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470 Bad luck

After they entered, the escort did not completely seal the transition carriage. Instead, they used a prop to create a transparent water wall between the two carriages.

The water wall created by a thin layer of water not only has defensive capabilities, but can also automatically collapse the defensive walls that players in a car tried to erect. In the end, they had to give up blocking sight and just seal the other sides of the car.

There is still a metal wall in the second carriage, but the scroll in the first carriage has been replaced by a huge wooden box. I don’t know what kind of device is outside, but there is a huge runner inside. As the short-headed female player pushes, there is a sound outside

There was a "click-click" sound of the mechanism moving - at the same time, the alien wave outside also rushed to the car!

The entire train stalled for a moment, as if it was overwhelmed, but soon started moving forward again, but at a greatly reduced speed.

The props in a carriage were constantly rotating, and the sound of piercing flesh could be heard from outside, just like a meat grinder, and there would also be glitches due to the alien species outside.

"There are too many alien species." The wheel gradually got stuck, but what was not good was that special alien species appeared outside again, and the props in the first and second carriages were damaged again.

"If this continues, the train may not be able to make it to the next stop." Xu Huo said at this time.

This was also a concern for other players, so the tattooed player put on a protective mask and took out a bottle of potion.

The other escorts also wore protective masks. Xu Huo originally planned to give the protective masks he had reserved to Dr. Deng, but Dr. Deng instead took out two laboratory protective masks, "This is specially provided by the laboratory."

, it’s usually not available outside, so it’s the safest to use this.”

Xu Huo took it as he was told, and after putting it on, he saw the tattooed player opening the potion, aiming at the crack above and blowing out the gas.

Several alien species scratching at the crack immediately let out painful screams and struggled to retreat from the gap. However, the potion seemed to have another effect. Soon, the sounds of the alien species outside starting to eat their own kind were heard.

,Similarly, alien species that have eaten the same species have symptoms of pain and madness, and are then eaten by other species of the same species.

The stamping sound above the head showed that the effect of the medicine was spreading like a plague. In just a few minutes, there was a brief calm above the second carriage, while at the same time the attacks on the first carriage became more and more fierce.

"These aliens are not stupid, either." Weiwei said with a smile, and then released a few smoke bugs from the gap. As her face turned pale, the aliens outside began to line up and jump out of the track.

, it happened that the place where the train was passing by at this time was surrounded by cliffs on both sides. Once you got down, don’t think about coming up again.

"It's okay now. There are no roads on both sides. There shouldn't be any more aliens getting on the bus..." Dr. Deng carefully looked out through the gap, but the next second he opened his eyes and took two steps back suddenly, "Born."

Winged alien!"

Xu Huo had good eyesight, so he saw a group of things that looked like prehistoric pterosaurs flying over from outside the track!

"Bang!" The first alien species hit the car. Black blood and a kind of purulent green mucus gradually came from the gap and fell on the table and chair next to it. A small dent was formed on the metal surface.


"This alien species is an evolved version of a mutated bat. The venom it carries is highly corrosive and can melt metal... Generally, this alien species will not appear near the track unless it is specially guided!" Dr. Deng held his arms.

Head way.

It goes without saying how the alien species came about, but the key point is that these things are paper-like and layered outside the carriage. They are almost all suicide attacks. They will automatically spit out mucus when they jump on it. You can feel the outside even if you stand in the carriage.

Metal is melting!

The expressions of the players in the second carriage did not change much, but the expressions of the seven players in the first carriage gradually became serious.

This is not only a problem of the consumption of props and characteristics, but the number of alien species that are attracted one after another is too huge. It is impossible for them to kill them all or rely on defensive props to last until dawn!

In just a few minutes, the defensive props in the carriage were melted and riddled with holes. Weiwei and others had to get fully armed and prepare for a hard fight. Just as they were putting on their protective suits, the first alien species broke through the defenses and emerged.

He entered and knocked down the female player with extremely fast speed!

The female player was knocked to the opposite side of the carriage. After her back hit the mucus, the outer skin of the protective suit was immediately melted away. She shot the alien in the head with one shot. Before she could stand up straight, a alien outside was scratched through with a claw through the hole in the prop.

Her protective clothing was taken off, and the corrosive mucus on her made her scream in pain. Before she could react, she was pinned down by the alien species that rushed in!

Several other players were also entangled by the alien species. After Weiwei's father killed the alien species that was pestering him, he took out a beehive-like prop. Several micro bees crawled out from it and flew to other bees in the carriage.

On the alien species, only a few "bang bang" sounds were heard, and the alien species' head was blown through.

Weiwei and others teamed up to throw the bodies of the alien species out, and used props to repair the holes in the carriage. However, the props used as the carriage were already riddled with holes. They could not block here or there. It would only be a matter of time before the aliens swarmed in.


At this time, Weiwei's mother looked towards the second carriage. She stepped forward and when her body was wrapped in a colorful red light, she used a knife no longer than a finger to cut through the water wall defense.

The partition between the two carriages was broken, but as soon as she stepped in, her body was crushed into a bloody mass in the next second. The liquid that flew out happened to splash the people behind who were trying to hide in the second carriage.

Two players look alike!

The expressions of the two of them changed. They didn't even have time to wipe off their protective masks and stepped back in a hurry.

At this time, one after another alien species got into the car, and the remaining six players once again fell into a hard fight.

These people are not without real abilities. Almost all of them have props with a large scale of destruction. However, the narrow carriage is not suitable for large-scale battles. It is easy to accidentally injure companions, and the true effect of the props cannot be exerted.


But they did not dare to completely dismantle the props used as the car shell, because the dimensional train may travel through chaotic places in space, and they may be carried away by air currents or alien species when they get out. Once they escape from the train, there is almost no hope of survival!

So, these six people struggled to stay in the car under such circumstances.

The seemingly long fight actually only lasted for more than ten minutes. Xu Huo could see that Weiwei and others were consciously saving props and choosing to fight the aliens directly. However, as a new round of high-frequency sounds sounded from the direction of the front of the car,

, and a brand new alien species appeared on the train, with pairs of red eyes that seemed to glow on their own!

"It's the car-slaying monster!" Weiwei shouted from the front, "What a bad luck!"

This chapter has been completed!
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