bodies. Those who notice this waste but can't fill up their buckets can only control their minds but not their bodies."

"Human thinking is infinite, but a person's intelligence, ability, and educational environment are limited. The collision of the two is actually the source of most people's pain."

"So if you can't change the latter, you can change the former."

"Give up thinking?" Xu Huo asked.

"Of course I don't mean that." Tang Guangbo laughed, "Even people who don't notice the water in their buckets flowing out still have their own thoughts, but they haven't broken the thinking barriers, and there aren't that many things to think about.

, but happier.”

"Sometimes thinking too much doesn't necessarily make you happy. Finding happiness in the secular world is also a good way. It will also help your condition. Just look at the sun and flowers."

After saying that, he took out a key from his pocket and handed it to Xu Huo. He pointed to a small door on the side of the office and said, "Open the door and take a look."

Xu Huo opened it as instructed, and looked up at his prompting. A two-meter-high step connected the exit. From his position, he could see the sun, hear laughter, and someone calling his name.

"Just go out." Tang Guangbo reminded him from behind.

"What's below?" Xu Huo lowered his head. The ground in front of his feet suddenly sank. Black steps were formed one by one, twisting and extending underground, all the way to the depths of darkness.

Everything around him peeled off and split like paper. The exits upstairs, the office, and Tang Guangbo behind him all disappeared, replaced by pure black. The space under his feet expanded rapidly, and the spiral staircase as narrow as a well instantly enlarged ten times, several times.

Ten times, it turned into a huge abyss leading to the depths of the earth.

Xu Huo didn't hesitate and walked down the uneven stone steps.

There were no guardrails on the edge of the steps, and there was nothing but darkness. There was no sound or airflow at all, and it was as dead as a place where even the air did not set foot.

After walking for about five minutes, I could no longer see the steps above when I looked up. At this time, there was not much difference between the top and bottom. Only the steps under my feet were the clearest.

Gradually, there was the sound of shoe soles rubbing against the stone surface.

This was followed by long breathing and slow heartbeat.

Ten minutes later, Xu Huo felt that the strength in his legs had returned, and when he was about to continue walking down, he heard another set of footsteps.

Came from behind.

He looked back and saw a shadow standing on the edge of the steps, looking down as well.

Xu Huo couldn't see the other person's face. He withdrew his gaze and continued walking. The footsteps behind him also followed.

The footsteps, which almost overlapped each step, kept at the same speed for ten minutes, and then there was a third footstep.

Xu Huo walked to the edge of the steps again and looked up. The figure above him also looked up - on the stairs three times apart, a third person was looking down.

The movements of the three people were at the same frequency, so when Xu Huo returned to the original path and continued downward, the other two footsteps followed closely behind.

At this time, Xu Huo's breathing and heartbeat disappeared from his ears, and only the sound of overlapping footsteps remained on the huge spiral staircase.

However, this balance did not last long. A fourth person appeared on the stairs, the person standing at the top.

The person at the top looked down like the two people in front. After spotting the people below, he suddenly accelerated and ran down.

After he started running, the third person below also started running down, and then the second person accelerated.

Hearing the footsteps of the three people behind him gradually overlapping, Xu Huo ran with his right hand on the wall and ran along the steps.

The four people seemed to be racing on the spiral staircase, running in circles deeper into the abyss. After a while, the footsteps of the four people reduced to three people, and the three people reduced to two people. The shadow following Xu Huo chased

lasted the longest, but eventually disappeared.

After they disappeared, Xu Huo slowed down, adjusted his breathing, and continued walking on the steps.

This process did not last long, and soon new figures appeared behind them. The second, third, and four people started racing again. At the end, there were only three and two left, and Xu Huo was walking alone.

The same thing happened ten times. It had been twelve hours since Xu Huo descended the spiral staircase. He could no longer feel anything around him. Even his body seemed to have been weakened. All his senses were left.

When I lower my feet, I can only touch the stone steps under my feet.

The stone steps became smooth.

When Xu Huo suddenly realized this, a floor was gradually built in front of the spiral staircase. The light began to magnify from under his feet. A huge room spread out with the light. After passing through the spiral staircase, it rose rapidly. In an instant,

It stretches hundreds of meters to the end of the field of vision, forming a giant underground round tower!

This chapter has been completed!
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