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Chapter 840 Abnormal

 Although he couldn't see the situation in the dark area, Xu Huo still chose a location that was convenient for observation so that he could use the features later.

But as time went by, he began to feel that the situation was a little strange.

After such a long time, no players from Area 011 have come to support, and even the players who were lured away by the Knights of Sophistication have not returned.

This is so abnormal.

What is also abnormal is the game government base. So far, only one Director Sanyang has returned to the base.

It stands to reason that important items are stored on the fifth floor of the base. After the incident, even if these items were not moved immediately, staff should have come to check the situation. Is it possible that except for those who went out to complete the mission, there was no one left in the base?

?Even if it is to protect the base building, some players should be left behind.

Shi Youzhi's move was too coincidental.

Xu Huo also visited Area 011 several times, but only this time almost all the team went out and never came back.

It is possible that the Knights of the Sound and the Holy Sword Club came to Area 011 because of the original stone, but whether this original stone really exists is still open to question. If this news is false, then the current situation makes sense.

It is a trap aimed at the Knights of Sophistication or the Holy Sword Society. There are no players rushing to rescue, either they are waiting for more people to jump in, or they do not need so many players to help at all, and there are still players who can control the situation waiting behind them.

The people at the base walked cleanly, it is difficult to say that they did not receive the wind in advance.

"Have there been any big moves in the base recently?" Xu Huo turned around and asked Wan Tingfang, "For example, a large number of items came in and out, or there were suddenly a lot of documents."

Wan Tingfang was stunned for a moment, then said: "This...I don't know, but I think Director Sanyang hasn't been very busy recently, so there shouldn't be anything."

Xu Huo narrowed his eyes and stared at her for a second before moving his gaze back to the dark area ahead, "Shi Youzhi and the others were lucky enough to go there. When the accident happened tonight, there were not many people in the base. So far, the base and Area 011

If there are no more players to support us, this will most likely be a trap."

"Have you heard about the super players in Area 011?"

Wan Tingfang paused and said, "There really are super players in Area 011!"

Area 011 not only has super players, but also super dungeons. If a super dungeon exists in a game partition, then this partition will no longer have random copies, which is why Area 011 is so stable.

Half of the super players Xu Huo has met are wanted criminals, but there are also some who abide by the rules of the game. This super player in District 011 is obviously "within the system". There is no way that he will not know about big moves in District 011.

Thinking of the weathered area he just passed, he said: "We can't stay here anymore, we have to leave first."

"Okay." Wan Tingfang nodded, "I'll just enter the dungeon."

When the two came down from upstairs, Wan Tingfang had disappeared. Xu Huo knew that she had not entered the dungeon, so he glanced in the direction she was traveling, then turned around and accelerated toward the Rose Flower Castle.

But at this moment, a huge explosion suddenly came from the dark area. Looking back, it looked like a hole had been blown out of the black top. As it receded in all directions, people flew out one after another and quickly dispersed to various parts of the city.

Direction, if you look carefully, you will find that almost all of them have a black smoke on their bodies.

The next second, Xu Huo heard the player's roar - it was not a normal human voice, but more like the howl of a wild beast!




Several figures fell on the edge of the main city area one after another, which caused other players who were still watching the excitement to immediately retreat to the distance. Several players also quietly approached the crash site. Those players did not come out for a long time, which made people feel that there was an opportunity.


These people are looking for death.

Xu Huo only looked back and didn't stop. But just for a moment, screams came from behind, and then there was a bigger commotion. Some players panicked and shouted: "They all have alien characteristics."


Xu Huo's expression remained unchanged. For the base, inducing players to degenerate is an invincible weapon. Once a player shows degenerative characteristics, even if the player does not become a mutant in a short period of time, the purpose of "killing the attacker" has been achieved.

, players who begin to degrade will only gradually decline and gradually lose their ability to think.

No player can accept this reality. Any purpose must take a back seat to saving their own lives.

Therefore, at this time, it is difficult for the players who have been recruited to fight with the base to the end - for the base, this is also a way to solve the problem.

The one with the most research and the most abundant information on alien species is the game government. Now they are enemies. Perhaps in the near future, these people will also defect to the game government.

Of course, this is not necessarily done by the base, but the result is the same.

"Help me...!" Someone from behind shouted hoarsely to his companions for help. The senior player who caught him was a red player. After degenerative features appeared on his face, his sanity seemed to have disappeared, and he bit the player's chest.


Blood spurted out for a moment, but before he died, the senior player threw him away and killed the next person.

Judging from the speed at which the other party used the props, he wasn't crazy, he was just venting his anger.

There were two other players doing the same operation, but they only killed a few players who were waiting for action and then turned their attention to looking into the dark area.

The darkness that enveloped nearly half of the city has disappeared. The base building is still standing, but other buildings in the city have been almost destroyed. The smoke and dust floating in it have not completely disappeared. A few figures can barely be seen standing there.

Among them, it disappeared again the next second.

The wind in the city stagnated for a moment, and then an arc of light bounced off from the direction of the base, passing through the entire base city in an instant. When it reached the edge of the city, time stopped.

Xu Huo was not sure if time had stopped. He turned his back to the base. When the arc of light flashed through, he froze in place. His body could not move at all. There was only a floating advertising paper in his field of vision that had not yet landed.

Although he couldn't see it, he could sense the situation in the surrounding space. Several players nearby also stopped in place like him. Those further away - they couldn't hear the sound at all, so it should be the same.

But soon there was another sound in the distance. Xu Huo tried to get the ticket and found that his body was slowly moving. After regaining control of himself, he turned around and saw that the whole city seemed to have been pressed on the pause button and took off.

Smoke, collapsed buildings, and running players all remain in motion and are frozen at a certain moment.

At the same time, he also saw a few players who were able to move like him, but at this time there was no time to investigate the reason, so he turned around and ran towards the old city.

Just as he was about to leave, the players standing there exploded one after another, including several high-level players, like frozen corpses that shattered at a touch!

It’s the last day~

This chapter has been completed!
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