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Chapter 920 The second bullet

 You couldn't see the blood spurting out in the dim light, but you could see the way Ding Wei fell. After her body fell to the ground, a figure quickly left beside a pillar not far away and entered directly.

The driveway leading to the fourth floor.

After he left, Xu Huo walked out from the shadow in the distance.

After the space evolved to the super level, the range of his mental control also expanded accordingly. Of course it was not enough to cover the entire underground parking lot, but more than a hundred meters was no problem.

And he placed the spiritual world at the entrance of the parking lot. The light will affect people's judgment. People who enter this range will fall into hallucinations unknowingly. For example, Ding Wei and Zhao Jiahuai, who came just now, have actually been in the same place.

After spinning around, neither Ding Wei, who was killed, nor Zhao Jiahuai, who later escaped, reached the upward or downward lanes.

As for the tattooed man who chased him in, Xu Huo placed the "little mushroom cloud" in front of the blood stain he was pursuing. He estimated that the time was almost up, so he walked through the space and returned to the entrance of the parking lot, and then "Go to the destination"

Put some distance between you and this building.

With a loud bang, the parking lot building quickly collapsed. The violent impact and smoke rushed to the surroundings instantly. Because there were some dilapidated buildings around and had been eroded by wind and rain for many years, when the impact dispersed, the city within a kilometer range was

One layer quickly dissolved as if soaked in water, and the building slightly closer to the center of the explosion was blown to pieces!

Xu Huo stood at a high altitude and looked down at the explosion area. After two seconds, he raised his eyebrows and said, "He's not dead yet."

Only one Zhao Jiahuai died in this explosion, and one of the props in the inheritance information displayed on the game panel belonged to him.

However, his real purpose of going to the underground parking lot was not to kill a player. The position of the car had been displayed there before, but after getting down, he immediately realized that this was just a cover-up, and there was no one inside - the player who stole the off-road vehicle was blurred.

The effect of positioning props.

Looking around, Xu Huo did not see the car appearing. Instead, he spotted the baby-faced player and Shangguan Xi who were approaching the south gate.

Turning around, he went to the south gate.

Shangguan Xi was carrying Teacher Ai on his back as he shuttled through the streets. During this period, he said, "Brother Xu is safe over there. No one is chasing us."

Teacher Ai said with a dark face: "How can we go to W37 without a car? He won't blow up the car as well!"

"If it blows up, just blow it up," Shangguan Xi said, "There are so many props, there is always a way to get there."

"It's almost impossible to walk through no-man's land with living samples!" Teacher Ai said: "You can survive on your own, but can you still guarantee the survival of the samples?"

Shangguan Xi laughed, "Whether we can pass the level is our business, why are you worrying so much?"

Teacher Ai was not polite, "Whether you pass the customs or not has nothing to do with me, but I am going to W37. If I don't have a car, will you take me with you?"

"Of course not." Shangguan Xi replied casually.

Teacher Ai gritted his teeth and tried to search for Xu Huo, but he saw the baby-faced player first and couldn't help but remind Shang Guan Xi, "Someone is catching up."

"He's not chasing us." Shangguan Xi said, "He would have been here a long time ago."

As he spoke, he stopped, turned back and said to the baby face: "The living sample will die if it dies. If you pester Brother Xu, you will lose both sides, and it is not cost-effective at all!"

The baby-faced boy looked at him with a straight face, and just as he was about to say something, he suddenly looked in another direction, and immediately changed his course as if facing an enemy.

Xu Huo fell from the sky and said: "The player who stole the car should be here. Where is the sample?"

"Did you see the thing that looks like a lightning rod standing on the roof of the building? The living sample should be over there." Shangguan Xi said: "I met two players when I came here just now. I heard what they said, but one of them is very powerful.

There are players nearby, and no one can get close to the sample."

"I don't know the specific situation...Brother Xu, does this look like you are waiting for something?"

"What are you waiting for?" Xu Huo responded.

"It's either waiting for the bus or waiting for someone." Shangguan Xi said: "Either the player is injured and can't walk, or the props are restricted and can only be used in fixed places. It doesn't work well when leaving here or moving, no matter what.

In every situation, you need to find someone to cooperate."

"There are two questions," Xu Huo said: "First, are you sure the other party has no partners? The person who robbed the car may be someone else's teammate. Second, even if what you said is true, why is the other party hiding and not showing up?


Now there is no movement from the player who stole the car, and there is no movement from the living sample, which is sitting there motionless.

Xu Huo glanced aside and said, "Find someone to ask."

"You want to ask..." Shangguan Xi had left before he finished speaking, and he didn't know which direction he went, so he had to carry Teacher Ai on his back and continue walking to the south gate, "Maybe Brother Xu is lucky enough to

After we grab the sample, we'll go over and wait."

Teacher Ai's lips moved, but he didn't say anything. His expression was just a bit mocking, but he didn't know whether he was mocking Shangguan Xi for being too whimsical or mocking him for putting all the risks on his teammates.

Xu Huo easily found an injured female player in the corner of a building. He stopped ten meters away and proactively said, "You've been here for a long time, right? I want to ask you about something."

Then he threw a bottle of antidote at the other party, "Try this."

The female player took the antidote and looked at him suspiciously, "What do you want to know?"

Xu Huo pointed to the living sample.

The female player chuckled, "You also want to steal live samples? Then I advise you to give up this idea."

"That living sample is just a bait to lure players into being fooled."

"The item above the building is probably not owned by a C-level player."

"Based." Xu Huo's expression remained unchanged.

"Players outside can't enter the building at all." The female player said: "It's not blocked by people, but blocked by the building. As soon as you get close, the streets and houses will automatically extend to the outside, infinitely extending the distance between people and the building."

"Could it be an illusion?" Xu Huo asked.

The female player gave him a cold look and said, "You can go and see for yourself whether it's true or not."

Xu Huo raised his hand to signal her to calm down, "According to what you said, the living sample is just a bait. Since the other party wants to hunt the player, they shouldn't allow the player to get close."

The female player shut her mouth and didn't plan to say anything more.

Xu Huo thanked him and left, then asked two more players to ask.

They were probably all shocked by the operation of the player who controlled the living sample. Instead, other players experienced a brief period of peace and were even willing to share some news, because some people had been guarding for a day but made no progress. Everyone was waiting for someone.

Break the situation.

Their descriptions of the effects of props are similar to those of female players, but their speculations on motives are different.

But in summary, there are two obvious facts.

This chapter has been completed!
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