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Chapter 93 Drawings behind the wall covering

 Gu Yu had strong confidence on her face, she thought that no player would refuse such a good thing.

Because the mutual aid association basically does not have to bear any responsibility other than helping to find tickets and props internally, or downloading dungeons together. Unlike official players, who must carry out government orders, they must go even to extremely dangerous dungeons.

Where can I find such a good thing without having to pay too much of a price and still survive?

"If you mean a group of novice players huddled together to keep warm, then no need." Xu Huo turned around and walked upstairs.

Gu Yu was stunned and quickly caught up, "Why? Your evolution rate is only 10%. Most members of the mutual aid association have exceeded this number and are stronger than you. At least someone will stand up when you need help."

Xu Huo smiled, "You only have one life, but the dungeon is full of dangers. How many times can the members of the mutual aid association you mentioned help?"

"If the new members need help from the old members, your core members won't be enough to fill the dungeon."

"Of course it's impossible to ask someone to bring it with you every time you enter a dungeon, but the mutual aid association can still provide channels for things like tickets and props. Even if it's just a trading platform, it's convenient." Gu Yu retorted.

"Then besides you, who else is the leader of this mutual aid association?" Xu Huo asked.

Guyu gritted his teeth and said, "There is another D-level player who is also a good friend of mine."

"In other words, one of you contributes money and the other contributes, and you want to win over a large number of players and control resources with the slogan of mutual benefit, right?" Xu Huo directly explained her purpose.

"Don't speak so harshly." Gu Yu said solemnly, "Shouldn't the players unite?"

"The game Dimension Rift has become a disaster for all mankind. In addition to black and white players, cannibal players and cannibalistic evolvers are constantly appearing. If we don't stick together in the early stage, it will be even more difficult in the future."

"What you said is neither right nor wrong." Xu Huo stopped on the stairs and looked back at her two steps up. "It is right that players will be in a more difficult situation in the future, but if what you want is to turn the tide for all mankind, to be honest,

You can't do it."

Guyu raised her face unconvinced, "You underestimate women."

"This has nothing to do with gender. No one can do it."

"Do you think being a player means you are strong? Not to mention other things, you can't just provide a trading platform. One D-level player, two or three E-level players are enough to deal with him."

"Furthermore, do you know how many cannibal players have died at the hands of the government? They died under the gunfire of what you call ordinary people."

"So what?" Gu Yu lowered his voice angrily, "Why don't you do it because it's difficult? Because I'm weak, what I have to do is ridiculous? Players are not strong enough, but there are more ordinary people. Could it be that they

Should we just wait to die?”

Xu Huo laughed in surprise, "That's not what I meant."

Gu Yu took two hurried steps to get rid of him, "Forget it, talking to someone like you who is just getting along is a waste of time!"

She entered the room first and asked without looking back: "Is this the room you are talking about?"

"Yes..." Before Xu Huo finished speaking, he saw her take out a gun and shoot three times at the wall.

The appearance of this gun looks similar to that of an ordinary gun. When fired, the sound is not loud, closer to a paintball gun, and the bullets fired are also colored.

The three cyan bullets turned into liquid on the wall, and instantly melted the wall covering attached to the black metal into a large hole, revealing the black metal inside.

"This doesn't work?" Gu Yu frowned, then turned a colored wheel under the handle of the gun to the white one, and fired a shot at the wall.

The white bullet also melted like the cyan bullet, but the difference was that the white liquid melted into a shallow hole on the black metal wall. The mixed black liquid flowed to the ground and quickly dried and condensed.

into a long metal strip.

Gu Yu went over and tried it, and it kept breaking. She proudly said to Xu Huo, "I bought this gun through the mutual aid association."

"Awesome." Xu Huo said perfunctorily, walked over and opened the edge of the wall covering and took a look.

"Huh? There are pictures on it." Gu Yu glanced at it.

"It's a drawing." When Xu Huo inspected the room, he only uncovered the wall covering at the corners, but he didn't expect that there was a hole in the middle.

He asked Gu Yu to move things away from the wall, and then covered the entire wall, and the complete drawing was displayed in front of him.

"What are the circles drawn?" Gu Yu couldn't understand.

"It's a circuit diagram, it's a little different from what we usually use." Xu Huo clicked on the three places above, "Each of these three places has a ground cage and a switch next to it."

This picture contains the wiring distribution of the entire Decibel Town. Every inch of the town is covered with wires, including the woods around the town and the outermost wall.

"Strange." His eyes stayed on the edge of the drawing.

Gu Yu, who was trying to find the switch, stopped and asked, "What's weird?"

“There are too many electric gates in the fence.” It’s not surprising that the gate is powered and opened, but there are electric gates every 20 meters on the fence, which is very strange.

"Perhaps they are mechanically spliced. They can be disassembled after being installed." Gu Yu said: "How else would a seventy or eighty meter wall be installed?"

"But no matter how many electric switches there are, it's useless. There's no electricity everywhere in the town. Only the bells are still ringing."

"If the electric switch of the ground cage works, we can turn off the electric switch directly without having to demolish the house."

"It can't be closed." Xu Huo said: "Those are automatic gates. They will close when the clock strikes the time, and then open again when it is finished. Since the clocks in the town can be used, the electric gate of the ground cage should also be operating normally. If you close it forcefully, it will open when the time comes.

It will still open."

Guyu opened his mouth to say something, and then heard him say: "It's even more impossible to destroy. These wires are connected to the east and west gates. The mission of this copy is to leave the town. The two gates are currently the only places where you can leave the town."

, if the gate is burned out, the gain outweighs the loss."

"Besides, the electric switch is most likely underground. In such a big town, where can we find the entrance?"

"I'm so happy for nothing." Gu Yu held back a sentence for a while, and then slowly moved the things in the room to other rooms. She planned to take off all the wall coverings to take a look.

They had to move it soon anyway, so Xu Huo also came to help, taking out the toys and bedding together with the notes on the ground that Gu Yu hadn't noticed.

Soon everything in the room was moved around, and the two of them worked together to remove the wall covering, but they didn't find anything useful this time.

"It's almost time." Xu Huo said, "We have to go out."

When they returned to the main street, the bus had already accelerated towards this direction, and Lin Pei and three others were also on the bus. They had explored the last area of ​​the town.

Lin Pei said: "The alien species discovered just now is the one that attacked us in the mayor's office building. It seems that there are only three alien species in the town at the moment."

This chapter has been completed!
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