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Chapter 889

Xu Huo looked at the man in the raincoat and saw a "6" mixed with green, blue, yellow, black and brown.

Although it almost melts into a rainbow, the overall color is bright, so it's a good impression for the time being.

The numbers of Yousi are bright yellow, Saga tends to be white, and Xiaoxiao is green.

As for the number 18 in the corner, there is a thick black capital "7".

Others who pay attention to him are more or less emotional.

As for the property, you don’t need to look too much at the potions, but this double S-rated gift package attracts your attention.

Xu Huo opened it, and inside there was a "Dimension Crack E-Class Wormhole Point Library Borrowing Card", a Samsung member account in the public contact hall under one dimension.

The library on the library card refers to the public library established and managed by the game government. Not only E27, but all wormhole points under E level can be used.

As for the contact hall under the dimension, he quickly figured it out.

When you upgrade from D level to C level, the corresponding game permissions also increase.

First of all, C-level players can basically be called advanced players, so starting from C-level, players can get tickets to other wormhole points and go to other wormhole points to complete dungeons.

Second, the cross-region bounty on the bounty trading platform has been changed from once a month to unlimited times. In other words, from now on, he can buy and sell items and information on the trading platform anytime and anywhere, and he has the right to trade directly with the game government platform.


Third, the public contact hall under the dimension is opened. This is a player communication platform. Players can express their opinions in its authorized area. It is a place for information gathering. The Samsung member account in the gift package is here.

With Xu Huo's current level, he can only view the information about the corresponding player level in the E27 wormhole point section. This is also the most basic content that can be viewed by a one-star account. After the account is upgraded, you can see the information classified as B or A in the regional section.

Information. The permissions of a Samsung member account can also check the information of other wormhole points, but it requires a B-level player status package.

Compared with the bounty trading platform, this one focuses more on information exchange, and you can see the news and hot spots in the wormhole point.

Therefore, what Xu Huo can currently see is all the information in the E27 wormhole point.

In addition, the issuance and upgrade of accounts under the dimension are controlled by the game.

Finally, the monthly item exchange rights have been changed to unlimited times, but there is a fee. This means that in addition to being able to exchange for one more item, the backend can also provide similar items or upgraded versions. Players can replace them as appropriate, but they have to pay the price difference of the new item.


This is a bit more clear-cut than the previous exchange of one more blind box. The disadvantage is that it is not as worry-free as the game's automatic matching, and it lacks scalability. Replacing the same kind is not like exchanging one more, which may lead to some unexpected props.

In addition, when you upgrade to C level, you will receive a gift package.

[The doorbell is a time-travel portal worth three million white coins and is in limited supply. If you ring it gently, it can go back and forth between the game space and the partition space in any semi-open partition. The maximum time limit is 168 hours.]

When he saw this thing, Xu Huo stopped.

A semi-open partition is actually a new partition that has not been fully integrated into the game world. Even if ordinary players make copies in such a partition, they cannot directly enter the partition because there is a gap between the copy space and the partition space, so a space portal is needed.

The players from outside areas who first entered Area 014 probably used similar props to enter the real world of the area from the dungeon.

It is expensive and difficult to obtain. In the past two days, Xu Huo knew about the invasion of players from outside areas through the bounty platform, but he did not expect that the game would issue such props as upgrade gift packs.

In fact, it is not easy to enter a semi-closed partition. Portal props are necessary. In addition, you also need a copy of the partition ticket. Although it is a semi-closed partition, the degree of gamification in the partition will not be too high, and the number of players above D level will not be too high.

There will be too many tickets, and you need to reach D level to open the trading platform, so it is inconvenient to buy and sell tickets.

In addition, in the semi-closed zone, there are not too many high-level dungeons, which means that most of the tickets in the zone are low-level dungeons, and more of them are distributed to low-level players. When trading channels are scarce, they can be obtained immediately.

I'm afraid many people who buy tickets are trying their luck.

The reason why there are not many high-level players in the super prop incident in Area 014 is that the "Field Battle Angel" is now in the world. There are super players like Paper Fighter or some high-level players from E27 Wormhole Point.

Everyone is going to grab this super battle prop that has been famous in many wormhole points. Compared with a super prop with unknown attributes, this one is obviously more worth fighting for.

Moreover, "Field's Battle Angel" was made public by the Field family and allowed other players to obtain it. As for the super props in Area 014, finding the winner is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

However, Xu Huo also realized at this time that the super prop incident in Area 014 was not completely without sequelae.

Although the super props are only announced for this wormhole point, advanced players can spread the news in the lobby under the dimension. As the influence expands, a large number of low-level dungeon tickets for area 014 and other wormhole points will gradually appear on the bounty trading platform.

Advanced players can also come to Area 014 in the future and repeat the original coercion method of the Knights of the Sound - although under normal circumstances the prop holder should escape into the instance and never come back, there is no harm in trying.

Therefore, the props were "snatched by an unidentified super player" at that time, which brought the matter to a real end. Otherwise, Area 014 would be in endless trouble.

168 hours, Xu Huo looked at the introduction of the props, which was seven days. No wonder those people came and went as fast as they came.

This prop was temporarily unavailable. He opened the folder and was about to go directly to the next copy, but after opening it, he paused and turned to look at the people around him, "What's the matter?"

Liu Xiaoxiao held the dagger he gave him and said, "You didn't take this back."

When the invisibility cloak came up, Xu Huo took it away, "I'll leave the dagger for you to defend yourself. It's not a high-end item."

After a pause, he took some more money and gave it to her, "I just got this ticket from someone else. I don't know if this zone is good or bad. You try your luck."

Liu Xiaoxiao declined with a red face, "Too many... No, no, I'm not here to ask for money... I just want to say thank you again..."

"No need." Xu Huo said sincerely. He saved people, but she also helped him pass the test.

"If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely repay you." Liu Xiaoxiao accepted the money, "Can you tell me your player nickname?"

It is not convenient to tell the real name, but the player nickname can be seen from the ranking list.

Xu Huo glanced at the pure-colored numbers on her head and said with a smile: "Perhaps this will never happen to me again, just think of me as an ordinary passerby."

An ordinary passerby asks for a few ordinary monthly tickets to make an ordinary one thousand! ヾ(°°) Good night!

This chapter has been completed!
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