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Chapter 562 This is the good thing I said

There was a smile on her face all the time, and she was far less weak than she looked. Xu Huo could also see that this was not a choice she had to make out of necessity, but something she had planned to do from the beginning.

"First, drag the chief political officer into trouble, and then coerce both the chief political officer and the government. It is not important whether these two steps are completed or not. The purpose is to divert attention. The core plan is to open the fungal nest and infect the entire city.

He looked at Langlang, "Have you been preparing for a long time?"

Langlang looked up at the mycelium above, "It's been almost twenty years. When I was thrown into the blockade area with my family, I hid in the cracks in the ground to save my life. Later, I crawled down along the cracks in the ground. I was hungry.

I just ate the fungi in the cave and survived in the end.”

"My family, as well as my uncle's family, which is Lang Lang's father, dozens of people slowly died. Only a few children hid underground to avoid being chased by aliens and other infected people." Xin Hui said: "Later,

We found that this fungal nest was much larger than what was discovered by the General Administration Office, and it was still growing. At that time, I knew that the underground of Clown City had actually been penetrated by fungi for a long time, but it had not been exposed to the public."

"And Clown City has also taken measures to reinforce the ground with metal plates. Why is Clown City built like this? In fact, insiders deliberately stretched the height of the city in order to stay away from the ground. And with the depth of the underground lair, even if the fungus

Even if the strongest rock is corroded, Clown City will not be buried immediately, and there will be plenty of time to escape."

"There are such big changes in Clown City, and the senior players didn't intervene?" Xu Huo asked.

"There are not many high-level players in Clown City at all." Xin Hui said: "Even if there are, how can a mere Clown City keep them? This is a precarious city. Anyone who knows a little bit about the truth will not be able to leave except those who can't.

all gone?"

She smiled sarcastically, "Originally, there are not many players in Clown City. Many of them are foreigners and they have no sense of belonging to Clown City."

Xu Huo nodded slightly, "But I see that the General Affairs Office has arranged a lot of people to search in the city. The strength of Clown City is not as weak as you think. It won't be long before all your people are captured. The explosion is not strong enough."

It can demolish the entire city, even if it only occupies a small area, and after dealing with your people, the General Administration Office can follow the same pattern and blockade it, and the ground can be sealed in a short time."

"It's a pity that the revenge you have been preparing for for twenty years may end in one day."

Xin Hui's face darkened, and then turned to Lang Lang.

Langlang stroked the black fungus on the rock, which should be highly poisonous. The skin turned black as soon as her hand touched it, but the poison quickly subsided before it reached her wrist. When her hand returned to its normal color, her waist was exposed.

The scar on the side also disappeared.

Xu Huo squinted his eyes slightly. He suddenly understood why Xin Lang still looked calm even in this situation. It was because she herself was a source of infection, and she might carry more than a few types of fungi. These fungi could be contained in her body.

Keep your balance, what if she dies?

Even if the underground lair fails, she can still achieve her goal on her own.

There were screams on the ground and calls for rescue. A flash of compassion flashed across Xin Lang's face, and then she looked at Xu Huo, "I want to ask you a favor."

"Destroy the metal underground in Clown City?" Xu Huo said: "Last night you sent someone to kill me, but that person left as quickly as he came. Today you took the initiative to show up, and the purpose should be the props I used."

"That's right." Xin Lang nodded, "What happened just now proved that I was right, but I didn't want you to destroy the entire Clown City."

Xu Huo raised his eyebrows, "Protective wall? What are the benefits of doing this?"

"I can't give myself to you," Xin Lang smiled slightly, "but I guess that's not why you followed me here, but I can give you something good, which is definitely what any player dreams of."

The fate of a spore - Xu Huo is not sure whether this spore refers to the energy sugar in 179's hand, and this task has no clear direction, but the task is triggered when 179 is caught, and Xin Hui knows the underground lair, they

We also plan to use fungi to make a fuss, so those closely related to this task should be Xinlang and his group.

He accepted the "olive branch" offered by Xin Lang. Asking her to sacrifice her body was just an excuse for both parties to temporarily compromise.

"The statement is exciting, but how can I believe you if I can't see the real thing?" Xu Huo said: "You heard the news outside. Players from outside the area intervened. At least I want to see sincerity."

Xin Lang paused for a moment, then pointed to his wrist, "I can eliminate the fungus on your body right now, but you probably won't trust me to do it directly. Why don't we talk about it first?"

Xu Huo didn't want to stay here for long, so he followed their sisters back to the ground. A rescue vehicle came nearby. The car stopped in front of them. A young man opened the back door and said, "Sister Langlang, come up quickly!"

Several people got into the car and drove straight away from the scene of the incident.

There are rescue vehicles running everywhere now, and even the cars leaving are inconspicuous. Under the chaos, the Clown City government is obviously short of manpower and cannot control this area at all. Moreover, dust is leaking everywhere, and many people are fleeing.

Along the way, people patted the rescue vehicle and wanted to get into it, but the driver in front just accelerated the speed and directly knocked over several citizens who tried to block the car and force them to stop.

"These people have enjoyed the blood and tears of the soldiers in the cleaning area for twenty years, and now it's time to pay the price!" Xin Hui said with a ruthless expression.

"They got the benefits without knowing it, and paid for it without knowing it. It's very reasonable." Xin Lang said lightly.

Hearing this, Xu Huo couldn't help but look at her one more time.

Xin Lang remained calm and asked the young man who opened the car door to stretch out his hand. He was also infected by the fungus. There were multiple swellings of different colors on his arms and neck, his face was red, and his lips were black.

"Sister Langlang, don't waste your efforts to save me. If you die in the clown city, maybe you can help a few people to support you." The young man said with a smile.

Xin Lang grabbed his hand and scratched the back of her hand with her nails. Strangely, something like white threads dripped out of her blood. It was very thin and difficult to see without looking carefully. And those white threads

The silk flowed along her blood to the young man's arm, and penetrated along the swollen wound.

In just a few seconds, the swelling in his arm began to subside, and the strange color quickly faded. Three minutes later, all the symptoms of fungal infection on his body disappeared!

"This is the good thing I said." Xin Lang looked back and smiled.

This chapter has been completed!
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