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Chapter 859 Xu Huo's Illusion

 After staying up until dawn, Xu Huo dropped his cards, stood up, stretched, and first glanced at the carriage behind him.

Someone came out from behind to use the restroom. When he opened the door, he saw several headless corpses in the back corner of the carriage, two of which had varying degrees of bite marks on their bodies.

The female player has already gone to the front to open the door.

When there was a commotion last night, some players ran out of the car in front. To prevent them from sealing the car door, they had already left.

There were a lot of bloodstains in the aisle, but the front car door was completely locked, no one opened it even when I rang the bell, and even the car windows were covered to make it airtight.

The female player turned back and shrugged, "It can't be such a coincidence. It's just the three carriages behind us."

Apparently others were also skeptical of yesterday's speculation.

"Ask the flight attendant." said the player with the broken finger.

The burly player called the flight attendant, gave a small tip after ordering food, and asked about the situation in the car in front.

However, this time the flight attendant did not tell the truth, but said: "Flight attendants have professional ethics and cannot leak other players' information casually."

The burly player who had spent two thousand dollars in vain trembled on his face and touched his pocket, as if he was hesitating whether to add more money.

The flight attendant smiled and left.

Others in the carriage did not stop him from asking questions.

"What's going on with you guys?" The burly player turned around, "I'm here to find out information for everyone!"

"Brother, that's not what I meant." Xiao Xianglin said: "Can't you see? The flight attendant who came today is not in a good mood."

"Mood?" The burly player didn't associate this word with the flight attendant at all.

"Believe me, my basic skill in this business is to observe words and emotions." Xiao Xianglin said firmly.

"No one will be happy if you pay this little money to call people over so early in the morning." The player with the amputated finger laughed.

The burly player's face darkened, and just as he was about to walk out, the female player said again: "Don't you want to start a fight? That would be great. Someone will get off the bus tomorrow. If we happen to kill the person who hypnotized us, everyone will

I’ll have a good sleep tonight too.”

After hearing this, the burly player took back his steps.

There is no hope of killing the hypnotized player, but it is possible that if too many die, they will be blamed.

Silence fell in the carriage.

Xu Huo sat for a while before getting up and going to the bathroom to take out the body of the black mole player. After waiting for a while, he went to the aisle dedicated to flight attendants next to him.

However, he was stopped before he took two steps, and the flight attendant politely told him that the restaurant could not be used now.

Xu Huo did not leave a tip to inquire about the news this time, but went back to the carriage directly.

When he went back, he saw the player with the broken finger walking out. The two met each other, Xu Huo nodded, and when he turned around, he said: "I think you look familiar. Have you seen it before?"

Xu Huo smiled slightly and said, "Same feeling."

The player with the severed finger also laughed, "Maybe it's because everyone is a public face."

"It's a bit sad to say that the other person is an acquaintance of mine, but I didn't expect him to leave without even saying hello."

We hadn't seen each other just now, but now we've become acquaintances.

Knowing that the other party might have recognized him, Xu Huo showed no unnecessary expression, but said: "Brothers may turn against each other in the game, let alone acquaintances. Don't think too much, maybe others simply hate you."

The player with the severed finger laughed and said, "That makes sense. I'll ask him personally next time."

Xu Huo watched the number "Good friends come to rate" above his head jump to "9" and then drop back again, and he knew that this man was already thinking about how to kill him.

Although the two did not meet each other, when they were in the court building, he made a mark on his props, so he could be tracked immediately afterwards. It was not sure whether the other party could specifically locate Rose Flower Castle, but he

Before leaving, Bai Kou appeared, and this person only showed his right hand in the castle, and now he is missing two fingers. If it is really the same person, it is ten percent that he was forced into the game by Bai Kou.

He also ran pretty fast.

There were traces of electric shocks from torture on his hands, and his right hand happened to be injured. He was most likely the arrested C-level player of the Holy Sword Club.

If the other party hadn't tried to test it, Xu Huo would have almost thought that the other party's props could be tracked directly to the station.

Returning to his position, Xiao Xianglin immediately came over and said, "How are you, brother? Have you heard any news?"

"The restaurant in front is unavailable," Xu Huo said.

"Ah?" Xiao Xianglin was stunned for a moment, "You've been asking this for a long time. Why do you care about the restaurant if it's so dangerous?"

The fact that the restaurant cannot be used means that someone broke into a fight last night and destroyed the restaurant. The fighting was fierce. It doesn't look like someone was asleep.

"Maybe the player who beheaded people while they were sleeping went to the front and never came back." The female player looked in the mirror and adjusted her makeup, saying casually.

"Brother, you were probably hallucinating last night." Xiao Xianglin turned around and said, "Have you been injured or poisoned recently?"

Xu Huo looked at him and said, "I don't want to buy any medicine."

Xiao Xianglin patted him on the shoulder, "What do you have here? I'll give it to you. Thank you for waking me up last night!"

After saying that, he actually took out several bottles of potion, pointed to one of them and said: "I see you have dark circles under your eyes. You must not be sleeping well. This is a sleeping aid. Not to mention humans, even aliens can sleep well."

Sleep until dawn, take it and use it, keep it for safe use!"

It was hard for Xu Huo not to accept his kindness, and he spent some money to buy two bottles of evolution agent as a courtesy.

There was no 5,000 set meal at noon today. After a simple lunch, the players began to catch up on their sleep.

The carriage returned to calm, with only the faint sound of the train running, but not long after resting, Xu Huo felt the same as last night again. He suddenly stood up with his sword in hand, but this time there was no one in front of him!

The other people in the car were still alert and woke up instantly.

Xu Huo rubbed his eyebrows and said a little tiredly: "I haven't been resting well recently."

"Otherwise, let's take turns to rest." Xu Jinfeng suggested, "This way, it's impossible for everyone to have a good rest. Not everyone will get off the bus tomorrow."

If they didn't arrive at the station, they might have to stay up for two nights. In the past, just being more alert at night was enough, but now they still have to resist wearing pajamas.

Others did not object, and the people in the carriage rested in three groups.

Xu Huo wore the "Homosexual Repulsion", "Mobile Metal" and "Life Core" at the same time on his body, and then lay down on the table to rest.

It was impossible to really sleep on the train, but now he was particularly restless. It seemed that when he closed his eyes, he felt murderous intent around him, and he could not relax at all.

He did see a black shadow last night. If it wasn't the hands and feet of other players... could it be the sequelae of taking the potion?

This possibility made him frown.

But some time has passed since taking the medicine, so it is impossible for symptoms to appear now, unless there is something wrong with the medicine itself.

This chapter has been completed!
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