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Chapter 711 The Mystery of the Sphinx

 What the Duchess proposed seems good, but the risk is higher than simply entering the instance.

Unlike Ran Ying, the Duchess is not a player. Although she is also deliberately wooing players, she does not know the real situation in the game. It is possible to enter a C-level dungeon, but whether her teammates are stabbing in the back or digging holes, it doesn’t matter.

Hard to say.

In addition, Xu Huo just wanted to maintain a superficial friendship with the nobles in District 011.

"I still go to the D-level dungeon as planned," Xu Huo said.

The duchess left after breakfast. Xu Huo was about to try his new props again, but he didn't expect Dr. Deng to come again.

This time he changed his appearance and pretended to be a home-based gardener.

As soon as he saw Xu Huo, he took off the mask on his face, revealing a red and swollen face, "I can't stay in Area 011 anymore."

Xu Huo looked at him without surprise, "You can use your ticket to leave."

"I have never been able to get a non-player ticket, and it is even less possible to get it now." Dr. Deng said: "If you want to leave, you have to use a player ticket."

He would never get off the train alive alone.

"You can also use the same method. Many players are interested in the perfect evolution agent." Xu Huo said.

Dr. Deng sighed and said helplessly: "Not just any player can do it."

First of all, he must have a certain understanding of the perfect evolution agent, secondly, he must have enough money to at least support his research, and most importantly, he must be able to listen to what others say, otherwise he will overturn at any time.

"The people from Rongxin Group are so powerful." He added: "I was very careful, but I didn't expect that I was still targeted. The players who came into contact with me had murderous intentions. If I hadn't used a vague clue to temporarily transfer

Without his attention, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape alive."

"Why not cooperate with Rongxin?" Xu Huo said: "They are more powerful than the people you took refuge on the coast of Sayer."

"Rongxin has too many talents." Dr. Deng knew very well. "If we don't see results for a period of time, there will be many people to replace me."

Xu Huo was silent for two seconds, "I now believe that you were fired by Hengxing."

Dr. Deng took out a ticket and put it on the table, "This is the ticket for area 009. The news about Dr. Wu may be in this copy."

"I'll give you the ticket, but I'm going to hide in your place. When you come back next time, you have to send me safely to other districts. In return, I can tell you some clues that others don't know."

"Okay, what clue do you think it is?" Xu Huo received the ticket.

He agreed so readily that Dr. Deng looked hesitant.

"What?" Xu Huo laughed, "You don't want to talk anymore?"

"Didn't you want to go last time?" Dr. Deng asked.

"The situation is different. Last time you wanted to cooperate with me. This time the initiative is in my hands. I will hold the ticket first. I can go or not. Anyway, you have to fulfill your conditions later. If you don't go, I will return the ticket.

Here you go." Xu Huo said with a smile.

Dr. Deng choked up and said, "Your calculations are really loud."

"I'm still young." Xu Huo said: "Even if other players suffer from the sequelae of evolution agents, it will still take decades. Maybe by that time, medicines for the sequelae of evolution agents will already be available."

Dr. Deng observed his expression and said after a moment: "I will do as you say."

"You can stay here while I'm away, but you can only move around on the first floor." Xu Huo called Mr. Dong, "Mr. Dong, the housekeeper, will prepare the things you need."

After the people were taken away, Xu Huo put the tickets into his personal dashboard.

“Museum City of the Sun.”

Coincidentally, it is also a D-level copy.

If he didn't have a certain understanding of Dr. Deng, he would even suspect that this was the bait released by the other party.

But whether it was bait or not, he had to bite it.

Soon it was time for the dungeon in Area 009 to be opened to all wormhole points. Xu Huo prepared what he needed and boarded the dimensional train with the ticket given by Dr. Deng.

Except for a small conflict between the players midway, he arrived at Area 009 without any accidents, and the train dropped him directly outside the museum city.

[Player A has arrived at Sun Museum City and will participate in the D-level copy "Mystery of the Sphinx" by default. 】

[Background introduction: Since humans can record, worship of themselves has arisen spontaneously. Not only wisdom, but also a healthy body is one of the ultimate goals pursued by humans, especially for people with physical disabilities. 】

[Sun Museum City was built fifty years ago. The first owner who built it was a young businessman who inherited a large amount of inheritance and genetic diseases. In order to pass on the family inheritance, this young businessman not only married and had children every year, but also specially built

A city was built to study the human body. Legend has it that in the first five years after the city was founded, the number of missing people accounted for one-tenth of the country's total.】

[There are two things in this world that cannot be turned back, and that is time and disease. The young businessman died of illness before his crime was exposed. Although his ten sons each inherited part of the city, due to the announcement of the disappearance case, this eerie place

The scary city was completely abandoned until the merchant's eldest son grew up and took back the disposal rights from his other brothers and built it into a horror-themed mall to attract tourists, full of weird wax mannequins and mannequin buildings. Horror

The secret room and the doll clothing store are its enduring projects.]

[But as time went by, it was gradually discovered that many lone tourists had disappeared mysteriously in the museum. After public opinion fermented, although no bodies were found, the museum was forced to close down. So far, there are only occasional curiosity hunters.

They will enter secretly, but the rumor that living people will disappear after entering has never disappeared...]

[Dungeon mission: Solve the mystery of the disappearance.]

[Copy time: seven days.]

[Players are requested to enter the Sun Museum before 12:30 noon. If you fail to clear the level, you will not be able to obtain a return ticket. 】

After Xu Huo read the dungeon introduction, other players also arrived. In addition to the three people in the car with him, there were ten other players, making a total of fourteen people outside now.

"Everyone has seen the introduction to the dungeon, right? This time it is considered a group dungeon." An older man spoke first, "As long as you find out how the people who entered the museum disappeared, you can clear the level. If everyone cooperates, as long as

If one person discovers the truth, everyone can pass the level."

"I have no objection to cooperation." A middle-aged woman said: "But we are all competitors. Who wants to give away the customs clearance information for free?"

"Being harmonious can make you money. You can buy it with money." The elder said with a smile: "Anyway, entering the dungeon is for props and money, just like doing business."

Most of the people agreed with this proposal, and another young player said: "Go in and take a look, maybe there will be someone who gets there before us."

This chapter has been completed!
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