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Chapter 648 Tracking and Threats

 The situation on Guyu's side was not good. They and some other lone players were stuck in a building.

Alien species are not zombies that can only roam on the ground. They are very capable of climbing and jumping. They even know how to search from floor to floor and come by smelling human scent. They can only choose rooms with smaller windows.

For example, hiding in the toilet.

Now that the Special Defense Department is gathering strength to narrow the blockade, there are more and more alien species nearby, and they have also missed the best opportunity to escape.

"The rescue helicopter of the Special Defense Department has been hovering nearby, but they couldn't find a place to land, and the alien species would follow the helicopter." Gu Yu said: "I don't know why, but they didn't shoot the alien species."

Xu Huo did not tell her that the alienated people could still be saved. He asked for their location and drove there.

The sound of the car attracts nearby alien species, so there are alien species approaching here along the way, but there are not many of them, and one car can bulldoze them.

But as time went by, the surrounding alien species tended to gather together. Xu Huo drove the car and looked around. There were too many buildings and the blocked areas could not see everything. He asked the painting girl: "Is anyone following us?


The painting girl pointed outside in confusion, as if asking, are those alien species not human?

Xu Huo paused, then took out the paper and put it on the steering wheel.

After using the feature "Complete Script", the handwriting is written on it out of thin air:

"...When Xu Huo drove away, he didn't notice the one-eyed owl in the tree. Its other eye was hollowed out and a fake one was filled in."

"The owl followed the car until Xu Huo drove a new car into the checkpoint and then flew away."

"There were more and more alien species around the car. Xu Huo realized that this phenomenon was not normal, so he searched around and saw but did not pay attention to a player hiding in the alien group. This player had just climbed on the roof of the car.



Before the writing was finished, a long sword penetrated the roof of the car and stabbed at the driver's seat. The metal friction made a harsh and unpleasant sound, accompanied by flying sparks!

"Squeak——!" Xu Huo avoided the long sword and slammed on the brakes, using inertia to throw the person out. Unexpectedly, when the other person fell out, his hand was stuck to the car hood. The mucus that appeared in his palm not only restrained his falling movements, but

Instead, he was allowed to use his strength to jump back onto the car and strike the painted girl with a sword!

The appearance of the other party is no different from that of a foreign species. If there is any difference, only the look in his eyes at this moment is slightly different. Although he attacked the painting girl, his attention was on Xu Huo, and he threw a mini bomb with his other hand.


He probably thought that Xu Huo would rescue the painting girl first, so as to create a time difference and, if not kill him, at least injure him.

Unfortunately, Xu Huo didn't follow the routine. The moment he drew his sword, he kicked the car door open and jumped out without hesitation.

The player's expression froze, with sarcasm in his eyes, and when he was about to pull away to follow, the end of the sword suddenly got stuck on the car glass!

"Bang!" The miniature bomb blew up the carriage, and the player was also rushed out. When he backed up, he saw the painting girl who was sitting in the co-pilot grabbing the tip of his sword and being taken out together!

This man put away his prop sword and held a gun instead. However, after several shots were fired, the bullets seemed to be submerged in a sponge and there was no response. The next second, he was kneeled on the chest and slapped in the face with a combination of punches.

Rubbing on the ground.

After receiving a few slaps, he reacted and angrily pushed the woman sitting on him over. The other person turned over his head, but then his hair was grabbed, and the woman held her tight like a shrew fighting.

His head was shaking while he pretended to cry, his mouth was grinning widely but he didn't make any cry.

"Holy shit!" The alien man grabbed her arm and twisted it with his backhand, creating a dagger. However, as soon as he raised his hand, it was cut off at the wrist. When he screamed, a shadow suddenly hit him from a distance.

There were only two crisp sounds of broken bones, and the man flew several meters away and rolled to the ground, surrounded by a swarm of aliens!

"National border!" The alien group was bounced away by a shock wave visible to the naked eye. The alien man with a bloody head turned around and tried to run away. But after taking two steps, his expression changed - a thin thread was pierced through his chest at some point!

The line is connected to his heart.

The alien man did not use the ticket to escape, but turned to Xu Huo, "Don't you want to know the whereabouts of your brother?"

Xu Huo paused for a moment, then heard him continue: "Do you dare to let me die? If I die, your little brother will be handed over to traffickers. He may be sold to some perverts with special habits, or he may be used as an organ.

The provider was raised in captivity. I heard that you used to like gambling. Do you want to take a gamble?"

The alien man stood there with his arms raised, and closed his eyes confidently facing the aliens swarming over him.

Xu Huo pulled the kite string with a gloomy expression, picked up the man and flew towards the tallest building nearby.

Instead of worrying about his situation, the heterogeneous man stimulated him and said: "Yes, just run like this. It's best to run out of the blockade. I am safe and your brother can live well!"

Xu Huo remained silent and used the strings several times to get to the top of the building. When his feet touched the ground, he did not pull the alien man up. Instead, he hung him outside the two-hundred-meter-high rooftop fence, leaving him in the wind.

Medium swing.

The heterogeneous man was hung in the air, facing up just enough to see Xu Huo standing on the fence. He laughed loudly and said: "Using this method to force the player to submit? As long as my signal disappears, the child will be delivered to the traffickers immediately.


The man standing on the fence suddenly raised his hand and let go, and the thin thread in his hand disappeared.

The remaining threatening words were blown away by the strong wind before he could finish speaking. The alien man fell down in shock, and then became extremely angry. He pulled out a button from his clothes, crushed it, and shouted to the sky: "Go to hell to find him.


"It seems this is a signal." Xu Huo's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

The alien man turned his head with all his strength, only to find that Xu Huo was falling with him. The strange thing was that he seemed not to be affected by the airflow. Although he was falling, the corners of his clothes remained intact.

In comparison, the alien man whose facial features were deformed by the blow looked particularly embarrassed, and he also saw that the signal transmitter that was supposed to turn to ashes in his hand appeared intact in Xu Huo's hand!

His face changed again. The alien man stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air. After grabbing it empty, he repeated the original action several times, and his expression gradually became panicked.

"Can't escape into the game?" Xu Huo maintained the same falling speed as him and said with a smile: "You don't think that the player's ability will never disappear, do you?"

The heterogeneous man became frightened, "It was you who did it!"

Xu Huo's demeanor did not change, but his voice was cold, "I find you people so funny. You threaten people with such unsavory means as kidnapping children and you are so proud of it. Why, do you think you will not die?"

This chapter has been completed!
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