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Chapter 901 Indigenous People

 So several big countries proposed to provide some resources and manpower, and let those who are willing to go out and build safe bases to do it themselves. The completed bases will be responsible for themselves and will be independent of the country from now on. In fact, after the fall of the whole region, there will be no "

the concept of “country”.

Before the W37 base fell into the siege of the alien species, it was a zone with good technological development and a good degree of evolution. Logically speaking, with so many players, it is not too difficult to intercept the alien species - manpower is limited, but thermal weapons with great destructive power

Not lacking.

The bad thing is that countries hinder each other. Some want to take advantage of the crisis to devour some countries and their resources. Instead, alien groups have become natural weapons that can be manipulated and exploited. Therefore, those players who have encountered the crisis of national destruction have

launched a revenge.

For players who can move at high speeds, armories, weapons bases, and even the army are all targets. They have a mentality of perishing together. If they blow up one weapons base, they will not lose anything, but if they blow up two, they will gain blood. They may not need to sacrifice their lives.

After a period of random killings between countries, someone took advantage of the loophole.

Yes, other game partitions come to rob you, which is one of the reasons why W37 crashes so quickly.

It's just that the part about leaving the safe base to find another place to live is not like being sent to find food sources as stated in the background of the dungeon. Most of the people are losers in factional struggles, as well as some worthless old and weak people.

The original 37 bases were built, destroyed, and rebuilt again. Although the number is still maintained, the people in charge of the bases have long been different.

However, several larger security bases with better resources are still controlled by player alliances that were born out of the country.

The number and quality of players in these bases are higher than those in other bases.

But bases that grow wildly are not all waste. If a base city cannot hold on, others will naturally take over. Among them, several super strong bases have been born, and the W006 base where the virus first broke out is one of them.

According to the information in the library, the person in charge of Base 006 at that time discovered a child who was immune to the heterogeneous virus - two-thirds of the people who died from the heterogeneous virus may have died from direct attacks, but one-third were due to

In post-injury viral infections, drugs targeting heterogeneous viruses are not 100% effective, nor are they 100% effective against heterogeneous virus species. However, as long as the virus is not accumulated and heterogeneous in the body due to evolution, there is room for rescue.

Base 006 probably had the same idea, so it launched human research on the immune child. However, the cause of the immunity was not found, and instead the researchers infected the child with germs that brought down the entire base.

Although Base 006 immediately blocked the city, the virus still spread and killed fifteen security bases at once.

Due to this epidemic and the addition of alien species, these destroyed bases have not been rebuilt. The remaining handful of people are also regarded as alien species. Let alone rescue, it is useless to throw away any food when passing by.

If you are willing - if you are not able to solve the virus, then solve the source of the virus.

When all the people die, the disease will naturally disappear.

It seems that only the W11 base has not given up and has been looking for ways to defeat the virus.

This is the reason for the destruction of half of the base cities, but from the perspective of other bases, the destruction of these bases gave them some breathing time, because afterwards other bases divided up all the resources of the destroyed bases, whether it was the food they saved

It may also be an underground water source that can be mined, or mineral resources that can be traded with other subdivisions.

Of course, the fall of fifteen base cities does not necessarily have to be viewed from the perspective of conspiracy theories, but with limited resources, it is inevitable that these bases will compete with each other.

The information found in the lobby under the dimension is about the comings and goings of some bases. It is not uncommon for search teams to get angry, and it is not surprising to say harsh words from a distance. In short, the situation is not good.

In addition to these basic information, Xu Huo also obtained a complete map of the W37 base station. In addition to the base's urban distribution, natural landform changes, and some habitat markings of heterogeneous populations, it is worth noting that the climate of the entire base station has changed greatly.

Sometimes the temperature reaches 40 degrees Celsius at noon, and at night it snows heavily and drops to minus 20 degrees Celsius, or even worse.

It is difficult for ordinary people to endure the harsh environment in the wild.

It seems that the climate in the place where a safe city can be built is relatively stable. At least Xu Huo, who was wearing protective clothing, did not feel too cold.

After copying the map, I left a message at the bottom of the fake map sold under the dimension. Unexpectedly, as soon as I sent it out, someone replied: "Is what you said brother true or false? If this is false, you have the real one in your hand."

Is it? I’ll buy it at a high price.”

Xu Huo looked at the ID "Lord of the Gods" and was silent for a second, then sold a copy for 50,000 white coins.

When he walked out of the library, Ding Wei was still nearby, a little farther away than before. He pretended not to notice her. He returned to the roof of the building where he was just now. Shangguan Xi, who was squatting in the corner, came over with a smile, "Brother Xu,

I bought a map. The map was updated three days ago, so it must be accurate!"

"How are you sure it's a real map?" Xu Huo said.

"Weather." Shangguan Xi said: "The map shows that there is heavy snow at W37 base. Someone mentioned before that there was a sudden heavy snowfall at W37. It is usually high temperature around here and heavy snow is not common. That's right!"

Xu Huo nodded and prepared to start again.

The center of the base is surrounded by a protective net. The fifty-meter-high protective net looks a bit in disrepair, and has been repaired in many places. It seems that it cannot protect against large alien species.

However, there are trumpet-like instruments distributed at intervals within the protective net, which should be the main equipment for dealing with alien species.

"Don't make too much noise." The young man led them around to a building and entered the surrounded area through the basement passage.

A school is enclosed by a protective net. The road leading from the dormitory area to the teaching building is covered with partitions. The playground in front is also covered with raincloths. When Xu Huo and the other three entered, there were still people active in the playground. They talked cautiously, and everyone was talking.

He didn't make too much noise, but when he saw someone walking in, they all showed longing eyes.

Two children ran over. They had some unsightly spots on their faces. They didn't say anything when they came to Xu Huo and the others, they just looked at them with drooling eyes.

The young man touched their heads and led Xu Huo and Shangguan Xi into the dormitory building.

There were more people living in the dormitory building. When they went upstairs, a middle-aged woman came out silently. The young man whispered: "I will take them to find Teacher Ai. They are going to Base 19."

The middle-aged woman silently moved out of the way, and the other aborigines stood at the door or in the corridor and looked at them silently, as if they were dying bodies, lingering and gasping for breath only because the inside of the body was completely rotten before they could swallow that breath.


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