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Chapter 682 The worm in the wound

 Most of the players present have been in the dungeon for no more than five days. Players who still have less than five days to go are not willing to take the risk. If things don't develop according to the artistic style, they may have to face the counterattack of the dungeon in the remaining time.

There were a few times that were close to each other and I was really moved.

Because they had some hallucinations.

The players who set fire to the hotel will most likely be their tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Xu Huo was not completely unfavorable about the idea of ​​artistic style.

The only problem currently is that they know too few clues. There is no mention of the rules that cannot be violated in the dungeon. It is completely up to the players to explore on their own.

The current situation is like they are livestock locked in a pen. From time to time, the owner of the pen that they are not aware of will bring a few out to kill. They can occasionally see the hands and knives stretched out, but they do not know the behavior of the pen owner.

Real rules.

As the rain became lighter, Fang Penghui looked outside and said, "Whatever we have to do will have to wait until daytime tomorrow."

Actually, at this point, the players have been clearly divided into three groups.

The first group is represented by the artistic style brother Shi, who tends to take the initiative.

The second group is Fang Penghui, Tian Kun, Wei Xian and others. They hope that players can unite to deal with the possible dungeon cleansing that will occur in two days.

The third group consisted of a few solitary players such as Xu Huo and the players in black shirts. Their thoughts were not clear at the moment, but they obviously did not want to act together with the first two groups.

"How to deal with the corpse?" Liu Shiyan asked: "If the corpse will move closer to the core of the copy, we should gain something by using this corpse."

Brother Shi walked up to the burnt player's body, took out a collar and put it around the body's waist - the body with its internal organs removed was slimmer than expected, and there were three oval-shaped signal tubes on the collar.

Seeing that the other players couldn't hold back, he explained: "The light of the signal bomb can continue to burn for two hours. Unless you are unlucky and the corpse travels too far and encounters such foggy weather, everyone can see the signal response."

s position."

"Aren't there two corpses there?" The female player beside him said nonchalantly: "It's not enough. Aren't there so many people nearby?"

Not to mention that the people in this county are not normal, even ordinary people, it is not new for players to kill people in order to pass the level.

"But don't kill too many." The female player smiled and continued, "I don't know how many players will be missing tonight."

Regardless of what other people thought, several players successively used props on the corpse to ensure that they could get the news as soon as possible before leaving the courtyard one after another.

The props have usage restrictions. It's just past twelve o'clock, and it's foggy outside. Even if the signal comes back, the players can't find it immediately, so Brother Shi and others stayed behind, planning to wait until dawn before leaving.

Xu Huo walked behind the crowd. When he was about to leave the hospital, he suddenly turned around and looked at the place where the burnt player's body was.

"What's wrong?" Yi Pei asked.

Xu Huo rubbed his temples and said, "It's nothing. I just felt someone watching us over the corpse."

Yi Pei looked over there. Even with her blurred vision, she could still see two dark holes on the corpse. She frowned and said, "Let's leave quickly."

The two went in different directions and separated after coming out.

Xu Huo was walking alone in the heavy fog, and the lighting range was limited. He had to walk along the houses on one side to his residence. However, after taking two steps, he felt that his footsteps became heavier, as if they were superimposed on another person's footsteps.


His expression suddenly darkened, he closed his eyes suddenly and turned around with a sword strike. About two seconds later, he heard a street lamp falling down more than ten meters away.

After searching around with his eyes, he picked up his sword and continued walking forward.

However, before walking too far, the footsteps that had just returned to normal became heavy again. This time, there were several more footsteps that kept the same frequency as him. There was no sound and no one.

Compared with last night, this situation seemed even weirder. The shrunken corpse was also a corpse. As long as it was an existing object, it would not be undetectable. The footsteps followed him to the left and right. If there was no one... Could it be that he was hallucinating?

Even if there is mental interference in this copy, it will not appear on him so quickly.

After thinking for a while, Xu Huo took out the "Universal Lubricant". As soon as he used the tool, a pebble as big as a grain of rice fell from behind his shoe.

"It turns out it's a prop." There were so many players just now, it was no surprise who would take action. He threw the pebbles into the luggage compartment and sped up and returned to his residence.

The old man still lit the lamp. He seemed relieved to see him back, closed the door and went back to his room to sleep.

Xu Huo sat on the makeshift bed in the main room and pulled off the gauze on his hand again to check the wound.

As expected, the injury recurred and the area of ​​redness and swelling tended to expand.

If the king bacteria doesn't have much effect, it means it is not an ordinary pollutant or toxin.

Taking out the previous potion bottle, the piece of flesh he scraped off from the wound had been soaked and turned a little white. The color of the potion had not changed, but there was a layer of grease-like substance floating on the surface.

I picked out a little bit and put it under the lamp for a closer look. I found that what was wrapped in the grease was a transparent living thing with round legs and long legs. It had low mobility and was difficult to distinguish without looking carefully.

"Bugs?" Xu Huo has been exposed to a lot of poisons and pollutants since he entered the game. Bugs only knew one kind of skinworm, a strange worm that can quickly eat human flesh and blood in a short period of time. Later, he also learned about some mutations.

According to information on insects, the more powerful mutated insects are poisonous, and the new toxins they have evolved are difficult to cure. Others like the skinworms that can simply cause skin wounds are nothing at all.

But who would have thought that such a small insect, which is no bigger than a grain of dust, can have such strange uses. It cannot be killed by medicine, and its reproductive ability is obviously good, otherwise the wound would not always be bad.

If it weren't for the self-healing agent and the player's own good recovery power, these little things would probably have eaten a lot of his flesh and blood by now.

After scraping off some rotten flesh, Xu Huo made a simple homemade water bag to wrap around the wound.

He did not empty the bugs out of the potion bottle, but threw some things such as wood chips, food, and pebbles into it, covered it again, and put it back in the luggage compartment.

After dealing with this, he lay down to rest and closed his eyes for a while. He felt that just after a while, the lights in the main room suddenly went out, and then there was a "clucking" sound from the side door, as if someone was opening the door.

Wooden door in disrepair.

"Brother Xu, Brother Xu?" the little girl's voice sounded in the darkness, "It's so dark because of the power outage. I'm a little scared. Do you have any light?"

Xu Huo sat up. The lock on the outer door of the side door had been removed for some time, and the door was also opened a crack. A strange feeling came over him: "I want to see what is pretending to be so mysterious!"

This chapter has been completed!
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