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Chapter 44 Mission

Chapter 44 Mission

The impact of this room is much greater than outside. The stone table and chopping board on the ground are all piled with pieces of meat. They are all bright red. It is impossible to tell what parts of the animals they originally belong to. The smell of blood is so strong that it is so sticky that it is very sensitive to the sense of smell.

For a person, it is no different than breathing frozen air, and the feeling of suffocation goes straight to the top of the head.

Xu Huo walked in without changing his expression, rummaged through the piles of meat for a while, and unexpectedly found a piece with a number - although the skin was peeled off, the numbers seemed to be grown in the muscle tissue, clearly


"Bang!" The sound of a strong door opening came from outside, and the voice of Karl the skinner rang out, "The probation period is five days. Only if you meet my requirements can you stay and work!"

"That salary..."

"You still want a salary during the probation period?" Carl yelled irritably: "Clean this place for me. If I come back in three hours and see a cockroach, you all will get out!"

After saying that, the door slammed again, and then the sound of a car engine faded away outside the factory. After a while, someone in the workshop spoke: "Yang Can was taken away by the skinner, will he be okay?"

"The skinner is just going fishing. Yang Can should be fine for the time being." Another voice said: "They are going to go for three hours. This is an opportunity."

"Qin An is right." A female voice said: "As agreed before, we will act separately."

"Qin An and I are going to find the collection room. Xian Dazhi, you and Zou Weichang stay to clean up. We will be back in an hour at the latest. We can't let the skinner find an excuse to kick us out."

"Okay, okay, you have the final say." The fourth voice said impatiently: "Let's go quickly."

Two footsteps left the workshop, and there were two people left. The one who spoke first said: "We'd better hurry up."

"They are stupid, are you stupid? They really come here to do sanitation!" said the impatient voice: "They are looking for collections, but they make us do hard work."

"There's nothing we can do about it. Peng Fengnian didn't mean that the skinner's collection must be hidden in a place that's hard to find. Our characteristics are not suitable for this."

"He can stand and talk without pain in his back. This shabby factory is so big. What's so hard to find in the cellar and secret room? Who can't find it?"

"But Peng Fengnian said that there are almost zero survivors in the Skinner dungeon. It must not be that easy, right?"

Another person snorted coldly, and his footsteps moved from the front door to the back door of the workshop.

"Zou Weichang, where are you going?"

"Pig shed." Zou Weichang laughed strangely, "Maybe we are lucky and can meet a few piglets that have been skinned for less than six hours."

"Didn't Peng Fengnian say this is impossible? The piglets are all specially raised, and the skinner must have been raising them for a long time..."

"Peng Fengnian said everything. You need to be smarter."

"Hey!" The moving voice stopped, "There are a few rooms nearby, why don't you take a look first?"

Zou Weichang ignored Xian Dazhi and went straight into the pig house. Xian Dazhi quickly chased after him.

The workshop returned to silence, and Xu Huo stood in the room without rushing out.

These applicants are different from him. They are all ticket holders. They have discussed the countermeasures before coming.

The known ones include Qin An, Zou Weichang, Xian Dazhi, Yang Can and Peng Fengnian.

Among them, Yang Can was taken fishing by the skinner, Zou Weichang and Xian Dazhi were in the pig house, and Qin An and another female player went to the front to find the skinner's collection room.

It’s hard to say whether the female player’s name is Peng Fengnian, and it’s not ruled out that there are players who haven’t entered the delicious fresh meat supply factory.

Listening to their conversation, the dungeon mission of the ticket holder should be the same as his, choose one of three options: steal the treasures collected by the skinner, rescue three children, and complete the job given by the skinner.

Of the three tasks, it seems that the third one has the lowest risk, but it is not.

The skinner most likely knew that the people applying for jobs were players, but had to let them come in to work for some reason, so he was disgusted with the applicants, and the dirty workshop outside seemed to be left on purpose.

Under this premise, it is almost impossible for players to complete the tasks given by him. Being driven away and unable to pass the level is considered lucky. It is estimated that most players will become a pile of minced meat in the slaughterhouse.

The second mission should be to rescue three children. Leaving the dungeon or clearing the level to get a return ticket are only for single use. The prerequisite for completing the mission is to be able to take away the three children, at least to get them out of the pig.

It is almost impossible for the player to complete this task without special props, unless the skinner takes the initiative to release the person.

The most likely thing to complete is the first mission, so these players almost gave up on the next two missions.

With his eyebrows heavy, Xu Huo packed a few mice in a sack and used detergent to wash off the blood stains on his shoes before climbing out of the window and back to the outside of the pig house.

In the pig house, the honest-looking Xian Dazhi touched the belly of the piglet and shook his head to Zou Weichang, "The thread is almost invisible. If you take them out, they will only be pigs for the rest of their lives."

Zou Weichang was not surprised. He lit up a cigarette and puffed away the smoke. He said with a confused expression: "I expected this before I came here."

Xian Dazhi said pitifully: "A baby who is only a few years old is very pitiful."

"What's so pitiful? It's fate. We can only blame them for their bad fate." Zou Weichang crushed the cigarette butt and turned to walk to the workshop. "But we are not much better. We may die before them."

Xian Dazhi followed him, and suddenly a big pig in the pig house pressed its front hooves against the fence, bit Zou Weichang's sleeve and pulled hard.

"Is this pig crazy?" Zou Weichang kicked it away, not treating it as a human being at all.

I am a human! I am a player!

Sima Xiaoer was kicked to the ground and screamed desperately, but the sound that came out was a loud pig growl. He stared angrily at the two people in front of him, got up and tried to rush over again, but was kicked back before he could get close.

"They can still be saved!" Xian Dazhi quickly stopped him.

Zou Weichang waved his hand away, "So what? Can they run out after being rescued? This is a game world, and players are all in danger. Ordinary people can only die if they go out!"

"Don't drag me because of your overflowing sympathy. If the skinner finds out that we secretly let people go, we will all die!"

Xian Dazhi was unable to refute, so don't look at the pigs in the pig house.

"Maybe you can live a few more days as a pig." Zou Weichang turned and walked away.

"Humph! Humph!" Sima Xiaoer stood on the fence and shouted vigorously, but the two of them still walked away without looking back. He backed away slumped, his eyes more desperate than the others.

At this time Xu Huo jumped into the pig house and knocked on the fence, "Red hair?"

Sima Xiaoer scrambled to his feet and bumped into the person.

Xu Huo held down his pig's head and said, "Don't you want to go out?"

"Humph?" Sima Xiao'er looked at him confused but angrily.

"What those two people just said makes sense. You won't be able to survive if you come out. Too many people will easily attract attention."

Xu Huo cut the two sutures under his abdomen and asked, "Have you received the game reminder?"

This chapter has been completed!
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