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Chapter 961 Bird Tower and Promise

 As early as during the fight, Xu Huo's spiritual world had quietly covered the Bird Tower. He went down from the top floor and saw two people on the sixth floor. Although they didn't come up, they should be preparing to meet the woman.

There are four people on the third floor, including Xiong Qing and Teacher Ai.

The two of them had obviously received a severe beating. Xiong Qing fell to the ground with injuries all over his body. Teacher Ai was slightly injured, but the player in red pushed him to his knees on the ground and inserted a slender ox-hair needle into the back of his head.

As the long needle advanced, Teacher Ai's expression visibly changed from resistance and pain to numbness. In just a few seconds, he knelt on the ground.

"Two cripples are quite okay." The player in red slapped Teacher Ai before getting out of the way.

His companion, a gloomy man, frowned impatiently after hearing this: "Get down to business quickly, don't waste time."

"W37 is going to be in chaos soon. We have a lot of time." The player in red said with a smile: "I didn't expect to come here to watch this drama, which saves us the effort to do it."

The gloomy man seemed impatient to talk about this, and pointed at Teacher Ai with his chin, "This person most likely knows how to use the Bird Tower. Check his background. Maybe he is from the base city."

The player in red raised his hand and took out a handheld instrument, and randomly inserted the needle on Teacher Ai's body. The genetic analysis data immediately appeared on the screen of the instrument. Half a minute later, the interface showed that Teacher Ai's genetic data existed in the data.

An ID card pops up on the side of the screen.

"Damn, it's still a big fish, this person is Luo Changren!"

The gloomy man looked serious, walked over to check the information, and touched Teacher Ai's face, "I thought he had been killed a long time ago, but I didn't expect that he had plastic surgery and changed his identity and came to the W37 base city.


"The SE virus was brought back by this old guy." The player in red said with some confusion: "The Bird Tower was originally built to launch the detoxification vaccine. What is he doing here? Does he still have the SE virus in his hand? Wasn't the virus sample originally used?

Have they all been destroyed?”

The gloomy man looked at him speechlessly, "If they were all destroyed, where did the original samples in your hand come from? Base City 01 was besieged at that time, and the original samples may have long been in the hands of different base cities, W37

The current chaos is proof of that.”

The player in red touched his chin, "It makes sense. Since Luo Changren was able to run out, it makes sense that he still has the original sample of the SE virus in his hand. Anyway, he helped us complete the mission. Let's just kill the person and go back to deliver the work. In the past few days in W37

I'm so frustrated. Every day I hear what the old woman says about swearing against time, and then seeing a group of players surrounding her like worker bees makes me want to vomit. The base government and law enforcement teams all appear serious on the surface, and they dare not love these people.

I like to penetrate old women’s crotches!”

The gloomy man seemed to be accustomed to his "simple-mindedness" and automatically omitted the second half of his sentence, "There is no need for bird towers to spread the SE virus. The role of bird towers is to cover at least one base city with the detoxification vaccine. Now other bases

The city's bird tower has been basically demolished, and Luo Changren came here to show that he has SE's antidote vaccine in his hand."

"Wake people up and find out the whereabouts of the antidote vaccine."

After he finished speaking, he stepped away. The player in red pinched his fingers and walked to Teacher Ai, Luo Changren, and gently moved the steel needle on the back of his head. Luo Changren's eyes became slightly clearer, but they were not sober enough.

It's a bit like waking up from sleep.

The player in red did not directly ask him about the antidote vaccine, but first asked for his identity information several times.

For the first three times, Luo Changren insisted that his surname was Ai, that he was from the W19 base, and that his previous occupation was an engineer. Only on the fifth time did he say his name was Luo Changren with a painful expression.

The player in red was very proud of his method and continued to ask with a smile: "How did you escape from Base City 01 in the first place?"

"Gao Zhen... let me go..."

"Gaozhen?" The player in red did not have this name in his memory and asked: "Who is Gaozhen?"

"Mayor of W37 Base City."

The red player chirped disdainfully, "What's your relationship with her?"

"It doesn't matter..." Luo Changren said intermittently: "I promised her... to bring the SE gene virus vaccine back to W37..."

"So you have the antidote vaccine for the SE virus?"

This time Luo Changren didn't answer. The player in red waited for two seconds and asked again: "Have you slept with that old woman... Gao Zhen?"

The gloomy man frowned, but the player in red smiled at him, then turned to look at Luo Changren, "Is Gao Zhen's skills good?"

Luo Changren's expression twisted, "I don't know..."

"That's right, Gao Zhen is also the mayor of the base city after all. You can't drag him to bed just because he's a man." The player in red made fun of the female mayor without any bottom line, "If she were twenty years younger, I'm sure

Come to your door to ask for advice!”

He laughed to himself for a while, then turned around to see the gloomy man staring at him expressionlessly, and couldn't help but restrain his smile, "It's boring to go on missions with you."

"Don't ask nonsense," the gloomy man said: "The two of them neither went to see the female mayor, nor did they carry vaccines with them. It is very likely that there are other helpers. Ask who they are and when they will meet."

The player in red nodded and asked questions as he was told, but Luo Changren kept silent when it came to vaccines, and his resistance was very strong. After asking twice more, he started to sweat profusely and twitch.

The player in red had no choice but to pull the needle out a little, "The psychological defense is quite tight, I'm afraid I won't be able to ask anything."

The gloomy man nodded, "Then ask him directly. For the sake of the lives of our companions, I believe he will relent."

"It makes sense." The player in red smiled, stretched out his hand to pull out the needle, slapped Luo Changren hard twice, woke up Luo Changren and spat at him, "How dare a person like you still survive? I have never seen anything like this in my life.

No one has killed as many as you!"

Luo Changren opened his eyes slightly and quickly calmed down, "Let's do it."

"Isn't it too easy to kill you like this?" The player in red said, holding up his collar: "I'm a little strange, since Gao Zhen released you because of the vaccine, why didn't you go to her after you had the vaccine?

You have to sneak up to the Bird Tower yourself."

Luo Changren didn't show his emotions at all, "I won't say anything. Just kill me. I have killed so many people and I should have died to apologize long ago."

"It's not that easy to die!" The player in red threw him back to the ground and said to the gloomy man: "Just ask."

The gloomy man walked up to Luo Changren, squatted down and looked at him, "You have the vaccine in your hand, right? Since you think your own life is not important, you must consider the lives of your companions."

"Hand over the vaccine and I can let him go."

This chapter has been completed!
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