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Chapter 346 The first player to die

"Chi—!" The iron chain tore open another curtain, opened a ravine on the wall, rolled up a standing cabinet, and threw it at Xu Huo!

"Bang!" Xu Huo raised his sword and split the cabinet open, saying, "You don't have to kill me. Why don't you sit down and have a chat?"

Spider-Man turned a deaf ear and dragged out a long whip with his other foot, sweeping almost half of the room with nimble movements.

Although Xu Huo had the strings in his hand, there was still very little room left for him to move. He dodged to avoid the chains that were swinging at him one after another, and flipped the lighter to light the curtains on the ground!

Spider-Man seemed to be afraid of the flames, and immediately retreated. The body in the middle was completely suspended in the air, and there were three walking legs protecting him. He hooked his two feet to the edge of the curtain and threw the flames out of the window.

Unfortunately, the fire was not extinguished as quickly as the person who started it. The lighter made a crisp sound, and the carpet on the floor also burned.

Spider-Man spun his body, quickly crawled to the wall, and used his bouncing advantage to pounce on Xu Huo!

Although the opponent was faster than himself, Xu Huo could barely deal with him with the enhanced environmental processing ability and props after super evolution. After avoiding the spider's leg attack for the fifth time, he swooped down and knocked down the hanging half.

The huge curtains were pulled down and strings were threaded through them, directly covering Spider-Man!

With a "ding" sound, the fire suddenly burst out, and the dark room was instantly illuminated, but the next moment it was torn to pieces by the propped up feet.

Xu Huo was also prepared and smashed half of the inventory in one breath. The flames expanded instantly with the splash of wine, and in an instant the whole room turned into a sea of ​​fire!

Others retreated to the window and looked back, only to see Spider-Man thrust a pair of feet into his chest. Then the fire in the room went out, and all the broken items, including carpets and unburned curtains, flowed backwards along their original trajectory, as if time was reversed.

——The cabinets that were thrown and smashed were glued back together in the air, the sofas and tables that were knocked over were put back into place, and even the broken curtains were gathering towards the window!

The objects recovered at different speeds. Xu Huo frowned and retreated to the terrace. Unexpectedly, Spider-Man also walked backwards out of the room, and climbed up to the roof in this inverted position.

Xu Huo did not follow, but swung his sword to strike at the recovering lamp.

The desk lamp that was about to be repaired was interrupted and immediately fell back to the ground and broke into pieces again.

He glanced at the other items beside him that had been restored or were being restored. In fact, they were not restored. The burned curtains could not be spliced ​​together and fell to the ground with missing corners and pieces. The wooden cabinets that seemed to be restored were just simple.

The splicing will break when touched.

In the space of two breaths, a scream pierced the night sky. He quickly opened the door and walked out, and met Mr. and Mrs. Ma who came out holding their mobile phones.

Mrs. Ma held Mr. Ma's arm and gloated: "It's quite noisy. Are you okay?"

Xu Huo glanced at her and walked to Fang Min's room first - two players were already standing at the door of that room, and other players walked over with them.

"What's going on?" Liu Zhengping asked.

The one who screamed just now was a young servant. She said incoherently: "I went to the bathroom... saw a light on the second floor... and immediately saw that something happened to Miss Fang... she stayed in the room!"

The servant refers to Wei Lan Deng, who has a sickly white face.

Those who were standing at the door just now were Frye and Li Chao, and now it was Liu Zhengping, You Qiwen, and Yu Shuai who passed by. After just one glance at the three of them, their expressions changed.

"What a fool!" Liu Zhengping started reflexively.

Xu Huo had already arrived at the door. He raised his eyes and took a general look at the situation inside the house.

Fang Min died, not only died, but died miserably.

There is no light in the room, the light shines in from the door. The light beam extends from the door to the large coffee table in the center of the room. Two clean and white calves are placed there side by side. The rest of the legs are missing, and the surroundings are filled with unsolidified liquid.

The brutal impact of blood and some organ fragments on the clean coffee table makes people feel physically uncomfortable.

"Is this Fang Min?" Mrs. Ma looked behind.

"There's someone!" Yu Shuai, who was checking in the room at this time, suddenly shouted, raised his arm and made a shooting gesture to the outside of the balcony, only to see a small bullet hole silently shot out of the masonry wall!

Fry rushed to the balcony immediately, looked around but shook his head, "There's nothing."

"I just saw a pair of red eyes." Yu Shuai frowned, "I must have hit the opponent."

"You may not be hurt if you hit him." You Qiwen knocked the panicked servant unconscious and placed him in the corner. He stepped forward and said, "Are you sure it's Fang Min?"

"It's her," Wei Landeng said, "Her calves are very beautiful, special..."

"Symmetry." Xu Huo answered.

Players inside and outside the room all raised their heads to look at him, but Xu Huo ignored the sight of others and went straight to the balcony. Wearing the "Prying Eyes", he captured a few black spots on the outer wall, which should be ashes.

After Spider-Man left his room, he came to Fang Min's room again. He must have been attracted by the servant's scream.

At this time, You Qiwen and others were already asking Wei Landen about the situation before and after he discovered Fang Min's accident.

"I have a habit of staying up late. I was late after the power cut, and there was movement next to me, so I wanted to come out and take a look. I didn't expect that Fang Min's door was ajar, and when I came in, I saw this..." Wei Landeng

With an unbearable expression on his face, he looked away and said, "Just as I was about to inform you, this servant came up quietly."

Her statement is really full of holes.

The reason for leaving the room made sense to her, but when she saw the tragic situation in Fang Min's room, shouldn't she have gone to find other players immediately? Why did she still stay in this potentially dangerous place?

The servant walked up behind her silently? The sound of footsteps and the light of the portable lamp would remind her? Unless the servant was also a player, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that she was not.

Liu Zhengping asked bluntly: "Did you kill Fang Min?"

"It wasn't me." Wei Landeng's face darkened, "Whether you believe it or not, this is what happened."

"Little girl, I think you should tell the truth." Mrs. Ma said calmly, "Unless you want to become everyone's public enemy."

Fang Min died too quickly and in a tragic manner. It is impossible for the players to reduce their vigilance towards Wei Lan Deng, the most suspected player, and it is possible to kill her on the spot to eliminate any future troubles.

"She is not the only one who is suspected." Xu Huo had already walked around the room and said at this time: "There was an interval of five seconds from the time when the servant screamed to when Mr. Ma and I and Mrs. Ma went out. Didn't the three of you start from yourself?

If you come out of the room, you can kill someone in a roundabout way."

He was referring to Liu Zhengping, You Qiwen and Yu Shuai.

The other people's eyes turned to the three of them.

"That's right, I wasn't in the room," Yu Shuai spread his hands: "You can't blame this on me just because I went out. I just saw a pair of red eyes."

"Only you saw it." Frye stared at him.

The previous chapter was blocked and will be released in two days. Those who haven’t read it can read it later. \(^o^)/~

This chapter has been completed!
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