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Chapter 302 Unstable Space

Xu Huo came to this underground round tower for the third time.

This time the spiral staircase did not return to the way it looked when he went downstairs the previous two times. Instead, it kept the shape he left last time and went down the white steps to the bottom of the round tower. This time the round table was placed in the center, with three black shadows sitting on it.

In the original three positions, he walked over and sat down in his own place.

After a moment of silence, the four of them stretched out their hands at the same time. Xu Huo opened the white book in front of him, and the other three figures turned over the poker cards, held the dagger, and pressed the black sheet.

The four colors of white, orange, red and black spread, quickly covering the table, and then flowed to the ground along the table legs, swallowing the ground and spiraling upward towards the round tower. The several colors sometimes mixed together, sometimes separated, each time

Each color is trying its best to occupy more area of ​​the round tower.

Soon, the black and white colors gained the upper hand. The orange and red colors were squeezed out and stopped at their current position, leaving the black and white colors to compete. After swallowing the entire round tower, black turned to cover the white.

After the white area was reduced, it was suppressed by black together with orange and red, and the three colors were pressed back to the bottom of the tower. At the same time, the interior of the round tower was also changing.

The round table was deconstructed and split into four parts, but the piece occupied by the black slices continued to grow and extend, soon exceeding the overall area of ​​the round table; the spiral staircase was slowly dyed black from its original white, and thorns and spikes grew on the steps.

, these spikes extend to the surrounding tower walls, and countless black stone cones grow inside the round tower. The stone cones and spikes are connected together, and gradually even the space is invaded by black!

The round tower shook, and black cracks appeared on the white-shell book placed in front of Xu Huo - his own spiritual world was being invaded by another personality!

Frowning, he turned the page forward in the book, and the white color flowed out again. After the cracks on the book case were repaired, the white area in the round tower immediately stopped shrinking, and the area occupied by black was reclaimed together with orange and red.

The spiral staircase returned to white, and the thorns and stone cones on the tower wall turned into fragments and disappeared. After the bright colors once again occupied the entire round tower, the split round table was also reconnected.

The four people sat together again, and the colors returned to the objects placed on the table.

Xu Huo closed the book and looked to his left. The figure next to the playing cards gradually showed color and turned into a young version of him. Then he moved to the opposite side. The figure next to the dagger turned into a young version of him, only slightly older than him.

It is smaller. As for the figure holding the black sheet on the right, it has shrunk to one meter in height. He still remains a black shadow and has no face.

The three people at the round table all turned their attention to the black shadow, but the child version of the shadow picked up the black sheet and jumped off the chair to run to the round tower.

As soon as Xu Huo raised his hand, the inside of the round tower immediately turned into a triangle, and the three walls of the tower quickly closed in towards the middle, driving the shadow back.

The round tower triangle is occupied by Xu Huo himself and his two personalities, the young version and the juvenile version. The shadow has no way to escape, and in the end he has to return to the round table.

Knocking on the table, Xu Huo signaled him to put down the black sheet.

The shadow turned towards him, and the black head could not express any expression, but the black mist that continued to spread outwards symbolized his emotions.

The younger version of Xu Huo stood up, grabbed the back of his head and pushed it on the table, and the shadow obediently let go.

When the triangular tower moves back and returns to its cylindrical shape, the black flake floats to the center of the table;

Hundreds of floors flew in the form of fragments, forming a new curved bookshelf to cover the empty circular corridor, and the playing cards moved to the sheet to cover it;

The bookshelves were opened, and the doors were opened one after another. The daggers were stacked on top of the playing cards;

When the dozens of doors on each floor were closed one by one, Xu Huo's white-shell book was placed on the side of the dagger, suppressing the black sheet while also suppressing the other two objects that symbolized personality.

At this point, he has temporarily completed control of the other three personalities, and also completed control of his own spiritual world.

"Click!" With the sound of the door opening, the teenage version of Xu Huo appeared on the fourth floor, opened one of the doors and walked in.

Then the younger version of him disappeared through the door on the twenty-third floor.

As for the child version of Shadow, the other two personalities disappeared and hid in the round tower.

The bottom of the spiral staircase reached Xu Huo's feet, and then he ascended higher. When he returned to the top of the round tower, a door appeared in front of him. He turned the handle and went out. His vision went dark at first, and then returned to normal.

When he opened his eyes, he found that he was in a dilapidated building. Yan Jiayu was lying next to him, breathing evenly and looking like he was asleep.

After calling her twice but not waking anyone up, he walked out of the building again. Not far away was the wall they climbed in. There were no traces of the aliens chasing them. At a glance, this area looked more like an abandoned city.

Not far away, he found Sima Xiaoer and others in the building next to him, all lying on the ground in a mess, but he didn't see Nie Xuan among these people.

In addition, there are some people I have never seen before, and I don’t know if they are from the Special Defense Department.

Beating these people one by one, just like Yan Jiayu, they couldn't wake up at all, but thinking about it, they were not sleeping, but fell into their own spiritual world, trapped themselves, unable to realize that they were in hallucinations and then control their own

Before the spiritual world, even if you woke up, you might go crazy.

Xu Huo moved Yan Jiayu to Sima Xiaoer's side, then took out the "Awakening Doll" and tapped the person's head, "I need to see you if I need anything."

The doll's eyes glowed, and then a hand stretched out from inside. He quickly grabbed the person and said, "Come out and let's talk."

"You don't have any candy!" A shrill voice came from the puppet, "Liar!"

"I was trapped just after I released the dungeon. If you want to eat candy, you have to wait until I get out alive." Xu Huo did not let go, "Is it okay to double the candy for you next month?"

The struggling little hands stopped, and the little girl wearing a pink hat jumped out of the doll. When she landed, she pulled her little face and turned around to go back.

Xu Huo held her shoulders and said, "I'm here."

The little girl struggled and said: "You adults are all liars. You came to me after you promised to give me candy, but in the end you tricked me into an unstable space!"

"I'm not lying to you, I'm trapped." Xu Huo got to the point directly, "What do you mean by unstable space?"

"With so many wormholes, what does a few unstable spaces mean?" The little girl looked around and said, "This should be a post-war ruins. The space is not completely broken, so it is wandering in different worlds."

"What kind of war can destroy a space?" Xu Huo raised his eyebrows.

"Of course it's a player war." The little girl looked back at him, "Don't you know you are a player in Area 014?"

This chapter has been completed!
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