Turn off the lights
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Chapter 449

"Suffocation to death may not be caused by ghosts," Gan Qing said: "Didn't the man in the plastic coat also kill Wan Yunrong with a plastic bag?"

"But aren't they accomplices?" Chu Yuan couldn't believe it, "Zhu Rumin is a stamped member of the Kong brothers and sisters."

"That's not necessarily true," Wu Xiaonan said: "We just heard what Ge Pan said. Who knows if he is talking nonsense."

Chu Yuan subconsciously looked at Xu Huo.

Xu Huo's expression changed slightly. The alliance between Ge Pan, Mao Wei, and Zhu Rumin was certain. Plastic bags can kill people by suffocation, but there is no need for the Kong brothers and sisters to kill their own people, so Zhu Rumin died at the hands of the ghost.


Zhu Rumin has the identity of a "ghost", so she is the player who can follow the "legitimate" killing rules of the game, but she was killed by the ghost shadow first. This shows that the ghost shadow does not care whether the player's identity is a "human" or a "human being".

"Ghost", and the reason why ghosts appear on players is to induce players to kill each other.

This is why players don't feel like they have become a "ghost", because there are no fixed "ghosts" at all, they are all randomly selected by ghosts.

If it hadn't been for Dr. Deng and his party, Zhu Rumin would certainly not have died yesterday. And if the ghosts killed the Kong brothers and sisters, they might have violated the taboos of the ghosts.

This laboratory is very clean. Xu Huo had previously guessed that Ghost Shadow had a way of cleaning the laboratory, so he might be targeted for destroying the laboratory... He looked at Dr. Deng and asked, "What happened to the people sent by the Bolan family before?"


"Of course nothing was found." Dr. Deng said: "Either they returned without success or the whole army was wiped out. There were also a few who survived, but there was no mention of ghosts."

Xu Huo nodded slightly. Even if the ticket players did not die at the hands of the ghosts, they would be killed by the players of the Bolan family. Players who came in to find potions would sometimes become targets of attacks by the ghosts, and sometimes not.

Of course, there is also the possibility that ticket players and non-ticket players will die together, but the chance of coincidence is not high.

It's really interesting. The Bollen family wants to kill all ticket players in order not to leak the Deep Blue Laboratory, and Ghost Shadow will randomly kill all non-ticket players in order not to expose itself. The so-called causal reincarnation is probably like this.

"Do ghosts really exist?" Qiu Xiangdong was doubtful, "Speaking of placing one of their own among ticket players, this is definitely not the first time the Bollen family has done it. Why didn't anyone bring out the news about the ghosts?"

"That's very simple. They are all killed." Chu Yuan said casually: "Even if they are not killed, they will not be able to find so many players to come in every time."

"He is right," Xu Huo said: "It is easier to bribe players who come to the coast of Sayer than to go around collecting tickets for the Deep Blue Laboratory copy."

It’s not easy to buy tickets, and even if you buy them, they won’t be able to support you for a long time.

The ghost is obviously intelligent, and no one can find it if it hides.

So the problem before us is that the ghost is probably going to kill everyone in the laboratory.

"Ghost Shadow can kill even ghosts, so he will definitely not let us go." Chu Yuan couldn't help complaining: "This dungeon is too unfriendly to ticket players, it will kill us anyway."

"Logically speaking, it is safer to be a ghost." Qiu Xiangdong said: "Zhu Rumin's death should be an accident. There is no guarantee that it was not the Kong brothers and sisters. I think that Kong Hui was nervous. Maybe he was angry that Zhu Rumin was not doing things well.

Someone killed her."

"Ghosts don't appear during the day. At night, we almost all become ghosts, and there is no difference between humans and ghosts." Xu Huo said: "If you want to get rid of the threat, another way is to clear the level now."

"But where are we going to catch ghosts?" Wu Xiaonan said: "Aren't we thinking of finding potions because we couldn't clear the level?"

The second task of the game is more difficult than Xu Huo imagined, because ghosts do not choose fixed targets, and may not even need to be attached to people at all. In this way, it is meaningless to judge who is a "ghost" from the player, and

There is no way to control ghosts by controlling the player.

"I said, the ghost is just a shadow, how can you catch it?" Chu Yuan said: "It can also change its appearance. I have seen it with my own eyes, one looks like a man and the other looks like a woman."

Everyone thought to no avail and fell silent for a while. After a while, Xu Huo stood up and said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

"I'm coming with you." Chu Yuan quickly followed, "Don't let ghosts come out and kill people in broad daylight."

Xu Huo did not refuse his kindness, but he did not go to the bathroom. Instead, he chose a room next to him and motioned Chu Yuan to relax outside the door.

"Do you know how to catch ghosts?" Chu Yuan was pleasantly surprised.

"Let's give it a try." Xu Huo walked into the room alone, and the bright lights illuminated every corner here clearly.

Directly opposite the room is a huge viewing glass. When the curtain is opened, you can see the deep sea. The left side leads to the bedroom and bathroom, and the right side is an entire mirror used for decoration.

He observed the ventilation system in the room and hung several powerful sticks on it with useful props. Then he pulled out a bright red sword and chopped everything in the room into pieces.

The intact furniture, a few decorations, the paintings hanging on the wall, and the lamps, in the end, the place was completely dismantled, and even the room was plunged into darkness, with only a very weak light coming through the viewing glass.


He nonchalantly kicked away the broken painting at his feet, walked towards the viewing glass with a smile on his face, made marks on it with his sword, and followed the marks back and forth repeatedly.

This kind of glass is not easily damaged like the metal that reinforces the outer walls of the laboratory, but the scratching sound is harsh and unpleasant.

But Xu Huo didn't mind, he seemed to be doing the repeated movements happily.

At this moment, a grimace suddenly appeared on the glass in front of him. Black blood flowed from the pale face, and it was wrapped around his head ferociously!

"Pa!" The ghost that looked like a shadow and a piece of tissue paper did not wrap around Xu Huo's head as neatly as it did when it killed other players. Instead, it was awkwardly photographed on a transparent glass cover.

I wandered around for a week and found nowhere to start.

Xu Huo, who had already prepared the props and waited for it to come, quickly took out the "invisible protection", used the transparent raincoat as a pocket to cover his head, and pulled off the ghost figure that was sticking to him and trying to pounce on his face.


The ghost was really just a thin layer that looked like a painting, but it was flexible enough. After the sneak attack failed, it escaped from the gap in the raincoat and headed straight for the door.

However, this room was soundproofed and the doors were sealed. Seeing it go to the door, Xu Huo reminded him, "It's impossible to get through there. You can try to use the ventilation system."

Needless to say, the ghost turned around and flew towards one of the vents, but at this time he pulled the kite string again, and the ghost just hit the powerful sticky paper.

This chapter has been completed!
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