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Chapter 416 The hospitable shore

 After the conversation between the two, Xu Huo learned that there are very rich mineral resources around the coast of Sayer, especially some places that are normally closed and only players can enter.

The Bolen family controls the coast, and in order to ensure that enough ore can be purchased, a large number of players are sent to the coast every year.

Therefore, they started to ensure that players can reach the coast of Sayre smoothly from the train, and authenticate the players who get on the train - this authentication seems to be linked to the characteristics. If the people of the Bollen family are sure not to provide a certain player with

Hospitality service, then even if the player changes his appearance after getting off the bus, he will not be able to escape the "denial of service" label.

Once "denied of service" occurs, the player cannot board a ship operated by the Bollen family to go to the instance location unless the player owns a ship and knows the route.

There may be such players, but they are in the minority after all.

Moreover, players who go to the coast of Sayre can register the copy they want to go to at any store under the name of the Borron family. The Borron family can give it away together, and while waiting, they can enjoy accommodation and food at extremely low prices.

Of course, this is also conditional, that is, players must sell at least one-third of the precious ores they bring out from the dungeon to the Bollen family.

In fact, many players who have come here for the first time come back for the second time just to make money from selling the ore. The price offered by the Bollen family is exciting, and many players will sell most of the ore to them. After all, this is better than other places.

The difficulty and risk of making money in the copy are low.

"If you ask me, the Bolun family is stupid. They can hire people to mine." Chu Yuan said eloquently, "They have ships and people, but they are afraid that no one will go?"

"How do you know they didn't go?" said the tongue-nailed girl: "When you get to the island, there will be many people wanting to buy the ticket in your hand. Why give it to others when you have such a good opportunity?"

"No matter how powerful the Bollen family is, they can't hold all the tickets in their hands." The purple-haired woman sitting next to the tongue-studded girl said: "Besides, most players will sell the ore to them when they get it. They just need to give it away.

How worry-free it is.”

"Isn't it said that the Sayer Sea has been polluted? Are those ores radioactive?" Xu Huo said.

"There are some self-defense protective gear sold on the island, which can neutralize some radioactive pollution." The tongue-studded girl touched her chin, "Besides, we are evolved players, what are we afraid of? At the worst, we can drink more potions when we come back."

Others also chimed in with laughter. A few players who had just met exchanged destinations. When they found that the places were the same, they made an appointment to go with them.

"Looking for ore mining is a technical job." The burly player said with a smile: "I have seen many idiots pass by rare ores without knowing that they are good things. They have grown a pair of light bulbs in vain."

"Not only that, but there are people who beat you to death over a pile of rocks, but in the end it's not even worth half a dime."

"It's enough to memorize in advance which rare minerals are rare." Chu Yuan said.

"Look, there's an idiot here." The girl with the tongue stud pointed at him with a smile, and the people next to her also started laughing.

"Did I say something wrong?" Chu Yuan's face turned red.

"Ore will not be laid there in a cut and cleaned state waiting for people to pick it up." Xu Huo said next to him. It's a stone wrapped in a stone. Who knows what's inside.

"What he said is actually not wrong." The burly player walked up to Chu Yuan and patted his shoulder, "If you are lucky, you might be able to meet someone with pictures on the Internet, and you can exchange a few dollars for some wine money."

Chu Yuan pushed his hand away, "With so many people looking for ore, the mountain must have been hollowed out."

"That's not necessarily true. I heard a rumor that the ocean currents near the coast of Sayre actually span multiple spaces, so there are often some strange things washed up on the island. There is also an ore island that is all ore.

But that place is not a dungeon place, and it floats with the ocean currents. Whether you can find it depends on luck." The well-dressed player said mysteriously: "If you find it, you will make a fortune."

"What's flowing in this sea isn't water, it's gold!" Some people blushed and their hearts beat.

"That's why the Sayre Coast is called the Gold Coast." The purple-haired woman said: "Even if the players who come here can't make a big fortune, they can still make a small amount of money."

In this way, players who boarded this train for the first time were shocked by the "popular science" provided by experienced players, and asked repeatedly what they should prepare before entering the dungeon.

Players who have been to the coast of Sayre are also very generous and shared some common sense things in advance, including where to buy protective props, as well as necessary survival equipment at sea, food, and drinking water with special chemicals added. If conditions

If possible, you can prepare small boats in advance, because the boats of the Bollen family will not always stay outside the dungeon site, and usually will come when the dungeon is about to end.

After two days of driving, Xu Huo had already figured out which bar on the coast had the prettiest girls and which one had high-quality and low-priced fun-enhancing potions before arriving at the coast of Sayre.

The station is built on the sea. For the convenience of players, a coastal road has been built from the station to the coast.

Although it is said to be a road, it is actually more like a small town with a street. There are bars and shops on both sides of the road, mostly bars. There is an advertising screen above, and a short advertisement welcoming players to the coast of Sayre is played in a loop.

Xu Huo stopped under the advertising screen.

"This woman has a really nice figure. The Bollen family is indeed a businessman." Chu Yuan looked at the women who kept flashing in the advertisements with relish.

"If you like strong drinks and beautiful women, and if you like to gamble thousands of dollars, then welcome to the coast of Sayre!"

"The most beautiful Gold Coast, anyone can earn a pot of gold!"

"When you come to the Sayre Coast, you are not a guest or a stranger, but our friend and collaborator. You can find what you need here, and we will provide you with everything you need!"

"Are you excited? If so, you should find a place to register as soon as possible. In order to welcome new guests, players who land for the first time will receive three days of free food and accommodation. Any store will provide a free guide to the island. You don't have to worry about anything else.

The problem is, you just need to use the ore to exchange the white money into your pocket!"

There are as many as twenty such advertising screens on the road leading to the coast of Sayre.

Most of the players who got off the bus with Xu Huo found a store to register their names and where they wanted to go before they even finished walking.

"Where are you going?" Chu Yuan couldn't hold it any longer and asked Xu Huo urgently.

"Deep Blue Laboratory." Xu Huo did not receive a copy prompt after getting off the car, so Deep Blue Laboratory should be a place name.

"What a coincidence, so do I." Chu Yuan responded, then squeezed to the front to tell the store owner his destination.

This chapter has been completed!
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