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Chapter 517 Recycling the copy

 The explosion injured all three people. Because the whale threw Hugo out first, Hugo was the least injured person. He climbed up against the wall, his arms rubbing against the wall, and those things gradually corroded him.

The body's germs began to spread along the walls unbridled.

Xu Huo, who had changed his appearance, glanced at the time on his watch, took the prop "Director's Rights" and shouted to the people in front of him through the slightly opened door: "Click!"

"Director's Rights" is a memory-erasing prop that allows people to forget what happened in the previous ten minutes without any notice. He calculated the time and got stuck before taking action to snatch Hugo's severed hand - the subsequent battlefield moved too quickly.

Although the fight was fierce, it didn't actually take much time.

The level of this item is not high, and it will be ineffective if the player carries a counteracting item. However, the battle has become intense. These advanced players have consumed too many items, especially Hugo and Whale. They may not replenish the corresponding items during the fierce battle.

It was this possibility that he was betting on, and it was also a minimum measure.

After using the props, he opened the door again and appeared behind Hugo, cutting his neck with a sword.

However, something unexpected happened at this moment. Hugo seemed to have noticed it in advance. The "dirty needle" appeared on his hand again, turned around and shot it in his direction!

That thing was highly poisonous and could contaminate even metal. Xu Huo retreated with a feint, and Bai Kou, who came from behind to take over, simply crushed Hugo's neck.

"Hugo!" The whale not far away shouted loudly and rushed toward them crazily. At this time, Xu Huo picked up the pen and used the characteristic "power of writing". After attracting everyone's attention, he said: "Any difficulties?

You can come to me."

After saying this, he immediately judged that everyone present had passed the dungeon, and immediately banished them back to the ship. He nodded to Bai Kou, "I'll leave first."

Bai Kou smiled slightly and disappeared from the hospital.

He had just let go of the other players who were still alive in the hospital.

Of the three missions that have been cleared, only the second mission is confusing. He is a copy holder and must have an identity to participate in the game. Therefore, he is the only real doctor in the 17th Hospital. Players can only judge by the details.

The first and third are both flexible tasks, especially the first one, which only requires him to determine that he has undergone psychological treatment, and the door of the hospital can also appear or disappear according to his wishes. Naturally, the copy also has certain effects on the holder.

Constraints: The three tasks are divided into difficult and easy ones. He cannot make it too obvious. At least the players must meet one of them - most of the living players have entered the treatment room, so it is easy to let go.

As for this group of advanced players, if he didn't take action, the copy would probably be dismantled, and Hugo was already dead. He successfully obtained the props he had sewn under his skin. His goal was achieved, and there was no need to stay.

As soon as the copy was collected, he grabbed the ticket to Clown City, and then his consciousness flashed. In a very short period of time, he found himself in a noisy environment, and a blindfold was roughly put on his head. At the same time,

The game prompt sounds:

[Player A has entered the Clown City Arena and will participate in the E-level dungeon "Evil Contest" by default. Please note that this dungeon is of a low level and players cannot bring non-game props into the venue. 】

[Background introduction: Clown City is a city full of enthusiasm and laughter. The developed tourism industry and rich mineral resources make the land here flow with golden blood. The developed economy makes everyone living here extraordinary.

Because of his courage and fighting spirit, arena fighting has become a unique event in the city, which makes everyone who walks out of here marvel in admiration.]

[But this event, which was originally full of beautiful meanings, turned into an exam to select warriors after the Clown City was invaded by alien species. When more than half of the city's land fell, the surviving people built protective walls along the east line and lived in

Every adult here must shoulder the responsibilities given by the government: go out of the protective wall and clean up the alien species outside the wall until the city land is reclaimed.】

[Dungeon mission: ① Kill ten targets.

②Contaminate the water source outside the protective wall.

③Place the battle flag on the designated target.】

[Copy time: seven days.]

[Players are requested to pass through the protective wall before 12 noon tomorrow. If you fail to pass the level, you will not be able to get the return ticket. 】

After reading the game prompts at a glance, Xu Huo gave up the blindfold. After his vision was switched to a small screen with data analysis, he was pushed out of the hatch by a robot hand.

In front of him was a huge closed venue, densely packed with people wearing eye masks like him. Most of these people wore protective clothing with distinctive signs. Others looking around were probably players who were not sure of the situation like him, and their clothes were slightly different.

Looking back at the place where he came out, Xu Huo found that the edge of the venue was covered with oval-shaped cabins. From time to time, people wearing eye masks were pushed out. When the cabin door was opened, it could be seen that the inside was completely mechanized and there was no work.


A young woman was roughly pushed out, and a man held her next to her. The two of them probably knew each other. The woman leaned against the man and started crying. She kept saying: "I don't want to go... I don't want to die..."

The man patted her shoulder to express comfort and said nothing. At this time, a man wearing protective clothing interjected, "It is because of you cowardly people that Clown City lost half of its land."

"Kill aliens for Clown City and recover the land for Clown City. Even dying in battle is honorable. Don't you even have this sense of honor?"

"Don't forget, the reason why you and your family can live well in this city is because of those sacrificed warriors. Without them killing the aliens one after another, half of the remaining city would be

You can’t keep it, even if you enjoy the benefits and benefits, you must also bear corresponding obligations!”

The man's words were recognized by the people around him. Even though he couldn't see his eyes with the blindfold on, the body language of the people around him gradually made people feel the pressure.

The words were very contagious, but they did not convince the woman. She turned around and said to the man: "What does the past events in Clown City have to do with me? I only settled here three years ago! If my brother hadn't died in the dungeon

Here, I will not come to such a ghost place!"

"You are so upright and just want to die. Why do you force people who don't want to? I have never received military training!"

"You have no military training?" The man who spoke called the robot that was moving not far away. "Why do ordinary people without training appear in the arena?"

The robot scanned the woman and said, "After verification, the information entered by the soldier when he settled in Clown City mentioned that he had received systematic firearms training."

This chapter has been completed!
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