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Chapter 370 New friends

 It can be seen that super props are not only crucial to players, but even to some backward game divisions.

There is not much detailed information about "Field's Battle Angel" on the Internet, but there are rumors that "Field's Battle Angel" is a super prop that affects both time, space and life. It can be regarded as the top prop among super props. Therefore,

Only then will it attract so many high-level players, and even players from other wormhole points will come after hearing the news.

No one knows who got this super prop, but the paper warrior attracted all the firepower, which is comparable to the time when "Three Seconds of Life" was reported by all wormhole points. The difference is that the paper warrior is a super player.

Compared with an E-level player and a new game partition, it has an incomparable combat capability.

"It's really indifferent." Xu Huo sighed, and then searched for information about the Law Enforcement Department.

Ran Ying is quite famous, and she is also the image representative of the black epaulettes of the Department of Law Enforcement. Her photo is posted on the official website.

Black epaulettes and white epaulettes are two uniforms of the Department of Law Enforcement with the same format but different colors. Players of the two uniforms have different divisions of labor and are independent from other government departments. Unlike other departments, there are no ordinary people and evolved people in the Department of Law Enforcement. All

Everyone is a player.

The information that can be found about the Law Enforcement Department is all positive and usually involves group actions. There is very little about individuals. Members are relatively confidential. Only the image of Ran Ying represents somewhat innocuous tidbits.

Xu Huo's eyes stayed on her profile for a few seconds, then he turned off the projection and called up the address book.

There are now three people in this address book, Shi Youzhi, captain of the first brigade of the game government's track supply department, Deng Xuan, a player who resells items and steals on the train, and the third one is Ran Ying.

After hesitating on the names of the first two people, he chose the first one and sent a message asking if he could record it tomorrow.

Shi Youzhi responded quickly and asked him to wait at the government base. He would go to work at eight in the morning.

After getting definite recovery, Xu Huo called the hotel staff and temporarily changed rooms before resting.

There was no one to disturb him all night. At seven o'clock in the morning, the staff brought free breakfast on time and told him that because he did not ask for the membership card in time yesterday, he did not enjoy the discount he deserved, so the breakfast was free. If he wanted to do it tonight,

If you stay at the Winstar Hotel, you can upgrade to a top-level suite at a 20% discount. This suite has special security. Visitors who enter the floor without permission will be regarded as intruders.

"Good guy, it's 40,000 yuan at 20% discount." Xu Huo expressed his admiration for the hotel's blatant robbery.

The floor manager smiled and said: "No city is very friendly to outsiders. Although you have friends like Captain Ran, Yongxing can give you a unique sense of security."

Xu Huo hesitated for a moment and then said, "I need to use a car today. Can you send a car to pick me up and drop me off throughout the day?"

"This is what it should be." The floor manager took his membership card and asked him to check in.

"I'm a little curious. The player's appearance and number are not bound, and Yongxing Hotel does not conduct biometric authentication on the player. How can the bill be accurately transferred to the player's personal panel?" Xu Huo asked.

"The moment you enter the hotel, your identity will appear on the hotel's internal system. The hotel's facilities may seem to be operated by humans, but most of them use machinery and internal game systems." The floor manager said with a smile: "You

You are definitely a potential customer of Yongxing, there is no need to keep these little things secret from you.”

Xu Huo nodded slightly. To put it bluntly, it used the same monitoring system as the game Dimension Crack.

"Is Winstar Hotel also an asset of the game?" he asked casually.

"It's just a cooperative relationship." The floor manager thoughtfully handed him the umbrella and added: "Just now Captain Ran said he would come to have breakfast with you."

"You didn't say I changed rooms, did you?"

"The room number is confidential." The floor manager asked him to go to one end of the floor. "This is a private passage for guests. There is no need to go out from the first floor."

It was a small parking room. Once the window was opened, you could fly out from upstairs. The car and driver were ready, and Xu Huo could get up and leave.

When the car left, Xu Huo saw Ran Ying's silver sports car through the fully closed window. Most of the 011 cars were specially processed and the conditions inside the car could not be seen from the outside, so even if they were face to face, neither party would know.

Who was sitting in the car opposite.

After missing Ran Ying, Xu Huo went straight to the game government base.

The game government base is located on the north side of the main city. It is not a big place, but it is surrounded by robot guards.

The driver parked the car outside and said, "There is a cordon in front of us and the car cannot pass."

Xu Huo checked the time and saw that he arrived a little early, but he still got out of the car and looked up at the building directly in front of him.

The six buildings in this base are all silver shells. The surrounding five buildings are all triangular in shape. The largest one in the middle is cylindrical. It should be more than a thousand meters high by visual inspection. There is a huge wall directly in front of the building that just blocks the main entrance.

It's a metal monument. Most of the space on the monument is engraved with names in different languages. I don't know what this monument is used to commemorate.

"You came quite early." A rough voice came from behind.

Xu Huo turned around and saw a big man in a suit and leather shoes approaching with a large box in each hand. He seemed to be in a hurry, so he nodded and motioned for him to follow.

The robot inside the cordon scanned him and quickly gave way, waiting for the two people to pass before standing back again.

Xu Huo thought this was the external detection point of the base. Unexpectedly, when he walked past the metal monument, a light curtain was projected on it. When he passed through, the words on the inside of the metal monument were washed away and turned into an electronic screen recording his physical appearance.

, there is also a text notice on it: "All departments please pay attention, there are players entering the base."

There was no sound outside the door, but after entering the building, not only was he holographically projected in the hall, but there was also a warning sound. Until Shi Youzhi used the access card to turn off the warning, there were still two bee aircraft following him.

Shi Youzhi led him up to the third floor and pointed to the right, "That's the records department. You can go over and register now and explain clearly what happened."

Xu Huo looked around, "I thought there would be a lot of people in the government base."

Shi Youzhi glanced at him and said, "Where did the game government base come from with so many offices? You go quickly."

After saying that, they carried the box and went to the corridor on the left. What looked like a wall suddenly turned glass, opened and closed again, and the special simulated material quickly turned into the same color as the corridor.

Shi Youzhi's attitude was different from the previous two days.

Xu Huo didn't stay long and went to the corridor on the right as he said. As soon as he walked through, the door opened. In the smoky environment, a hand holding a cigarette stretched out from the piles of square boxes and pointed at the one in front of him.

chair, "sit."

This chapter has been completed!
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